Does anyone remember their first day in kindergarden?

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06 Dec 2010, 2:16 am

I remember both my first and last days of kindy and school.

1st day of kindy I wouldn't let my mum go. I was clinging to this other lady thinking she was my mum and when I realised she wasn't I was frightened embarassed and scared.

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06 Dec 2010, 2:52 am

i remember being really scared because i missed the "first day of kindergarten" because i had pneumonia... and i didn't want to be the "new kid"... but i think i only actually missed one day...

i also remember leaving kindergarten a few weeks early because my mom had to go to field camp (part of getting her geology ph.d) and she couldn't leave me with my dad for some reason so she hired someone from my preschool to come along and take care of me... mom later told me she (the lady from my preschool) had been reluctant to go, but then when we got there she got a huge crush on the guy in the next cabin XDD

i remember discovering that throwing a rock at a rat trap can cause the rat trap to jump in the air O.O that was scary


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06 Dec 2010, 2:54 am

The only thing I can remember from my first day of kindergarten was the teacher saying hello to me...

I responded by clinging to my mom and trying to hide from the teacher. I think my mom wasn't very happy about that :roll:

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06 Dec 2010, 7:28 am

Yes I remember. I freaked out and didn't want to stay. I didn't get on with the other kids but was obsessed with the "stickle bricks" and all I wanted to do was build with them. I hated the other kids being around because they would just like to knock bricks down. They all seemed loud and unpredictable and destructive.

In the end I was taken out of pre-school because it just wasn't working and my parents put me into school one year late because they knew I wasn't ready.

I never was ready, as it turns out and school was always a disaster for me.

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06 Dec 2010, 12:49 pm

On the first day of kindergarten I walked right in the classroom with no problem. In a short time though I was overwhelmed with all the kids yelling, running around, and climbing over things before class actually began. I stood at the edge of it all and didn't do anything. The best times in kindergarten we're the quiet times; milk time, nap time, drawing time, and the weekly "standard broadcast" piped in over the PA system broadcast by a local AM radio station on some interesting topic.

The first day of first grade was a different story. I didn't get into the classroom. When we arrived at the classroom, I told my mom I felt sick, and we went home. I didn't have the words for what I really felt which I now know was overwhelmed. I did make it in the second day and the teacher must have told the class to be nice to me since I was welcomed in.

I didn't miss any more "first days" after that. I think I was more prepared for what was going to happen.

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06 Dec 2010, 8:53 pm

All I can remember is feeling very sad and scared and that my mom was wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of a green pear on it.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Dec 2010, 10:43 pm

I don't remember preschool very much, other than one memory of the teacher telling me to join the other kids when I wanted to read a book by myself. My parents told me that they were scared for me on my first day because I didn't speak any English (they were first-generation immigrants), but by the end of the first month I was exclusively talking in English. Ironically, now I don't speak my "native" tongue very fluently.

I remember my first assignment in kindergarten very vividly. We were all given sheets of paper with four horizontal lines. The teacher said to pick up a red crayon and trace a solid red line across the page. So I did that. Four times. Done! Then I got really embarrassed when the teacher said her next instruction, which was to take a blue crayon and trace a dotted blue line across the second space. In my defense, she took at least five minutes in between the two instructions.


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06 Dec 2010, 10:55 pm

Technically no - my birthday was in the wrong place, so I went straight to 1st grade in private school skipping public kindergarten.

But I remember vividly being taken there and siting being puzzled and bothered by Uncle Wiggily while my father got me registered, and then recess the first day - I went up top a hill ans stayed hidung out in the trees when everybody else went in. No idea what happened next though.


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06 Dec 2010, 11:35 pm

I remember crying and not letting go of my mothers leg for a while.. but I also remember playing with the other kids and even having a "girlfriend" at some point.


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06 Dec 2010, 11:36 pm

I remember crying and not letting go of my mothers leg for a while.. but I also remember playing with the other kids.


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06 Dec 2010, 11:55 pm

I screamed and wailed for my mum. I remember it vividly. I don't remember anyone in my class, just the two older 'helpers' that had to deal with my wailing. My sister was there to calm me down too.

