Alternative diagnostic criteria for STPD looks like ASD.

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Joined: 10 Jun 2019
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30 Jul 2022, 7:44 am

The alternative diagnostic criteria for Schizotypal Personality Disorder look very similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder.

A. Moderate or greater impairment in personality functioning,

manifested by characteristic difficulties in two or more of the

following four areas:

1. Identity: Confused boundaries between self and others;

distorted self-concept; emotional expression often not

congruent with context or internal experience.

2. Self-direction: Unrealistic or incoherent goals; no clear

set of internal standards.

3. Empathy: Pronounced difficulty understanding impact of

own behaviors on others; frequent misinterpretations of

others’ motivations and behaviors.

4. Intimacy: Marked impairments in developing close

relationships, associated with mistrust and anxiety.

B. Four or more of the following six pathological personality


1. Cognitive and perceptual dysregulation (an aspect of

Psychoticism): Odd or unusual thought processes;

vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or

stereotyped thought or speech; odd sensations in various

sensory modalities.

2. Unusual beliefs and experiences (an aspect of

Psychoticism): Thought content and views of reality that

are viewed by others as bizarre or idiosyncratic; unusual

experiences of reality.

3. Eccentricity (an aspect of Psychoticism): Odd, unusual,

or bizarre behavior or appearance; saying unusual or

inappropriate things.

4. Restricted affectivity (an aspect of Detachment): Little

reaction to emotionally arousing situations; constricted

emotional experience and expression; indifference or


5. Withdrawal (an aspect of Detachment): Preference for

being alone to being with others; reticence in social

situations; avoidance of social contacts and activity; lack

of initiation of social contact.

6. Suspiciousness (an aspect of Detachment):

Expectations of—and heightened sensitivity to—signs of

interpersonal ill-intent or harm; doubts about loyalty and

fidelity of others; feelings of persecution.

Some of the symptoms of Schizotypal Personality Disorder look like late detected form of Autism Spectrum Disorder:

1) Confused boundaries between self and others;

distorted self-concept; emotional expression often not

congruent with context or internal experience.

2) Pronounced difficulty understanding impact of

own behaviors on others; frequent misinterpretations of

others’ motivations and behaviors.

3) Odd or unusual thought processes;

vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or

stereotyped thought or speech; odd sensations in various

sensory modalities.

4) Odd, unusual, or bizarre behavior or appearance; saying unusual or

inappropriate things.

The new diagnostic criteria for Schizotypal Personality Disorder look too similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder and it is poorly defined.

I think that Schizotypal Personality Disorder is on the border between Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders. I think that in reality, Schizotypal Personality Disorder is just a late detected form of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

If you still have trouble with these symptoms, you have a neurodevelopmental disorder, you were like that your whole life, from the very beginning, it was not noticed until adulthood though:

1) Pronounced difficulty understanding impact of

own behaviors on others; frequent misinterpretations of

others’ motivations and behaviors.

2) Confused boundaries between self and others;

distorted self-concept; emotional expression often not

congruent with context or internal experience.

3) Odd or unusual thought processes;

vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or

stereotyped thought or speech; odd sensations in various

sensory modalities.

4) Odd, unusual, or bizarre behavior or appearance; saying unusual or

inappropriate things.

Personality Disorders are poorly defined because those personality disorders look like neurodevelopmental disorders and it makes no sense at all.