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30 Jun 2012, 4:52 am

People who smoke in bus shelters.


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30 Jun 2012, 5:27 am

People smoking near bus stops

people being brick walls

People who don't read a whole post first and they ignore the rest and only responding to something they disliked missing the whole picture because they ignored the rest what was said (it's as if they only want to focus on what they want to read and not care about the rest that was written to see what it really is about so they take it out of context)

People texting as I am talking to them and especially people who do it as they drive

Being mislead

Immature prudes

People making a fuss over a few typos or one

Being given the run around

Sales people

Poor spelling and grammar

People using blue tooths

People who misuse the word troll and bully

People that curse like a sailor

Sore losers

Parents who don't throw away their kids used diapers (I had to see one lying on the floor last summer and it was so gross because the mother didn't bother throwing it away in the kitchen)

Kids kicking me or the back of my seat (I never sit in front of small kids because of it)



People who try and shove sex in my face and act like there is something wrong with me and won't take the fact I am a gray a and a prude

Mom telling me how to live my life

Pregnant smokers

People who always complain

Drama queens


Anti spanking nazis

Screaming children


Mind games

People expecting me to be a mind reader

People who ask you a question and then get upset with your answer so they say you are mean or rude or whatever

People getting offended over a question saying the person is being judgmental

People who can't take a joke

People who spam my inbox at Experience Project with a message that is basically a status than a PM and I hate getting PMs from the EP team

Spam bots

IM bots

People that think taking privileges away from kids is abuse

Yep told you I have many of them.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Jun 2012, 5:30 am

As I originally come from the UK where people can still form an orderly queue for public transport or in a shop for example, I become enraged with people in Switzerland who think it's OK to barge past people as they're still getting off the bus. It's not limited to certain age groups either. You'll see everyone from old grannies to young business types in suits pushing people out of the way just so they can get on the bus. I've even seen people knock young children over which is incredibly inconsiderate. What these people don't seem to realise is that the bus runs to a timetable and will leave when it leaves, barging your way on won't make things run any quicker. What I've taken to doing when I get off a bus or tram is position myself right in the middle of the exit and if anyone tries to push me out of the way they get barged right back. I weigh 230 pounds and have the high ground (physically and morally) so you can either get out of my way or get squashed.


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30 Jun 2012, 7:25 am

vindaloo wrote:
As I originally come from the UK where people can still form an orderly queue for public transport or in a shop for example,

I've noticed people inn the UK don't form queues. They even push in when I've got my mobility cane with me. :x

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30 Jun 2012, 7:33 am

Arrogant people

People who are excessively obsessed with appearances, and care little to none about personality

People pitying me because I don't want to socialize 24/7

People who think they know me better, and act all smug for it

Being taken advantage of

People who are immature all the time

Grammar nazis, especially those who make grammar mistakes themselves

Excessive cursing (when it is unnecessary)

Loud and misbehaving children

People throwing their stereotype ideas at me because of where I live

People making a fuss or complaining at small things

Mind games

People expecting me to know everything, aka. being a mind reader

People who want honesty, and then get angry/upset when given such answer

People who force one to have eye contact. Same with people who get upset if one accidentally stares at them or someone else, thinking one's challenging them or being rude

These are all the pet peeves I can think of at the moment.


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30 Jun 2012, 8:49 am

Sales people ringing up all the time, just trying to get money out of you or trying to get you into debt. This annoys me more when we phone something up to stop these calls but still get them. AND it annoys me when they ring in the evening, at like half 7.

When people keep staring at me in public when I know I'm not doing anything unusual enough to attract attention. I take it as a form of harrassment.

When NTs get away with upsetting an Aspie, but when an Aspie upsets an NT you never hear the end of it, as though Aspies should know better socially. (For example if a couple of NTs were calling an innocent Aspie names and making him/her feel uncomfortable and then the Aspie retaliates by calling them names back then the Aspie is the one in trouble and the argument is ''how do you think those poor NTs are feeling?'' (not in those words that they might aswell say that, never mind what the poor Aspie was feeling when the NTs were provoking)).