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06 Dec 2010, 11:57 pm

Yes, I remember it was a grade 1/kindergarten split class (I got moved to an all-kindergarten class later). There were 14 grades 1's and only 6 kindergarteners. I remember being jealous because the kindergartens had sit at a table and the grade 1's got desks. Sometime in the first 2 weeks, we played with this sandbox thing and someone of the others kids decided to make roads so I made roads to but they thought I was messing them up and got EXTREMELY angry at me.


I remember DETESTING sitting in the blue chairs and I got in trouble and had to sit in one once and I was very upset. The teacher thought I probably had autism, which my mom never thought about. (This was 1999, before all the parents knew about autism spectrum disorders, I mean, AS was only brought in 4 years ago at this point and internet was used but not nearly as much as today) I played with other kids in kindergarten for sure, I used to play this game every recess with one of the students and I suggested playing different games because I got bored of it.

Grade 1 was very interesting, I had one really good friend and we got in trouble a lot. We flushed food down the toilet, squirted boys with fruit juice, played marbles in the hall and went under the monkey bars. We also threw our food we didn't like in the garbage at lunch.

The reason why is because I wasn't working with the other kids and probably other things to, but I know this was true for sure. My best friend at time went to the same preschool as me so I had her, but the thing is, I came late in the year and everyone seemed to already have friends.


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06 Dec 2010, 11:59 pm

River wrote:
All I can remember is feeling very sad and scared and that my mom was wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of a green pear on it.

Wow! You remember the shirt your mom was wearing? Neat! I don't even remember what I wore yesterday!


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07 Dec 2010, 3:35 am

On day one, I remember only that one kid, James, had bad separation anxiety and kept crying long after everyone else had stopped. (I didn't cry, although I was leery of the whole situation--I had never been around that many kids in one place, and I didn't know how to get along with kids.) The teacher (Miss Jones) yelled at him to stop crying and made him go stand in the corner until he could stop. I think he stood in the corner crying until it was time to go home.

After a few weeks, they had me in the principal's (Dr. DeGrace) office taking tests because "something wasn't right" with me--I wouldn't play with the stupid wooden "baby" toys with the other kids at recess, and would instead go into this little kiosk that had a bench and bookshelf and read quietly by myself. (I think I asked where the encyclopedia was too, since those were my favorite books at home! :nerdy:) I liked getting to go to the office and take tests and talk with her and some other man whose name I don't recall (he was the school psychologist, I learned much later) because it put me in the company of adults, which was infinitely preferable to the noisy kids.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Dec 2010, 5:07 am

I remember lining up outside the door with lots of kids and lots of parents, some kids were crying, i remember looking at the face of this 1 girl and wondering why she was still crying.

I remember sitting on the carpet when the teacher showed us where to put our things, and told the class we did not need to bring lunch. as one of the little kids brought a lunch box. I remember the snack tray being brought in with boxes of milk on it.

most of the year was spent looking at the activity tables wondering what i was going to do for the day, every day we were assigned a different table with different activities, some crafts, some drawing, some academic papers.

When i was outside playing, i was bullied by the kids, they made fun of me. I was tiny and skinny, I was not cordnated, so I could not jump rope, so they made fun of me for that. then they would pull the rope up and trip me.

but I enjoyed kindergarden. The teacher did notice something wrong, she said i needed to repeat it, BUT she would not make me, cause the kids would torment me for that for life.

I spent first grade at that school, and it was increasingly becoming a wide gap between me and the other kids.

I was always in the lower reading groups, getting in trouble for not paying attention, i remember once I was sent to the late lunch with the 4-6th graders as punishment because I did not clean out my desk like asked. i actually thought it was the coolest thing to eat lunch with the big kids.

I was bullied in this class as well, things i brought for show and tell, went missing and broken across the playground. my lunch money was stolen etc. I was sent to speech therapy every thursday, which I loved! I felt special to get out of class to hang out with the people in the office.

But thankfully my mom took me out of school and sent me to a school that was starting at my church.I had to repeat the first grade again. thankfully the bullying stopped but the misunderstanding and getting into trouble with the teachers started.

I can't really blame my teachers, they didn't know I was autistic. they thought i was disobedient.

But the best thing that ever happened when I was in 3rd grade was my mom took me out of school and homeschooled me though a program with my school! that changed my life for the better. until my grandfather died and my mom put me back in day school for a while. then it started up again with being misunderstood.


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07 Dec 2010, 10:16 am

My first day was stressful. I sat in the back of the class doing not much of anything. I often hit and stabbed other kids with pencils when I got upset.