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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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23 Oct 2010, 5:09 pm

People often make fun of me as I'm walking by them cuz I walk funny. Sometimes I take it a bit too personally and feel like beating them up or worse, especially if I don't know why they are making fun of me. I'm not exactly going out of my way to walk in a strange way, its just the way I walk but I have as much of an ego as anyone else so I can't really just let people disrespect me like that. One guy earlier today is lucky he ran away cuz I was angry and felt like kicking the s**t out of him. Him and 2 girls were walking by me and after I passed the guy says something like "nice walk" but I didn't hear him well so I looked back and all 3 of them were looking at me and laughing so I knew he was talking to me. At first he didn't look scared at all but as soon as I said "what the f**k did you say?" and started walking towards him, the smile on his face dropped and he turned around and ran for it. I decided to take my retaliation out on the girls instead but of course I couldn't do it physically so I just made a couple of highly insulting comments about them and walked off. Now I feel a bit bad about all that but I was real angry at the time cuz I didn't understand why they were making fun of me and I have trouble seeing it as them just making fun of me cuz I walk funny. I always see it as something more and take it as a deep insult. I doubt I'm the only one on this forum that has unusual behaviour, how do you all deal with this kinda disrespect people give you because they perceive your behaviour as strange?


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23 Oct 2010, 5:13 pm

People walk by me with a smug smirk on their face sometimes that I think might mean something negative, but I'm not sure. It's rude nonetheless so what I do is just ignore them and pretend like I can't see them. Taking a friend someplace for support works, too. Telling someone you trust who is on your side never hurts. They might have suggestions on what to do and offer support.


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23 Oct 2010, 5:52 pm

i walk funny but i dont quite understand how:/


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23 Oct 2010, 5:58 pm



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23 Oct 2010, 6:15 pm

I walk with cane these days, and it seems I get to walk funny, stumble, stagger, and whatever else without comments. I really can't recommend it enough.

Stagger w/o cane == "that guy is drunk, or a dork"
Stagger w/cane == "oh, poor crippled guy. Better not stare."

Though being a 6' tall 200lb. middle aged guy probably also helps. (It's been amusing seeing how getting older is slowly making me an intimidating authority figure, for no real reason.)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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23 Oct 2010, 7:04 pm

I used to walk in a way that would apparently make me a target as a kid. Children can be very animalistic and predatory and if they notice any difference in one of the 'herd' it can be interpreted as a probable weakness and so they attack. Once I worked out what was happening, I watched the walk of people who were never targeted and imitated it. I had to slow down everything I did and walk more deliberately and consciously. It works, and becomes a habit, although it never feels totally natural, but it did stop people making nasty comments. Of course, this shouldn't have to be necessary, but we don't live in a perfect world and it's not about to change anytime soon.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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25 Oct 2010, 1:07 pm

Hahaha I don't walk that funny. That guys the funniest Monty Python character cuz he always has a serious face and personality.

Maolcolm wrote:
I watched the walk of people who were never targeted and imitated it. I had to slow down everything I did and walk more deliberately and consciously. It works, and becomes a habit, although it never feels totally natural, but it did stop people making nasty comments. Of course, this shouldn't have to be necessary, but we don't live in a perfect world and it's not about to change anytime soon.

I used to do this but its a hassle consciously thinking about walking as I'm doing it.


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25 Oct 2010, 1:19 pm

I dress in a lot of black and have a few piercings. Oftentimes I'll have dyed hair, if not covered up by my fedora.

During the spring and fall seasons, I'm usually wearing my ratty biker jacket.

Sometimes people try to call me out on the street because of the way I look. I try to ignore them as best I can, but I do ruminate on it quite a bit after. I'll sit there and think about all the nasty things I 'should' have done until I get distracted enough to forget about it.

Even then, I'm still haunted by those times. I hope someday I can reach an understanding with people where that doesn't have to happen anymore. I know it might not happen, but if continue treating people fairly, hey, it might catch on.


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25 Oct 2010, 8:20 pm

I walk with somewhat of a limp because I can't always focus on both legs at once.

I;m kind of used to getting stares wherever I go just because I have Tourette's, but I do get a little upset when people ask if I'm injured.

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25 Oct 2010, 10:26 pm


do a one-legged squat.

First of all you are really wobbly, right? Lack of fine motor control - reason why aspies suck at sports.

What happens to the knee? It should track straight up and down as you squat. Yours probably comes in sideways toward the middle toward the other leg, right?

The bottoms of your feet are wedged inwards so the rest of the joints and muscles in your legs are compensating to keep you upright.

Also, when you run you tend to tilt your toes outward, right? That's how your body compensates.

Go to a physical therapist specializing in orthodics. They can make you a pair of custom insoles for your shoes to wedge your feet back to where they belong. If your feet won't meet the ground properly, then they can bring the ground to you.

They will also show you some drills you can do yourself to improve the flexibility and the fine motor control.


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27 Oct 2010, 11:54 am

Have you tried this???

Don't mess with this condition. It can lead to joint and connective tissue failure later in life unless corrected.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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11 Nov 2010, 3:55 pm

Dilbert wrote:

do a one-legged squat.

First of all you are really wobbly, right? Lack of fine motor control - reason why aspies suck at sports.

What happens to the knee? It should track straight up and down as you squat. Yours probably comes in sideways toward the middle toward the other leg, right?

Yeah my leg shakes outta control before I can get down all the way. The knee does go from side to side in both directions. These days my right foot and leg start hurting from just walking. No idea why.