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15 Aug 2021, 11:29 am

I feel I am smart with a learning disability?

What can you tell me about Aspergers, autistics and learning disabilities?


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15 Aug 2021, 12:26 pm

I can be slow to learn, but when I get there I often understand the matter in remarkable depth.

I have some difficulty learning stuff I'm not naturally interested in.

I'm poor at learning in a traditional classroom or lecture-theatre setting - verbal information often goes at the wrong pace for me to follow, the teacher might not be clearly audible, their wording might not be as clear as I need it to be, there's often a demand to sit still, pay constant attention and obey other awkward commands, there's often a sense of inequality where the teacher is supposed to be somehow better than I am, the environment is often uncomfortable, the background noise might be distracting, and I might be called upon to contribute and made to feel it's my fault if their methods have failed to support my contribution enough to make it a good one. And whoever decides the subject matter has hardly ever considered what I might want to learn about, and I've usually been there because I was told to attend rather than simply invited with no pressure.

In spite of all that I was able to get a lot of 'O' levels, 3 'A' levels of rather low grade (but all set by the Oxford and Cambridge board), and a Higher National Certificate in Medical Laboratory Subjects. So I'm not exactly an academic failure, and all things considered, quite intelligent, conscientious and successful.

So I could be thought to have a degree of learning disability. It could also be thought that the later parts of the educational system I encountered had a degree of teaching disability, and one bit of evidence for that is that I performed extremely well in my first school.

In everyday life, if I do something and I see it go wrong, I don't usually do it like that again. I'm fairly good at solving practical problems, and that often requires me to study the things involved in the problem and adapt my ideas about them to accommodate new information about them. I have something of a flair for research.

I have ASD.


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15 Aug 2021, 4:57 pm

there are probably a thousand ways to be learning disabled. I have 25th percentile visual processing and 35th percentile hearing processing, so anything done in "real time" or face to face is not absorbed and processed and I miss a whole lot. This is a form of sensory processing disorder although not diagnosed or known of until I got formal testing and diagnosis at age 68.

On the other hand I can read anything and come away with almost perfect memory and comprehension.

if I have to watch or listen I am doomed, truly it is a disability. If I can read and write, everything works as it should.


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15 Aug 2021, 7:00 pm

I have dyslexia

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

Wreck It Ralph


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16 Aug 2021, 8:17 am

I may be self-diagnosed dyscalculia.I am really good at basic grade school level math but not things like Algebra,trig,calculus.I was decent at geometry.I think i may have it but idk.I almost failed remedial math in college lol.


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16 Aug 2021, 5:47 pm

I have Cerebral Palsy, Psoriasis, Dyslexia, Aspergers & Learning Disability, I also have pretty bad anxiety. I’m slow at everything, I even started walking at 3 years old.


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16 Aug 2021, 5:55 pm

Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
I may be self-diagnosed dyscalculia.I am really good at basic grade school level math but not things like Algebra,trig,calculus.I was decent at geometry.I think i may have it but idk.I almost failed remedial math in college lol.

I’m like you, I only good at basic grade school math. I been in special ed for 11 years, I wanted a change, my senior year, I took regular classes, big mistake! I almost didn’t graduate high school.


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16 Aug 2021, 7:07 pm

Nothing official except it manifests as below average verbal IQ.
My overall IQ is above average -- which makes me having spiky profiles.

I may have a form of hyperlexia that manifests less of a super verbal ability that any early reading and articulate NVLD profiled aspies have, without the super memory perks on top of it.

And more of a language learning and processing issue, with a lot of pattern processing workarounds closer to classic cases have.
Still survived mainstream without academic or learning aides -- it's just luck that I found early enough how I work around.

For some unknown reason, I may be recently developing auditory processing issues along with other executive functioning issues with it.

It is likely the latter making the former than the former alone. Frustrating nonetheless.

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17 Aug 2021, 2:23 pm

I was diagnosed with dyscalculia ("math learning disability" was what it was referred to) as a child. I have figured out how to do better at learning math, but it still takes me much too long to actually do it and process it, and I forget how to do things beyond multiplication very quickly (within a few weeks to a month or two), so I have to constantly reteach myself things if I need those concepts.


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18 Aug 2021, 12:27 pm

I have a math learning disability. Math is very stressful. I have a hard time with fractions and percentages. I also struggle with long division. I almost failed math a lot. There was one class where I was ignored because I just sat there quietly. I never knew what I was doing and my teacher did not seem to care. I still passed. I hated high school math. I always felt anxious. When I got help once, this teacher accused me of skipping class because I did not know anything that we learned. I also have a nonverbal learning disability. Im not sure what that means though.


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18 Aug 2021, 12:43 pm

Crystal1414 wrote:
I have a math learning disability. Math is very stressful. I have a hard time with fractions and percentages. I also struggle with long division. I almost failed math a lot. There was one class where I was ignored because I just sat there quietly. I never knew what I was doing and my teacher did not seem to care. I still passed. I hated high school math. I always felt anxious. When I got help once, this teacher accused me of skipping class because I did not know anything that we learned. I also have a nonverbal learning disability. Im not sure what that means though.

I am really bad with fractions, decimals, and percentages. I don't really know what to do with those because I missed that stuff in elementary school, and whenever I had to use fractions or percentages in high school math I just guessed on the questions, because there was no way I could actually do them. One of my teachers tried to help me in the 10th grade and was bewildered (but wasn't mean) about the fact I didn't know how fractions worked. :oops:


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22 Aug 2021, 5:20 pm

I was diagnosed with AS when I was 13 and my math skills are awful.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!