Facebook has been a nightmare! Anyone else have this issue?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Nov 2014, 2:27 pm

I had the account since 2008. Unfortunately every time I claim to go cold turkey something tempts me to go back on and further alienate myself and others. Because its been over six years I feel I have enough depressing stories to go by that I could write a book on some of the personalities and events that have taken place on here.

Again I am not a saint in this situation either. My disability has made it hard for me to judge situations or read peoples social cues that I wind up opening a can of worms in a lot of situations. It has made me have a pariah like status that if I try to friend request anyone I wind up getting ignored or turned away. A lot of people I respected or looked up to have turned me down or have insulted me because of the events that have transpired.

Though I don't believe anyone is innocent in this I have met those who have been meddling antagonistic or just plain unreasonable. Sometimes I don't know how to properly react to shameful behavior and instead of trying to put out the fire I wind up adding to it and making it an even bigger fire than ever before. So most incidents where I burn bridges usually involve me trying to put out a problem that winds up blowing up in my face.

The main question is why people put so much emotional investment in a site that does not have much positive outcome and only makes us more dependent on social media and less on helping ourselves out as people. I see some people who have friends on the basis of them being famous or well liked and not because they have an in-person relationship.

Today was the last straw as I was making this casual comparison between Frozen and Big Hero Six and someone had the audacity to sarcastically berate my critiquing skills, and on top of that it was someone whom I thought was a close friend.


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11 Nov 2014, 2:35 pm


Leave. Facebook. Now.

It is addictive in bad ways. It spies on you and your behaviors. It is fake. The "friends" it provides you are fake (unless you meet IRL). It is risky, depressing and a huuuge time waster. Better off being a sports head. At least then, you get some mindless entertainment.

Just my opinion.

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11 Nov 2014, 2:39 pm

I've learned that you can really only post the blandest things safely on FB. Expressing an opinion on just about any topic will lead to some kind of disagreement with someone. That's because you're having a discussion with everyone you know all at the same time - someone is bound to get offended.


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11 Nov 2014, 3:01 pm

I had this same problem. At the beginning of this year I was really depressed, and Facebook was making me feel worse. So I decided to deactivate my account, but I found that it's just the same as just logging out, and logging back into it is too easy so I ended up just carrying on like before.
So I then decided to delete my account altogether, but it said it will be completely deleted in 14 days or something. That is stupid. I don't know why it don't just delete there and then, and then there's no turning back and you can just move on easier. When you can still log back into Facebook within a period of time, it kind of plays at you and you start reconsidering. I suppose it's meant to do that to get people to become addicted. But it's no good saying ''distract your mind from it'' because it's just not as simple as that.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Nov 2014, 3:33 pm

YippySkippy wrote:
I've learned that you can really only post the blandest things safely on FB. Expressing an opinion on just about any topic will lead to some kind of disagreement with someone. That's because you're having a discussion with everyone you know all at the same time - someone is bound to get offended.

Of all the things that are unfortunate about facebook that is one of the worst. You really can't be yourself with your beliefs without someone being offended. Even then it doesn't work because whether facebook users know it or not they look to distort or twist someones words to find a fight in anything.


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11 Nov 2014, 5:20 pm

For Facebook I would just add your family members and other people close to your family, while putting your profile on private if you can.

I have mine so no one can search for it or randomly add me.


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11 Nov 2014, 6:22 pm

I used to be on it a lot to play one of the games there. But I never could relate to all the posts about kids, boyfriends and general drama on there. Now, I really mostly just use it to share nice images I find in hoped of cheering peoples' days up and adding something useful and beautiful. I also belong to a few autism groups on there but no longer really post on them. I am just not cut out to share much of my day to day life really and most of it, to me, is wuite frankly boring.

I am diagnosed as a human being.


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11 Nov 2014, 6:34 pm

AspieUtah wrote:

Leave. Facebook. Now.


It's. Just. F#cking. Facebook.

Stop taking it so seriously.

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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11 Nov 2014, 6:41 pm

AspieUtah wrote:

Leave. Facebook. Now.

It is addictive in bad ways. It spies on you and your behaviors. It is fake. The "friends" it provides you are fake (unless you meet IRL). It is risky, depressing and a huuuge time waster. Better off being a sports head. At least then, you get some mindless entertainment.

Just my opinion.

If I could "like" a post, it would be this one. There is nothing I like about Facebook. I tried a few of its games, all of which turned out to revolve mainly around pestering fellow players for items to complete endless quests. The wall would get filled up with this game spam as well.

Its privacy settings are hard to find and even harder to understand.

The wall is a curiously impersonal place, considering it is meant to be a community of 'friends'. Statuses don't get many replies and are usually quickly pushed down out of sight by the next wave of 'inspirational' or 'funny' pictures from the usual suspects. For me at least, there is no sense of belonging to a community to be found anywhere on the site. I had a few family members on my FB, but I didn't speak to them more than once in a blue moon. I wasn't close to them in real life, and sharing the same FB space didn't make me any closer to them.

