Tell tales of your own forgetfulness/ absentmindedness!

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Tufted Titmouse
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23 Aug 2007, 1:55 am

one time my aspie sister left a note on the front door saying she left the back door unlocked :lol:


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23 Aug 2007, 3:56 pm

I have hundeds of tales but my FAVE it about my mum who used to take to the local shops , leave me outside ( it was safe 48 years ago) then come home without me ! !


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23 Aug 2007, 4:43 pm

Just about every day I forget whether or not I've taken my Ritalin. I always take it with a can of diet soda, usually right after I open the can. Invariably, I'll be halfway done with the soda and can't recall having taken the pill.

I forget, or rather fail to remember in a timely fashion, most of my appointments. I've almost never had an appointment pop into my mind a convenient amount of time before it's scheduled. Once something isn't the focus of my conscious thought, it's gone, and isn't likely to spring back unless something else reminds me of it.

Snowy Owl
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23 Aug 2007, 6:28 pm

jfberge wrote:
I forget, or rather fail to remember in a timely fashion, most of my appointments. I've almost never had an appointment pop into my mind a convenient amount of time before it's scheduled. Once something isn't the focus of my conscious thought, it's gone, and isn't likely to spring back unless something else reminds me of it.

Get a PDA, and train yourself to never be anywhere without it. I use mine to remind me of all sorts of stuff beyond just appointments (eg, an alarm for 9AM Monday to remind me to ask someone how their date on the weekend went, or whatever).

My biggest problem is forgetting to write stuff down in the first place :)

I'm... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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24 Aug 2007, 11:26 am

Getting a PDA is a great idea !

I USE and suggest the XDA 2i /XDA 11i !

Can't imagine life without it or at last a similar device.

Phone / internet/ photos/ calender / diary / movies / dictionary ...... limitless to be honest ! !


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07 Sep 2007, 11:02 pm

Oh yeah, once I didn't really look when I was logging into a school computer in grade 12 during a class-- we were in the computer room doing an aassignment-- and I accidentally typed my password in the slot you're supposed to type your username into (every student's username was their student ID number) and one or two people who was/were sitting very close by gave me a funny look... I was so embarrassed! Especially because of what my password was... it wasn't anything dirty, just wierd for the situation I found myself in that day. (They saw what my password was, or glimpsed it, because if I had typed it in the "password" slot it would have been dotted or asterisked out.)

Blue Jay
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07 Sep 2007, 11:12 pm

I left my daytimer in my pyschiatrist's car, when he drove me to the bus stop because I forgot to get change for the bus. I am so forgetful sometimes! This was Wednesday!

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08 Sep 2007, 12:43 am

I spent five minutes this morning looking for my missing sock, only to finally realize I'd already put it on my foot. :roll:

Snowy Owl
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08 Sep 2007, 10:57 am

Birthdays. I am dreadful at remembering birthdays.

And I've lost track of the number of times one of my children has told me something, I've said, "Wow, where did you find that out?", and they inform me, with much eye rolling, that I told them, a couple of days ago...

And I've just remembered that I forget what I'm talking about. In the middle of a sentence, sometimes. Names of people, places, things are particularly bad for me - I end up having to say, "She was wearing - erm - oh, what's that tartan that chavs like?" And whoever I'm talking to will give me a strange look and say, "Burberry", at which point it pops into my mind and I think, yes, now why couldn't I remember that for myself?

This has got to be one of the most reassuring threads I've ever read, by the way. I sometimes get quite bothered by the way my memory lets me down, and start worrying about things like early-onset Alzheimers or CJD, and to find out it might just be another facet of being an Aspie makes me feel a LOT better!

Snowy Owl
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08 Sep 2007, 12:06 pm

As a kid, I used to walk around the house for 10-15 minutes looking for whatever book I was reading at the time. Finally I'd get really frustrated and yell, "Has anyone seen [title of book]?" More than once my parents glanced over and replied, "Er, isn't that it in your hand?"

These days it's more normal stuff: forgetting instructions as soon as I've heard them, forgetting my lunch at home before work, forgetting my cell phone, etc. I also used to have a real problem with leaving my purse at restaurants, but I've solved that by switching to carrying a backpack everywhere instead.

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10 Sep 2007, 9:09 am

is absentmindedness an 'asperger' trait ? if yes .... I'll tell

I always have had this absentmindedness personality 'trait' on me since little child, the same with forgetfullness. I don't know is like a feeling you're gonna sleep standing up or whenever position you are, but you actually don't sleep just, almost in my case I 'daydream' a lot. And is a feeling you feel 'good', 'calm' like being carried far, far away but you remain on the same place. And is like all your senses, ears, smell, touching become more hypersensitive, but the people around you look at you and doesn't understand you put this 'absent' face and looking nowhere, like if you were in marihuana, .. but you're actually not. You dont need it for travelling 'outside', because you as an aspie or autie you're are already like an 'outsider' part the time of your life, LOL ...

Pileated woodpecker
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10 Sep 2007, 9:53 am

Once I was making tea for my mum and aunt, and accidentally used Sunny Delight instead of milk...

Today I made my mum a glass of orange squash, but started drinking it myself. :oops:

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10 Sep 2007, 1:47 pm

This is one of the best threads I've ever read.

I don't remember what I was going to report about my own forgetfullness :lol: , but everyone here as made me a lot less worried.

Ana, you go girl. Do you ever forget about a thread you started or say "I'm going to start a thread about such & such, only to find out you have already started it? I don't know how you keep track of them all. You sure are prolific and creative. :D