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18 Jul 2011, 6:13 pm

A body at rest stays at rest unless moved by an external force so I need someone to tell me to move. I have so many basic things to take care of and they just keep piling up.

If anyone's in the same situation, feel free to post your plea to be nudged into action here too.


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18 Jul 2011, 6:25 pm


MOVE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

Hope that helps.

I have ADD, so I don't have the problem with staying at rest so much as needing to be pointed in the right direction so's I'm doing the stuff that really needs to be done instead of all the frivolous crap I spend most of my time with. Problems is, nobody but me really knows what needs to be done, and I keep forgetting what that is SOOOooooo....

Round and round I go!

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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18 Jul 2011, 6:35 pm

Thanks! Yes It helps.

Yeah I get caught in loops of nothingness too although I don't think I have ADD. I'll try to help though. Umm... in the Babysitter's Club Little Sister books I read when I was seven our heroine Karen Brewer used to try to beat her previous time record of getting dressed in the summer each new day. Maybe such a game would help with stuff you can't focus on for long. Try to do it as fast as possible. It might lead to a few broken dishes and whatnot though.


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18 Jul 2011, 6:39 pm

I AM intertia. I'm just one big sloppy pile of procrastination and forgetfulness, it is a genuine problem I can't seem to get rid of.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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18 Jul 2011, 6:56 pm

The Baby Sitter's Club...

Hey! You know I used to do a little baby-sitting when I was young. I used to sit and watch old horror movies while the parents were out, of course the kids were always in bed, because I didn't want to scare them. The movies would come on right after the local news, which was really boring, but I had a crush on the new weather girl so I'd watch it anyway just to get a glimpse of her. The kid's parents would stay out really late and their father was the manager of the local bank branch, which was right next to the hardware store where I bought chicken wire for a rabbit cage I never finished building because I couldn't figure out how to put a roof on it, I got the idea from some other neighbor kids who raised rabbits, their dog was a beagle and chased wild rabbits all the time barking and howling like a banshee. I had a dog once that used to try and chase a woodchuck in our back yard (how MUCH wood CAN a woodchuck chuck anyway ~ I've always wondered about that), but the woodchuck would always run down it's hole. One day I hear my dog barking loud then soft, loud then soft, and I couldn't figure out what he was doing so I looked for him and found him barking at a chuck-hole, sticking his head in, pulling it out, (loud, then soft ~ get it?)( and the woodchuck was standing about thirty feet away at the other end of the hole watching him. I think he was chuckling (get it? a wood chuck, chuckling?) anyway, that dog was so dumb he used to bark at us when we got home as if we were intruders and one day my dad came around the corner growling at him and he was so scared he jumped on our picnic table and broke it. We used to have a picnic table built into the floor of our deck. We could just pull it up and sit with our feet dangling and eat there. That deck was so strong my uncle, who was a carpenter, said it would hold up the whole house if we put it on top of it. We had a huge party on it one year with a bunch of Gypsies who bought a lamb and dug a pit in the backyard to roast it over (I think that may have been the first time my Dad let me have a beer), and that lamb was really good as I recall. Some people don't like lamb because they say it's like eating babies, which is a really horrid thought. I wonder why people would equate that with such a horrible act? Anyway, speaking of babies, wait....

That reminds me.

What about the Baby Sitter's Club? 8O

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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18 Jul 2011, 7:19 pm

MrXxx wrote:
The Baby Sitter's Club...

Hey! You know I used to do a little baby-sitting when I was young. I used to sit and watch old horror movies while the parents were out, of course the kids were always in bed, because I didn't want to scare them. The movies would come on right after the local news, which was really boring, but I had a crush on the new weather girl so I'd watch it anyway just to get a glimpse of her. The kid's parents would stay out really late and their father was the manager of the local bank branch, which was right next to the hardware store where I bought chicken wire for a rabbit cage I never finished building because I couldn't figure out how to put a roof on it, I got the idea from some other neighbor kids who raised rabbits, their dog was a beagle and chased wild rabbits all the time barking and howling like a banshee. I had a dog once that used to try and chase a woodchuck in our back yard (how MUCH wood CAN a woodchuck chuck anyway ~ I've always wondered about that), but the woodchuck would always run down it's hole. One day I hear my dog barking loud then soft, loud then soft, and I couldn't figure out what he was doing so I looked for him and found him barking at a chuck-hole, sticking his head in, pulling it out, (loud, then soft ~ get it?)( and the woodchuck was standing about thirty feet away at the other end of the hole watching him. I think he was chuckling (get it? a wood chuck, chuckling?) anyway, that dog was so dumb he used to bark at us when we got home as if we were intruders and one day my dad came around the corner growling at him and he was so scared he jumped on our picnic table and broke it. We used to have a picnic table built into the floor of our deck. We could just pull it up and sit with our feet dangling and eat there. That deck was so strong my uncle, who was a carpenter, said it would hold up the whole house if we put it on top of it. We had a huge party on it one year with a bunch of Gypsies who bought a lamb and dug a pit in the backyard to roast it over (I think that may have been the first time my Dad let me have a beer), and that lamb was really good as I recall. Some people don't like lamb because they say it's like eating babies, which is a really horrid thought. I wonder why people would equate that with such a horrible act? Anyway, speaking of babies, wait....