The vast majority of my 'friends' I wouldn't have known if I fell over them in the street. I acquired them in various ways and eventually had over 150. Fed up with the whole thing, I deleted my account (like Joe90 said, you have to wait 14 days), but relented and made another account a few months later. However, I don't have much reason to even go to FB anymore. There's literally only one person I speak to on there nowadays.

I prefer forums and always will. Just a pity social media has dealt them such a heavy blow.


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11 Nov 2014, 6:47 pm

Hmm not really, I have a facebook account....I like to play pot farm and a couple other games am following a few pages, quite a few band ones to stay updated on music of course I have people on my friends list I have met quite a few in person though I have some people I have never met in person on my friends list. I sometimes comment on stuff, have even had some arguments when posting comments to posts from pages I follow, and have had some people agree with my points. I don't know i don't really get super sucked into it.....if someone on my friends list started acting like a jerk I could delete them if I wanted.

We won't go back.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Nov 2014, 8:43 pm

On Facebook I just have some family members and a few good people I know from a small fan forum for a metal band. I've deactivated it before and realized that I'd end up logging back in, its probably addictive but meh, really I'm not so active on it anyway. I just flick through whatever i follow.


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11 Nov 2014, 9:38 pm


I only go on there now to check pages I like, or print coupons, or occasionally lurk in some groups. There are a few people I talk to off and on and that's it. I don't post status updates and rarely comment on anyone else's either.

I used to play some of the games, like Candy Crush and Pet Rescue...once the weather turns cold I may end up doing that again but I hate thinking about how much time I spent doing that last winter.


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11 Nov 2014, 10:00 pm

I've caught myself idealizing people who didn't deserve it. I try to take reasonably good care of myself, and it doesn't come naturally. I just about have to tell myself to put my right foot in front of my left. None of my classmates or extended family have taken so much effort, so aged like crap, outside of my perfect, imaginary world.

The news and other gossip makes me unhappy, for reasons already discussed in this thread.

I like the kind of social media, which is artistic or shows someone making something, whether it's utiliatarian as sewing leather or ridiculous as Rube Goldberg devices, exotic candies, and homemade musical instruments. If I don't get caught up in negativity, the internet is like a museum or cultural venue.


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11 Nov 2014, 10:12 pm

Do you mean people having an actress on their friends list? Or is that a separate list?

I like having some actresses on whatever Facebook has that on. It's much easier seeing them than a "normal" person. For example if someone I know in real life has a picture of them hanging out with friends then I'd feel left out or reminded I can't into parties and friends. But if an actress put up a photo of herself with friends I don't really compare myself in the same way. It's easier to just be happy for her.

Not sure what your comparison was but I was considering making a comparison between two series but didn't. I assumed the fans from one of the series would find some kind of problem with it. Or my post would be ignored completely. Probably the second one. Unless it's a picture of the person or a kid or a pet it rarely gets traction.


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12 Nov 2014, 12:50 am

You know how I do my social networking? It goes a little like this:

"Ring ring... ring ring... ring ring... Hey how's it goin' Jared? You wanna have a couple brewskies and watch some football?"
"Ring ring... ring ring... ring ring... Oh hi mom how is uncle Eddy doing?"

Pretty easy and I get to keep my sanity, as well as my eyes not being glued to a damned phone all day.

Now me and the fellas were a little stony at the river one day and we decided we should come up with a dudebook site. Women are allowed there but the content has to be dudely. Gushy subjects get deleted by the site itself before they're even submitted. If it takes you too long to write something the site says "what are you... some kind of queerbait? you think they want to read an essay on your feelings? or are you just bitching so much because the Raiders lost again?" lol. All of the ads on the site would be viagra, budweiser, bratwurst, nascar, rugby, nfl type ads and it would be glorious.

Who the hell wants to talk about all of the stupid crap they talk about on FB anyways? It's just everyone and their opinions on steroids because they don't mind letting everyone know how irrational they are if it's on the internet. Hashtag this, hashtag that, hashtag "all women experience predators", hashtag "not all men are predators", just blow my brains out already. Pretty soon we'll all be communicating using 30 IQ shorthand like "money good, I like money", "sex feel awesome", "jerkface interrupted favorite episode of ow my balls" (aka "idiocracy").


God that movie is great. I love Mike Judge's stuff.

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12 Nov 2014, 1:05 am

Everyone's used to hearing about how boring fb can be, because of would-be celebrities telling us about their ordinary ride to work, what depressing thing they ate for lunch.

The other side of the equation is that they have a willing audience.

If you try to buy, barter, ask difficult questions, or maybe get a date, you run into a voyeuristic element -- people who are just there to look.