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10 Sep 2014, 4:08 am

Im wondering whether people leave because they feel that theyve exhausted the site they die or move to an outer region of space without wifi. I dont know what id replace WP with to be honest. There's no other way to really feel the sense of community the site provides. There are so many members who racked up 1000+ posts and then disappear which makes me wonder why they left.

My history on this forum preserves my old and unregenerate self. In the years since I posted here I have undergone many changes. I accept responsibility for my posts but I no longer stand behind them.
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Hebrews 1:3


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10 Sep 2014, 4:29 am

I have no plan to leave WP for now but there are a few factors that could lead to me wanting to leave.

Like you, WP is the only place for me to feel a sense of community. However, I have been feeling that maybe this is just the autistic version of other forums or real life. What I mean is, while there are many nice people that can relate to/understand my problems because they also have autism, there are other kinds of people, too. I was a bit disillusioned by the fact that some autistic people are pretty similar to some people in my real life that are not very nice. I also see some biased/discriminatory people here, too, just like in the real life "NT" community. So after all we are just a bunch of people like any other group of people.

Too many software errors causing frustration.

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10 Sep 2014, 4:35 am

I haven't been formally diagnosed with ASD but I can't think of another online community where the people seem as nice as they do here. I peruse and post because I see many commonalities and would like to learn from others. I am also awaiting a formal assessment in two weeks, followed by more appointments, I'm sure.

I used to go on the website imgur a lot, but often times I ended up deleting my account because of political debates and trends in comments that really, really upset me.

The last time I regularly participated in a forum was probably 2006-2009. It was called YM Message Boards (affiliated with the old teen girls' magazine YM). It was like 4chan but with teenaged girls with messiah complexes. Yeah.

I would leave if I didn't have access to Internet, got busy with professional and personal obligations that cut down on my time to browse the Internet, or just want to keep to myself. I say this now, but I really don't see a situation where a discussion could escalate to the point that I'd get upset and leave.


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10 Sep 2014, 4:48 am

I can think of a few possibilities.

- There is a lot of negativity on this site just by the very nature of it. So many posts are just descriptions of the way people are struggling in life and (the majority of) people aren't joining because autism has been this wonderful blessing for them. I think that can eventually grow tiring.

- They have found new sites that they prefer.

- They came to the site for a purpose and in time realized hey had gotten to a place they were wanting to.

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10 Sep 2014, 5:00 am

calstar2 wrote:
- There is a lot of negativity on this site just by the very nature of it. So many posts are just descriptions of the way people are struggling in life and (the majority of) people aren't joining because autism has been this wonderful blessing for them. I think that can eventually grow tiring.

There is a lot of this, although I've found good advice to read that's embedded in those threads. I can see how this site can be dismissed as "not representative of the real world" but I guess it's all in where you're looking. I have come across several instances of some people talking poorly of NTs and characterizing them as not very smart and conversely I have seen some "woe is me" posts. Sadly, there's more intolerance of differences in thinking in other places I've perused.


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10 Sep 2014, 6:14 am

I tend to stay for a long while, then take a break and come back, days weeks or sometimes months later.

It's the intensity of a chat site that sometimes sends me to my quiet place. During such times, I'll do other things.. usually get buried in writing, or play with FlightSim, or veg out with Solitaire.

But I always come back.

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10 Sep 2014, 7:45 am

My internet has been messing up real bad lately so I cannot post much. This is my first in weeks.

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10 Sep 2014, 8:30 am

i leave a lot because i dont really have much to add and i don't feel much of a part of this community, but i do have real life autistic social groups and events that i feel more happy being a part of. i leave because of the way people talk about 'low functioning' people. i leave because a lot of times i dont have the words to participate in discussions here.

i dont really mind the negativity too much because people need to vent somewhere. my internet is just fine


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10 Sep 2014, 8:42 am

Alyosha wrote:
i leave a lot because i dont really have much to add and i don't feel much of a part of this community, but i do have real life autistic social groups and events that i feel more happy being a part of. i leave because of the way people talk about 'low functioning' people. i leave because a lot of times i dont have the words to participate in discussions here.

i dont really mind the negativity too much because people need to vent somewhere. my internet is just fine

what is it specifically that people say :(

My history on this forum preserves my old and unregenerate self. In the years since I posted here I have undergone many changes. I accept responsibility for my posts but I no longer stand behind them.
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Hebrews 1:3


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10 Sep 2014, 9:09 am

Some things I get attached to, some things fizzle out rather quickly, for no reason really. With WP, I got attached and I usually visit WP every day. I've been on it since 2010 and I don't wish to leave now and start all over on another Autism site. Even though I do get annoyed a lot at the contradictions (like one minute it's Aspies that are more likely to XYZ, the next minute it's NTs that are more likely to do XYZ), I still rather stay put. :)



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10 Sep 2014, 10:29 am

I think you'll find on many internet communities where people visit, use it, enjoy it, and at some point get tired of it or lose motivation to remain an active member for whatever reason. Though, just because people have stopped posting doesn't always mean they have left ;)

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10 Sep 2014, 10:45 am

when in the right frame of mind woud never leave WP but have had many breaks from it and forums in general,the longest break was two years or so due to WP being the main home of a individual was being severely bullied by.

as a result of that am annoyingly very cynical now with what some users say about themselves when they dont give picture/video evidence but at least can spot a atention seeking sockpuppet account from a mile off even when they have become regulars that have managed to fool everyone else into believing them.

another reason am not so regular as used to be is severe depression-am to weak to communicate most days,am on this forum, and about two others.

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
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10 Sep 2014, 10:48 am

I'll never "leave" WP. I'll take breaks, though.


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10 Sep 2014, 10:55 am

As new members join a lot of topics come up over and over and over and over again. That is fine because people are just discovering their situations and need to ask those questions. But some people might get bored or tired with the redundancy especially if they have been here for a long time. But whatever reason people leave or take breaks, it is just what they need to do at the time and what is best for them.

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10 Sep 2014, 11:22 am

I can see circumstances where I would take a break from it, as things can build up to the point they bother me. But I don't foresee permanently leaving at this time. After trying other NT forums, this is definitely where I feel most at home and not judged/looked down upon for my autistic differences. A forum kind of fills a small but needed niche for me to interact with a variety of people outside my small irl circle. I like the international aspect as well.

I have had some issues scuffling with people, over issues that were sensitive, mostly at the beginning. But seem to have at long last grown up in my online world and realize the over-reactive nature of it.

More consistant is I sometimes get feeling down here over all the posts about people feeling really down. I try to respond in a positive way to those I have thoughts about, but it can over time kind of rub off on me and I feel the need to get away for a while and recharge. I have been trying to participate in more non-depression subjects as a balance, and that seems to be working ok.


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10 Sep 2014, 11:55 am

There are some times I feel unwanted and screw things up and feel leaving is the best thing to do, there are people who hate my guts as well and enjoy me feeling down but to piss em off ill stay why not *shrug*.

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