That reminds me.

What about the Baby Sitter's Club? 8O

Hah! All righty then, I can see you'll need a far more potent remedy than what I can come up with for staying still long enough to focus on something! :D


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18 Jul 2011, 7:21 pm

MONKEY wrote:
I AM intertia. I'm just one big sloppy pile of procrastination and forgetfulness, it is a genuine problem I can't seem to get rid of.

Oh me too! Maybe getting rid of most of my stuff will help, and maybe for you too. Kind of drastic but within 48 hours my room goes from pristine to impossible to walk in cause I get so many projects going and things literally pile up on the floor, clothes books papers...


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18 Jul 2011, 7:43 pm

I figured out the answer! Get rid of most of my stuff! It's the clutter that confuses my little brain and drains the life out of me! So many things to contemplate and put in a rightful place and care for...

I made a FB post asking if someone would come haul away most of my stuff. Let's see if I get any takers. I feel like this could change my life.

I'll probably have to end up doing it myself but I think I will FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY! feel I have my life under control and able to move when I have far fewer possessions!


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18 Jul 2011, 8:05 pm

I have to do the dishes and will, eventually.

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18 Jul 2011, 8:07 pm

pensieve wrote:
I have to do the dishes and will, eventually.

Ah great! This is motivating actually! I have to clean my room and will eventually. There. May it come true.


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18 Jul 2011, 8:09 pm

Oh and as far as doing dishes go - I've always thought it would be so much easier to wash them in a big baby pool so they're not clinking together and chipping but they can all just sit in there and soak with soap, then you spray it with a hose and let it soak in pure water, then let them dry in the sun or something. I HATE doing dishes in the manner human society has arranged for them to be done presently.


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18 Jul 2011, 8:28 pm

Everybody seems to forget about the second half of inertia - "A body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."

I have trouble starting things - believe me, I do! But, sometimes I have problems with this part of inertia, too. For example: this weekend my boyfriend was out of town on business, and I decided to wash the car, using a "wax while you wash" product. When I got done, I realized that the finish on the car was showing wear, and just didn't look right. Soooooooooo . . . I re-washed the car using Dawn dishsoap to remove ALL the old wax, then went to the auto parts store and bought a claybar kit and some really good wax, went to my brother's to borrow back my buffer, came home, washed the car AGAIN to make sure it hadn't picked up any dirt while I was driving, spent 8 hours claybarring the car, another hour scrubbing the wheels, and an entire day waxing the car - twice.

I have approximately 14 (yes, fourteen) hours invested in cleaning the car, and I haven't finished. 8O I just can't stop until it's perfect.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend probably two hours going over all the rubber trim on the car with "Back to Black," which is designed to make all that trim that's turned gray and dirty looking look new again. After that, I'm going to clean and wax under the hood so that THAT looks new. I'm estimating 4 - 6 hours on that. THEN, finally, it'll be time to detail the interior.

My boyfriend thinks I'm out of my mind when I get off on a tear like this.

But, on the bright side, the car is so shiny that it almost glows! 8)

Does anybody else have problems with getting carried away once they start something, or is it just me?


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18 Jul 2011, 8:37 pm

Does anybody else have problems with getting carried away once they start something, or is it just me?

Yes definitely! I spent 6 hours once scrubbing the tile floor of a 7 x 3 foot bathroom AND I ONLY GOT HALFWAY DONE.

I've often spent hours in the shower.

Once I tried to cut my hair and kept snipping and snipping tiny pieces off it cause it wasn't perfectly straight. That took forever and made my hair too short. So I still cut my hair but I do it in about three chops and don't let myself even look at whether it's crooked. And my life is no less wonderful (when it's wonderful) due to this new 1.5-minute haircutting routine.


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18 Jul 2011, 9:47 pm

I also have Inerta. I need to push myself to get my chores done.

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18 Jul 2011, 9:52 pm

MrXxx wrote:

MOVE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

Hope that helps.

I have ADD, so I don't have the problem with staying at rest so much as needing to be pointed in the right direction so's I'm doing the stuff that really needs to be done instead of all the frivolous crap I spend most of my time with. Problems is, nobody but me really knows what needs to be done, and I keep forgetting what that is SOOOooooo....

Round and round I go!

I have ADD/Inattentive supposedly and I can barely manage. If it's a routine task, like my job, and the motivating factor is paying the rent and bills, I can get going, but once I'm home everything comes to a grinding halt. I try to take advantage of the rare times I have focus and energy but they don't last long. I am in a state of stasis usually. Sometimes I wish I had the "H" in ADHD.

Detach ed


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19 Jul 2011, 12:46 am

MONKEY wrote:
I AM intertia. I'm just one big sloppy pile of procrastination and forgetfulness, it is a genuine problem I can't seem to get rid of.


Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3