Tell tales of your own forgetfulness/ absentmindedness!

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19 Aug 2007, 11:04 pm

Once when living in a rooming house the bathtub got plugged and a plumber was called in to fix it; he put a strainer basket in (it was screwed down into the drain) so that hair wouldn't get caught in the pipe anymore; but the problem was, I didn't know why he had called in and thought he had just put that in because he had replaced the pipe or something and just put a different one in. So whenever I took a shower I didn't take the hair out of the drain and the tub filled up (I thought the pipe was just backing up-- too much water). Even after I learned why the strainer basket was in there I still kept forgetting to take the hair out of the drain, or took some or most of it out but not all of it. So the tub was half full of grayish water with some hair in it, and this guy who went in to take a shower got really mad and when me and my mom both denied doing it (I only remembered it might have been me after I adamantly denied it was me) he got madder and shouted at us not to play games with him; he was a rather temperamental in-bred Frenchman.

I also left the doors unlocked several times, for different reasons I forget or jsut because I forgot.

I'm bored so now I'm starting boring threads. :P


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19 Aug 2007, 11:35 pm

It's not boring! It's awesome! 8)

I absent minded a few things, but I can't talk about them on here.

"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."


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19 Aug 2007, 11:44 pm

Oh cummon, wout with it! We all post our embarrassing moments here! :D

Or is is something personal like your PIN or your IP address? Oooooooh, better change it!


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19 Aug 2007, 11:50 pm


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20 Aug 2007, 12:28 am

My first 2 boys were only 20 months apart in age.

My oldest son had started daycare (2/week) when he was 15 months old.

When my second son was 5 days old I drove to daycare to drop off the oldest.

I took the baby in his pram and parked him in the corner while I got the oldest settled.

I got back in the car .... had a vague feeling I'd forgotten something. I was halfway home when I realised ........

I've forgotten the baby!



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20 Aug 2007, 12:41 am

The time the microwave broke at the nuclear power plant and I decided to put my TV dinner on the nuclear reactor and turn off all the cooling systems so I could heat it up fast. Would have worked fine but I got side track playing solitaire and thats the real story of
3-mile Island. :)


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20 Aug 2007, 12:50 am

I keep forgetting to get spare keys made... and I keep forgetting my keys inside the house yet locking the door when I leave. In the past 2 months, I've had to call my boyfriend probably 10 times for him to come unlock the door for me (he has keys still from when he lived here thank god, lol). He's had to unlock the door before classes before, making him run half an hour late to class. Well, I guess he doesn't have to, but he does it so the kids and I don't have to sit out in the heat, and so we can go to the grocery store or whatever we need to do (my car keys are on the same key chain as my house keys). I always have to go find a random neighbor I've never talked to before to use their phone to call him, lol.

I've forgotten I was taking my son to school before and tried to drop him off at Walgreen's just because I was thinking of both things at once.

I always forget one very essential item on my shopping list to make dinner, so I put away groceries then have to head right back out every time.

I often make tons of lists so I don't forget what I need to do or what I need to get from the store, and forget the list or forget that I have it with me. Sometimes I just lose the list.

I always take my shoes off in the exact same spot every day, and I still manage to lose them.

Any time I talk to someone on the phone to find out how to do something, I have to call back 4-5 times because I can't remember more than one direction at once, so I call back to confirm what I'm supposed to do, or ask for what to do next.

I can be looking right at my instructor's syllabus (college classes), see the homework that is due the next day, and still for some reason I think there is no homework. Other times I cannot remember whether or not I did the homework. I've turned in late/make-up work just to find out I already turned in the assignment on time before.

When I think of something I really need to tell my boyfriend, I will call him up and instantly forget what I needed to tell him. Sometimes I call 10 times within half an hour because I keep remembering it then forgetting it instantly when he picks up the phone. I never remember to write it down, or I write it down and cannot figure out why it is so important or I don't comprehend what I've written.

