I started to feel guilt and remorse for encouraging Activism of Care. At first, he seemed to be very trustworthy and right until he compared Asperger Syndrome, any forms of ASD as being annoying to being pompous to personality disorders. And in there, he was so convincing and self-righteous that I compared some of my symptoms of repetitive behaviors to NPD, and it is only today that I deleted that comment from there.
I am still subscribed to his YouTube channel, but I don't watch most of his videos, because I don't agree with most things he say.
I think I need to think about the consequences of my actions, because it is recently that I started to feel guilt and remorse for what I did.
I feel like I was making fun of myself and everyone with ASD. It's just that after I watched his video about Asperger Syndrome, I started to hate myself and then later on and felt like I hate people with ASD and felt so ashamed about it recently. It was an internalized ableism, and his video made me myself, but I felt very hypocritical afterwards.
I feel guilty for that encouragement, I wish there is something in can do to improve myself, I am sorry