mental illness or deviations from average?

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12 Dec 2012, 4:27 pm

Autism is a collection of personality traits which become conspicuous when they occur in ret*d people. I have a ret*d son who is autistic. I share many of his personality traits, and I don’t regret any of them. Man’s mental and emotional makeup is undergoing rapid evolution. How could they not? Our lifestyles have changed dramatically during the past few centuries. If autism is on the increase, could it be because we are becoming more independent, less conforming, less dependent upon intuitive abilities and tending more toward reason? If Man is evolving, shouldn’t we expect some of Nature’s innovations to be tentative and incomplete?
Berthajane Vandegrift
A Few Autistic Questions about Freud , Marx and Darwin

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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12 Dec 2012, 5:06 pm

Bertvan wrote:
Autism is a collection of personality traits which become conspicuous when they occur in ret*d people. I have a ret*d son who is autistic. I share many of his personality traits, and I don’t regret any of them. Man’s mental and emotional makeup is undergoing rapid evolution. How could they not? Our lifestyles have changed dramatically during the past few centuries. If autism is on the increase, could it be because we are becoming more independent, less conforming, less dependent upon intuitive abilities and tending more toward reason? If Man is evolving, shouldn’t we expect some of Nature’s innovations to be tentative and incomplete?
Berthajane Vandegrift
A Few Autistic Questions about Freud , Marx and Darwin

Isn't the point of an Asperger diagnosis that those personality traits are disabling to you in some way? Sorry if I'm missing the point.