I also have a knack for completely forgetting his phone number. The other day I must have called 6 other numbers, one of them several times (because I'd forgotten I'd already called it and it was wrong)-luckily the guy didn't seem too annoyed. Numerous people got messages on their machines with me saying "I'm sorry if this is not the right number, I'm trying to get ahold of Mike ____ and cannot remember his phone number." I even left that message on his machine... 4 times, not once realizing that it was the right number because I was so confused by that point. The only reason I called so much was to try to get ahold of him and I was freaking out because I didn't know his number, so I NEEDED that confirmation. I thought I was going insane, lol.

I forget my own birthday, and get my birthday mixed up with the actual date, or with my son and daughter's birthdays. It looks really bad on official forms, lol.

I almost ALWAYS burn something when cooking dinner. I tend to babysit food while it is cooking due to this reason, but it doesn't help. I wander off at some point almost every time and completely forget that I'm cooking dinner. Other times, I forget how long something has been cooking. If the package says cook it for 15 minutes, I will cook it for exactly 15 minutes-as if it's going to blow up if I cook it shorter or longer. If I cannot remember how long it has been or if I forget to set the oven timer, I'll throw away the whole dish and start over. (It's the food that has no guidelines or a box to tell me what to do that I always burn.)

I overflow the bathtub on a regular occasion. I leave the kitchen sink running and walk off a lot to do something else. Somehow I guess I manage to tune out the water running-guessing I just get too focused on other things.

Sorry for the long post...

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20 Aug 2007, 1:34 am

1- The door to the flat I live in automatically locks when you shout the door. It has a double lock. One locks automatically and the other is a deadbolt. Occasionally,I have locked myself out and my keys in. Even worse this generally has happened in the evening after the manager has gone home. I have to wait around for the building security (thankfully, my block of flats has personal security) to unlock my door. I have to really try to be more on the ball with this one as there is now a $35.00 fee for this service after 5 in the evening and on weekends/holidays. Still cheaper than a lock smith though!

2- I'll have something in the oven, get distracted (usually, go online and loose track of the time). I have lost a few expensive dishes this way. Not to mention annoyed my neighbours by the smoke activating my smoke detector.

3- I've overflowed the bath tub and wash basin before several times. There is a medical office directly under my flat. Every time this has happened the next morning I get an irate person banging at my door from their office. One time they had to have their waiting area fitted carpet replaced because of this. They threatened to have me billed, but didn't, thankfully.

4- I talk alot so I tend to forget if I have told some one something. People usually cut me off and say "you have told me this ___ number of times." I personally hate being cut off. It wouldn't kill them to hear it one more time, it's not like I do it to purposely be annoying. When I get cut off I completely loose my train of thought.

5- I put away an important paper of something so I wouldn't loose it and guess what, I forget where I put it so that I wouldn't loose it. How ironic is that?

I'd post more but I have forgot what I wanted to post.

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20 Aug 2007, 3:02 am

nobodyzdream wrote:
I leave the kitchen sink running and walk off a lot to do something else.

I do this a few times every week. I've decided this is multi-tasking because I'm 'mopping' the floor as I wipe up the puddle!

Once I couldn't find my middle son. I was in an absolute panic - running round the house and out in the garden yelling out his name.

I was just about to call the police when I 'found' him - he was on my hip! I was so used to carrying the 3rd son around all the time on my hip, I didn't realise my 2nd son was there.

Of course, sons 1 and 2 both have Asperger's and were in their own little worlds, so didn't think to tell me where 'lost' son was.



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20 Aug 2007, 3:10 am

TheTraditionalFrog wrote:
5- I put away an important paper of something so I wouldn't loose it and guess what, I forget where I put it so that I wouldn't loose it. How ironic is that?

lol, that's what I do with my lists. Isn't it ANNOYING??? There have been times I swear I left a paper or something on the table-nothing else on it, just it sitting there so I can't possibly lose it and I will be able to find it super easy in the morning. I have no clue what happens, but I swear almost as soon as I put it down, it dissappears somewhere! I never know where I wandered off with it after that point.