When people laugh at others who slip over on ice but it's not funny if it happens to them.

When the bus is crowded and I am sitting down and I get moaned at because I'm young and should be standing up to let an old person sit down, then when I am standing up I still get moaned at for being in their way. Is it my fault these buses are built so small?!

When people think they can single me out just because I look shy.

The way people disrespect you when something embarrassing happens to you beyond your control.

When people come round my house really late (well, half 10pm is late for me, I like to get to bed)

The way one woman can get all the men after her and another can't, even if they are both confident and attractive.

The way these tories that are running the country at the moment are getting away with doing such a bad job at it.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Jun 2012, 2:58 pm

For me my husband working around the house and out side till 4 in the morning. His is teck suport that knows less about what hes working on then him.


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12 Jul 2012, 12:26 pm

When people come to my house with a stinking cold and give it to all of us, when they could have just stayed home in bed if they're not very well (I wouldn't be let down, I'd rather them phone me and tell me they're not very well rather than come round and give the flu to me).

When people say ''stop moaning'' when I'm just trying to express my opinion.

When people stare at me in the street when I'm not doing anything unusual to deserve unwanted attention.

When people come round my house at awkward times, eg, 10 o'clock at night, an hour before my bedtime, then they make you feel guilty when you tell them it's a bit late to come round, even in the politest way (seems like the most sensitive type of people do this! I'm sure some people try to get offended easily just so they can get their own way better).

When people tell me to ''sssshhhh'' or put their finger to their lips, even when I'm not talking loud or saying anything private or inappropriate, they just do it because they get a sudden wave of paranoia come over them that someone's listening. Really annoying!

When something everyone wants to listen to unexpectedly comes on the telly - just when I open my mouth! (That's Murphy's Law!)



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12 Jul 2012, 4:39 pm

One time I saw somebody throw the wrappers, sack, drink holder, and empty drinks from McDonalds all at once out their car window at a red light. I hope that was caught on a traffic camera.

You must've been on my street. I want to put up a big sign that says, "This is a neighborhood, not a trash can!" Or maybe a huge mirror so that they can see how sleazy they look doing this.


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12 Jul 2012, 4:48 pm

My main pet peeve is when some dirty old man spits a big nasty gob in the parking lot or on the sidewalk. Sometimes I call them dirty old men. This nasty habit is oh so disgusting and the ordinances in our town needs to be enforced.


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12 Jul 2012, 4:56 pm

my two big ones are when someone calls a gun magazine a clip, and when they call the fuse on fireworks a whick.
It drives me nuts and i usually say something and get more annoyed when they say something like ''same thing'' or ''you know what i mean.''

Standing on the fringes of life... offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.
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12 Jul 2012, 5:02 pm

People who use the word "couple" and don't mean two.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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12 Jul 2012, 10:18 pm

Rude drivers

People who don't recycle. Someone I worked with would often put recyclables in the garbage can. He would even have an empty pop can and be standing right next to the recycle bin but would walk all the way to the garbage can to throw away the empty can

Individual people who are intolerant and show prejudice towards any group of people

Cashiers who don't even say anything to you while you're checking out. At least tell me what I owe instead of staring off into space

Older people who stereotype and bash young people, and vice versa

Impatient people

When I answer the phone, people who always ask to talk to my boss to ask extremely simple questions that I myself could answer but they apparently think I'm not capable of answering. What time do you close? I don't know, that's a tough one, let me get my boss to answer that....


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13 Jul 2012, 4:55 am

ret*ds on the road, especially those who endanger the lives of themselves AND OTHERS by stupidly driving past you in the middle of a turn, or when there is a vehicle in the opposite lane.

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13 Jul 2012, 5:29 am

bigots who ignore the facts and dont listen to my explanation of them, people who inerrupt me, tailgaters, people who squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle or top. seriously, what is wrong with those people? there's so much bad crap in this world and you add to it by squeezing from the middle/top?


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13 Jul 2012, 6:40 am

Someone having a go at me because I can't use hand driers due to hyperacusis. I was pretty told to get over it. :x