jamie0.0 wrote:
I follow a typical white diet that I've heard is common with people who have ASD.
I eat potato's (fries), bread, rice and meat
I don't eat fruits or vegetables.
Most vegetables and fruits make me gag
My question is
Can a picky eater loose weight without eating things like fruits and vegetables?
The easy answer is no. You can lose wait doing anything, but long term you're gonna have to eat green vegies of some kind(fruits are mostly worthless fyi)
All vegies are not equal. There's 100s of different vegetables and I like about 10 and it took me 20 years to figure that out.
The mistake is assuming there's one way to make them, when there's a pile of different things you can do to make the foot work.
I can't stand crunchy vegetables, smelly onions etc, but there's plenty of tricks I've learned to work them into my diet.
i.e. backed potatoes, cut them up like french fries and then drench them in cheese.
Once you like that, experiment with tomatoes etc. The trick is always to be experimenting.
Another key is remember you like predictable foods, you're not necessarily picky, you just hate surprises.
The benefit of being on the spectrum is if you find something you like you can really like that thing. So in some ways it's really easy to diet.