Baritone - I went for light baritone but I'm not sure because I don't know of a test that would tell me whether it was light or dark. But I'm pretty sure it's baritone, because some time ago I looked into what category my singing voice was, and it came out baritone but with a bit more ability on the high end than for the typical baritone voice. It all fits quite well because I know that I tend to pick keys that require me to push the envelope a little higher than it would be if I didn't use a bit of extra oomph - simply because to my ears it always seems to sound better that way, I seem to get better control of my pitching when I sing above my "easy" range, plus it's more fun, and it's louder, so the gain of the mic doesn't need to be as high (back in the day, that was important to avoid howlback in the PA) and people seem to hear my voice as being better and more "professional" when it's good and loud - something to do with projection.
Back to the speaking voice - as with singing, if I'm trying to make it sound good then I'll speak at a slightly higher pitch than would come completely naturally. to improve projection and clarity.
One thing I don't understand is when I've sung too much and my voice is knackered, it often drops in pitch. I can understand how my high notes have been temporarily disabled, but I also seem able to sing and speak the lower notes better, they sound richer and fuller, and I seem to be able to sing and speak lower tones than I normally could. So rather than being purely a disabling effect, it's more of a shift of register, which has strengths as well as weaknesses. Normally I'd have trouble making tones below a certain pitch, but if I were for example wishing to make a recording that required a rich, masculine, bassy kind of voice, I'd consider waiting till I'd knackered my voice by accident and have a go then, to take advantage of the effect. Of course I wouldn't be so foolish as to deliberately knacker my voice just for that, but it's something that happens by accident quite often when I find myself overdoing it, so I wouldn't have long to wait.