firemonkey wrote:
Sometimes I really wonder whether I truly fit in with the autistic community. Much of that is due to the issue of whether or not ASD is a disability. I see it as being one, and struggle to identify with those that don't. No matter how hard I try I can't see the reasons for wanting a diagnosis ,if you don't think autism has any adverse effects.
It's been very clear to me from the beginning that I don't fit in with the autistic community.
In person, autistic people usually over-stimulate me.
In videos about ASD/ADHD on YouTube I see lots of comments about how emotional viewers get watching the video, or how emotional their diagnosis was. It was never very emotional for me. I've known something was weird for a long time. It was a nice relief to finally be to name it and understand it and have better tools for dealing with it.
Most people seem to view ADHD and especially ASD as their identity, but to me they're conditions I have. Finding out I have ASD and ADHD didn't change how I thought or felt about those conditions; it just made me better able to recognize them.
It didn't change how I feel about myself. Before my diagnosis, I didn't subscribe to the belief that however I am is how I should be and everyone should accept me for how I am just because it's who I am. Nothing I've learn has prompted me to change that. Yet the attitude in a lot of places, especially around here, is what I consider to be toxic positivity: accept everything, criticize nothing.