How often do you do your repetitive behavior or interest?

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15 Apr 2012, 6:35 pm

My repetitive behavior I usually do it randomly every few days. I can go for weeks though without every doing it. I only do randomly once in a while when I'm sitting down thinking.

For my special interest I usually engage in it everyday, on the weekday it is usually for 30 minutes to an hour a day, and weekends it can be for 1 to 4 hours a day. But some days I don't have time so I won't do anything with it. It is mostly when I home bored.


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15 Apr 2012, 7:11 pm

I engage in repetitive behaviors (pacing, running, hand flapping and finger tapping) every single day.

I engage in my special interests every day too. My special interests are Tim Burton movies and My Little Pony. While I don't watch them every day (it's actually been several months since I have watched a Tim Burton movie and several weeks since I have seen an episode of My Little Pony), I play with the characters in my imaginary world since they are my imaginary friends. I have found that I become very sad, bored and empty inside if I don't play with them every day.


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15 Apr 2012, 7:18 pm

I stim constantly while awake, and I think about my special interest almost constantly, and I do it for as many hours as possible eberryday. I just got a job in the field of my special interest, so I now have a good reason to do it as much as possible.


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15 Apr 2012, 7:26 pm

I can't imagine either stimming or thinking about a special interest that little.


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15 Apr 2012, 7:26 pm

I stim when I need to, usually when excited, nervous or even to keep my balance.
Most of my day is taken up by routine. I wear the same sort of clothes everyday, go to the same sites on the internet in order, have the same sort of meals around the same time each day, do chores around the same time, read - well you get it. I even go to bed around the same time.
You could say my collections show repetitive behaviour too.

My interests involve reading and writing and maybe watching some TV shows. They act as research for my novel or fit well into my routine. I do get short term interests on other things but we're talking about lasting no longer than an hour.

Writing on a weekday: 10am-2/3pm.
Sometimes I might start up again but because writing is very mentally exhausting for me I have to stop myself so I can continue the next day. I will then watch TV and think about what happens in the next chapter I wish to write. I think about it before I go to sleep too. On those days I can't write I research or read. I'm not capable of reading longer than an hour.
I'm always thinking about my writing though.

On the weekend I might write a 4-6 page blog over two days, or sometimes work on it all week, depending on how much effort I want to put into it. That might take 3 hours a day. I'm too dependent on medication, order and routine to just spend time on it all day.

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15 Apr 2012, 8:26 pm

I stim the majority of the day (running around the house, moving/wiggling/tapping my hands and fingers, fiddling with my electronic's buttons), every day; it feels nice whether it is because I am anxious or excited. As for special interests, I usually do those every day. But, if I have a lot of school work or something comes up, I am forced to do them very late at night, which = no sleep.

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15 Apr 2012, 8:32 pm

I stim when I'm thinking or excited. I can control them very well though. My special interests take up the majority of the time I'm at home and in-between classes. Sometimes I'll even end up procrastinating on schoolwork in favor of them, unfortunately.

I like making friends! Even if I'm not the best at it ^^;

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15 Apr 2012, 8:48 pm

If by repetitive behavior you mean stemming (rocking, foot tapping, twirling, hand flapping, and tweeting in the grocery store, playing with silly putty or stress ball, picking my skin, knuckle cracking etc), I do that every day, and I am not sure that more than two hours go by without stemming while I am awake.

If by repetitive behavior you mean routines that must be obeyed, that is how my days are structured.

I think about my special interest several hours a day even if I am doing other things, and if possible I actively engage in it (reading, watch, researching) for half to one hour a day. If I do not have some active engagement in my special interest almost every day I am more likely to have a breakdown.


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15 Apr 2012, 9:39 pm

I do The Kinks, all day and all of the night! :P

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15 Apr 2012, 10:18 pm

I have a really weird stim - I twirl string or the ends of paper (ripped and curled up the right way) with my fingers in front of my face. As a child I did this all day long at school and was teased mercilessly for it. I stopped completely when I was 11 and didn't do it again for over 10 years. Then, a few years ago I tried it again to comfort myself during a bout of depression and now I'm addicted to it again and I do it for a few hours every night. Also skin picking I do everyday for several hours (a really bad habit).

I read my fantasy novels ( which would be my special interest if I have one) for around 5 or 6 hours a day now (since I have a break from school ). During school I do it for about two hours a night but the week before an exam I don't it at all.

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15 Apr 2012, 10:26 pm

A lot.


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15 Apr 2012, 10:35 pm

Pretty much every day now.


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16 Apr 2012, 12:08 am

Every day :o But even then every day is still new and different.


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16 Apr 2012, 12:14 am

Just about every day. I sometimes forget I am doing it until someone asks me what the heck Im doing? :lol:

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16 Apr 2012, 12:20 am

I stim in some form or another constantly. And I often dedicate several hours a day to my special interest.


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16 Apr 2012, 2:06 am

I try to engage in my special interests as often as I can, but unforseen circumstances can get in the way. For instance, for the past few days I have been laid up with the flu, and cant do anything.