I've also started making paper trails. If I have one piece of paper I really need, I'll put it in a BIG envelope and put it somewhere, then I put that on a list, to get it from that spot. I also make a post-it note with it saying where it is, then I put where it is on every little note type thing I can find-on my cell phone, organizers, calenders sometimes and I've started putting it on my screensaver. I've STILL managed to lose track of things 2 times since I started all of this.

Sorry for the long post...

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20 Aug 2007, 3:16 am

Smelena wrote:
nobodyzdream wrote:
I leave the kitchen sink running and walk off a lot to do something else.

I do this a few times every week. I've decided this is multi-tasking because I'm 'mopping' the floor as I wipe up the puddle!

Once I couldn't find my middle son. I was in an absolute panic - running round the house and out in the garden yelling out his name.

I was just about to call the police when I 'found' him - he was on my hip! I was so used to carrying the 3rd son around all the time on my hip, I didn't realise my 2nd son was there.

Of course, sons 1 and 2 both have Asperger's and were in their own little worlds, so didn't think to tell me where 'lost' son was.


lol, one time, I took my kiddos to daycare and had some time before I had to make it to my appointment. So I took advantage of the time and decided to take a nap. When I woke up, I forgot that I had taken them to daycare already, and ran into their bedroom after looking at the clock and panicking because I was running late, and I still needed to get them ready to go... So I got up, ran into their room, no one is there. I started thinking "okay, Zack's must have caught the bus to school in time... but where is Libby????" I walked down the hall and saw the door to the basement hanging wide open (I apparently did laundry too and didn't remember doing it). I ran to the door screaming, panicking, almost in tears, convinced I was going to get to the door and be looking down into the basement to find she had fallen down the steps somehow, and as I neared the top of the steps, I got a phone call from the daycare saying she had gotten sick and they needed me to come and get her, lol.

I'm still not even sure what I was thinking because I NEVER leave that door open when they are up and running around, and rarely when they are sleeping even just in case they get up and wander. I even keep it locked normally, lol.

Sorry for the long post...

I'm my own guinea pig.

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20 Aug 2007, 3:26 am

I've 'lost' my car in the carpark. One day I was walking around for 45 minutes, thinking the car must have been stolen.

I then realised I'd taken my husband's car instead of my own, and that's why I couldn't find it.

My nickname at school was 'absent minded professor'.


P.S. I often go the the shop for 1 or 2 items, pay for them, then walk out without them. I've often had shop assistants yelling to me (but I'm daydreaming) so they have to chase me to give me my bag of groceries.

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20 Aug 2007, 5:03 am

I'm the world's most indifferent (read worst) cook. I have a little "grilling machine" in my galley. I put something in it for supper and then go back to my reading or computer. Well I forget about it and soon the smoke detector goes off ( it's very sensitive, there's never much smoke). When this happens I've found that what I'm cooking is perfectly done.
I'm going to write a cookbook called "Smoke Detector Cooking."

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20 Aug 2007, 7:44 am

Last week, I checked my pocket for my library card then lost the bag to carry my books. I walked out with my books and checked my pocket for my ipod, only to lose my library card. My abset-mindedness is probably the main engine of my OCD tendencies. I'm always checking for things and it still doesn't help.

Worst absentminded story: I was driving home from work late at night in the rain. My attention drifted off looking around and the front wheel of the car smashed into the curb. I pulled over to look at the flat tire. When I left the car, I locked the door without thinking. I'm crying in the rain over the dented rim only to realize I just locked the car keys in my car with the engine running! Argh! I didn't have a cell phone and was too embarrassed to call anyway. Solution? SMASH THE WINDOW. I felt better taking out my frustration and didn't mind paying the $300 it cost to replace it in order to avoid further embarrassment.

That's the story of how I stole my own car.


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20 Aug 2007, 9:31 am

I left the freezer door open this morning.


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20 Aug 2007, 9:54 am

I forget how old I am sometimes. lol.

I have to write down everything my boss tells me to do or I forget, but a lot of the time I forget to write things down :/

Mew mew mew, mew mew mew mew? Mew. Mew mew mew mew, mew. Mew mew, mew. Mew!