Seeking a correction for my Diagnosis.

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16 Apr 2014, 8:40 pm

My case of Asperger's is so mild I'm pretty much neurotypical. Either that or I just don't have it. When I was 11 I went through a sad time, My parents were fighting, my mom would often leave and rent a room in a hotel for a week to avoid my dad, I went through a lot of trauma. Because of this I became isolated and met the critea of Asperger's. I was very shy and used be a little depressed. Today I am 14, and am currently living a normal life I might say. I do like social situations and I sometimes talk to people with Asperger's and I just can't see myself similar to them. I feel like I'm neurotypical. But to my point, mislabeling a person is [b]bad. Because I don't meet the critea, I don't see why I should be considered having Asperger's. As far as high security clearance jobs such as the military and firearms license, they always request medical records. Yes they are confidential, but you sign a waiver granting them permission to see them. One of the things I would like to do in my future is join the British army. And one of the things they do is ask your GP for medical records. My records state Asperger's. I don't know if the diagnosis is correct yet, or incorrect. Would getting the diagnosis to say INCORRECT make it so I have no right to mention Asperger's to employers? Basically I'm trying to get undiagnosed. My diagnosis in my med records are probably not correct but not incorrect either, Is there something in between? Like pending? If I got the diagnosis fixed, would the military care? The military does have Asperger's as a DQ, especially in the British army.

Thanks for any honest answers. :D

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16 Apr 2014, 9:06 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think government aid is granted to aspies who have symptoms that directly and pervasively obstruct someone's employment and ability to support his or herself. There has to be some line in the sand that separates significant from non-significant impairments, just as there are for welfare qualifications. It sounds like you believe you are hovering just outside of the significant range, and you don't want to get 8 balled because it's officially on paper. My advise is to get re-examined, assuming you will be as unbiased as possible, and if you are "no longer an aspie", then start considering your career knowing that you have (at least I'm assuming) a prominent contrast of strengths and weaknesses, consider which has the best (likely not perfect) fit. I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself, you're going to start a job and you're going to suck at it, everyone does, but if you stick with the job for a while and it is clear that your weaknesses are too much to keep the job, and ultimately stay employed,then you would be best served to find a diagnosis that fit your shortcomings at work, even if it were in the form of PDD...lots of adults get aspergers diagnosed because they have conviction (given the evidence from their past experiences at work) that their neurology is getting in the way of employment, and they have hard evidence to back it up. I think young children and adults struggling with employment have the most hard evidence of aspergers, teenagers are trickier, everyone is awkward and unsure of there strengths and weaknesses.

Worry about employment problems when they arrive, it's too early to start predicting "my employer will need to know, I will definitely be struggling at work". You could be wrong and may never need AS accommodations to mention anything to an employer. If people who officially have aspergers "deserve" aspergers accommodations, then by not having it, you don't officially deserve accommodations.


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16 Apr 2014, 11:25 pm

This is why there needs to be standards when diagnosing.


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17 Apr 2014, 12:03 am

If your record said the diagnosis was incorrect, it would be because it is, and you do not have Asperger's. If this is the case, then you have no reason to mention the fact that you were diagnosed with it to your employers; you don't have it, so you don't need accommodation for it. Have you talked to your parents about any of this, and the reasons you got the diagnosis you did? Can you look at the diagnostic report and see what it says? You might find you have AS traits you're unaware of; that's what happened to me when I got diagnosed.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
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17 Apr 2014, 5:05 pm

StarTrekker wrote:
If your record said the diagnosis was incorrect, it would be because it is, and you do not have Asperger's. If this is the case, then you have no reason to mention the fact that you were diagnosed with it to your employers; you don't have it, so you don't need accommodation for it. Have you talked to your parents about any of this, and the reasons you got the diagnosis you did? Can you look at the diagnostic report and see what it says? You might find you have AS traits you're unaware of; that's what happened to me when I got diagnosed.
Yes my parents agree but they are divorced and my mom likes to steal the SSI money even though she's not my parent anymore. My dad agrees but getting an assessment will take a while cause he's working 70 hours a week. Also, if the diagnosis on my record DID say correct, am I doomed? Right now I don't know if it states correct or not. If my record states correct, can that be made to incorrect?