borderline personaility traits but not sure if i have autism

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23 Jul 2014, 9:14 pm

hi im 24 year old adult with bpd traits but in the past they done a assessment on me and said i have serval autistic features but i have history of gobal development delay is well . i like the sameness at time but cant adapt to daily routine though im sometimes the last one to understand some jokes i take things for literalit i understand some idioms but i cope what other people say at times is well and facial expressions dont match sometimes. i also have problems with handling my emotions and have epidsodes of thinking in black and white . i also live in my own little world all the time and sometimes when i make rigid plans and things change it cause mixed emotions on what to plan next i sometimes dont like making eye contact is well because i feel like you looking into someone brain
i have history of social communication difficulties where does this land me i also a female. i love nice smell ie washing powders and fabric conditioners and shower gels deodrant body spray siren go right though me sometimes i also have behaviours where i have routinal behaviours at times and i dont like change i also go on and on about the same subject for 4 hours not not a interests of mine though ] :twisted:


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24 Jul 2014, 12:28 am

It's possible to have both, however, I was in this situation. I'm 23 right now.

I wasn't formally diagnosed under 18, but it's been heavily suggested that I was borderline for YEARS by several people. It turns out I'm autistic, and the abuse from my undiagnosed BPD mother caused the rest of my behaviors. Autistic people can also be very black and white, by the way. We are also traumatized because we are disabled, and it can cause abandonment behaviors (of course!).

Did they diagnose you with autism? Did they just suggest you had features? Females are often misdiagnosed. Try to find someone who is very experienced in diagnosing females.


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24 Jul 2014, 9:49 am

bleh12345 wrote:
We are also traumatized because we are disabled, and it can cause abandonment behaviors

Hi Bleh

Please excuse my ignorance but what would you class as abandonment behaviours?


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Snowy Owl
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24 Jul 2014, 1:28 pm

i think they are both alike in many areas, so it can be hard to tell the difference. it would be nice if someone who was specialized in autism was also specialized in bpd, because it would be more likely that that person would be able to pinpoint which is which. both have testing for, but neither have a certain test that would give a exact answer. maybe the best thing in this kind og situation is to deal with it as the symptoms or troubles come up(by "deal with it" i mean, seek help, or process it with a therapist or other means of achieving you feeling better).
but things such as the "all or nothing" thinking, without gray areas, is a sign that both of these diagnosis present. and a lot of things and actions done when on the ASD, can be confused for bpd actions (such as sib, and depression, and meltdowns(which is often confused for a tantrums/outbursts by those who dont know, or those who arent expreincing).
in my case, for anyone who really knows me, and really sees how i cope or react in certain places, and who has been with me on a usually daily amount for a couple of years, or know me from when i was a kid- they know its autism. but those who arent there indepth like that, they often dont see the real thing and they only scrape the surface of what all "me" is, and about 3 people ive known in my life, have tried to say i was bpd.. i know its not, but they dont take the extra time or possibly even care to know what is really going on inside "that brain of yours"(as ive heard quite a few times lol).

disclaimer: there are quite a few "tapp-o"s while using my phone. if i dont recognize it, and if it doesnt seem to make sense, then the chances of it being a tapp-o (typo) are very high.
*currently using iPhone 4*

Pileated woodpecker
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24 Jul 2014, 2:44 pm

I thought I had a personality disorder before I realised it was autism, but still think I have some traits and wouldn't be surprised if they often go together. Personality disorders seem to be made up of defensive traits to defend a damaged core self, seems like the oversensitivity that comes with asd, and the various traumas difficulties would make it easier for a person to have the core damaged.