Do female Aspies prefer male company over female?

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01 Jun 2017, 8:07 am

I enjoy the company of men more in terms of conversation topics and communication in general, but I have a mild form of social anxiety directed exclusively at males my own age. This is because almost all of my bullies have been boys. Many of them said things like "she's weird" or "she's ugly", so I feel really insecure because I feel like that's what all males think about me.


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01 Jun 2017, 11:11 am

All of my friends at the moment are female. However, they are all quirky and very much non-typical of girls my age. None of them are Autistic, but they all are very educated on it. I'm actually a little scared of men and I grew up mostly around women, so I think that is why my friends tend to be females. I have had a couple of male friends though in the past that didn't scare me, but I never felt as comfortable around them as I did with my female friends.

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01 Jun 2017, 1:55 pm

Guys make more sense? And at least it seems as a nerd/geek I get along more with guys than the average girl. Not super girly. Plus all the cattiness and random body language and not saying what they mean is really really hard to follow.

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01 Jun 2017, 3:17 pm

I think for me it depends, as everyone is different.
In general, though, I've found that guys are a lot more straightforward and have a sense of humour more similar to mine. However, I'm not a big fan of the 'rowdiness' that some guys exhibit.
All of my closest friends have been female; in my experience they've been a lot more compassionate and supportive during tough times than my male friends have. That's not to say though that I prefer the company of girls in general, as I hate the cattiness and backstabbing that happens among many girls.
Generally speaking I like to have both male and female friends.

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01 Jun 2017, 5:50 pm

It depends on the person.

Sometimes I get into dick measuring contests with guys for some reason if we share a special interest, I don't know if it's because I'm being preemptively defensive about my knowledge of said interest or if most guys I've met are just arrogant or condescending towards women by default. I don't very much enjoy some of the small talk that most women I met engage in, sometimes when I do, I come off as too "intense" where chit chat about the weather turns in to some kind of farmer's almanac debate.

On the other hand, I've met some men and women that I can have great conversations with and generally a good time.

Eh, when it comes down to it, sh***y or good behaviour isn't necessarily gendered, but can be more prevalent in some genders than others.


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03 Jun 2017, 12:25 pm

I have a couple of close friends who are female.

As far as people I admire, I would say most of them are men. I enjoy watching the ATP tennis tour far more than I enjoy the WTA tour. In fact, there are very few female tennis players on my list of favorites. All of my favorite players are men: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Kei Nishikori and Denis Istomin. The women tend, for the most part, to be too loud or act nasty.


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03 Jun 2017, 2:12 pm

I like men and women equally, but I think women sometimes judge other women harshly. It's also hard for men who don't talk to women much to be "just friends" with a woman in my experience. Many of my hobbies have more men than women.


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03 Jun 2017, 3:13 pm

I do prefer company of men, even my closest friend is a guy and we've known each other for almost 20 years. I do have female friends, but we're not that close, I guess there is some kind of level of bonding I can't ever reach with women.
It's getting better with age though, around the age of 16-20 most of my friends were guys. I was pretty much one of the boys ;)

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03 Jun 2017, 7:23 pm

For me, it would be have to be about personality rather than gender. I tend to be drawn to introverts like myself or what I call 'compassionate extroverts' - people who can take control or lead conversations without being domineering or aggressive.

I find it quite difficult to talk about my feelings and I don't have an expressive face so a lot of people, male and female, find that off putting but for different reasons. In my (limited) experience, males become irritable around women who don't respond to them in a "feminine" way. They feel threatened by women who seem impervious to their masculinity. Women are usually emotionally articulate and sociable so don't really gel with people like me - we are often treated as a curiosity as opposed to an equal. If I get to know someone and feel comfortable around them it is easier for me to connect but that rarely happens.


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03 Jun 2017, 10:10 pm

I am naturally more comfortable around men than other women in person. I've often had thoughts and ideas about why this would be over the years, but all I can say with certainty is that women make me a lot more self-conscious and thus on-edge, which makes my walls all that more thicker. It must be said however that these days there is little to define between either gender due to a massive lack of contact with practically anyone.
The irony about all this is that being bisexual, I would love more meaningful communication with other women, but the former problems still hold their sway. I suppose I must be seriously intimidated by my own gender.

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03 Jun 2017, 11:12 pm

Some do, but many don't. The sample you get from the forum is kinda biased, especially when you're going just with the people who respond to a thread with a loaded title.

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04 Jun 2017, 9:17 am

Yes, though at some point I realize even though we get along great, guys are always thinking about sex. I've gotten my hopes up before about finally finding a friend I can connect to only to be "hit on" at some point, and that kind of ruins the whole thing...

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28 Sep 2019, 4:07 am

No, I prefer females males I feel not safe usually


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28 Sep 2019, 5:27 pm

I'll take whatever I can get Lol

When I was young I had female friends. But I've noticed as I've gotten older, if I can stop being so shy and anxious, I tend to have better luck with males.

I don't think I really have a preference, I just seem to do better with males.

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28 Sep 2019, 8:36 pm

Yes communication differences . But not liking harshness or vulgarisms/ :!:

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29 Sep 2019, 10:17 am

Personally I was brought up by my dad but I'm more comfortable with girls and most my friends are girls but not the girly type girls. And I have a few friends that are guys (3) and I get along with them but I get kinda awkward around guys a bit because idk what to talk about with them, that's from my view though, if we play video games it's a lot easier :)

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