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04 Apr 2024, 8:38 pm

I hate being touched and often (involuntarily) scream (out of fear) when someone has the nerve to touch me. Including "friendly" pats on the back. Esp since I do not have eyes in the back of my head and i can't predict when someone will do it. it gets on my nerves. what part of "keep your hands to yourself" do you not understand?

Anyone else?

utterly absurd

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04 Apr 2024, 8:47 pm

Same for me. I can stand it with people I know very well as long as I'm warned before it happens, but otherwise it just seems very rude. And then other people think I'm being rude when I react.
When you're a kid they teach you about "personal space" but no one seems to care.

Diagnosed ASD/ADHD age 5. Finally understood that age 17.
Have very strong opinions so sorry if I offend anyone--I still respect your opinion.
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04 Apr 2024, 8:55 pm

I can't do touch unless it's from an intimate partner, or a deep tissue massage therapist who makes it hurt.

Light touch drives me bonkers.

Last week I got such a hard massage I was bruised.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.


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04 Apr 2024, 9:24 pm

I'm more or less OK with it, and might even like it, as long as it's somebody I feel good about and it's not too sudden. Otherwise I'd really rather they didn't.

I hate the bedclothes being moved across my skin. It always sets off my itching. Occupational hazard when I share a bed. It's worth the discomfort overall, but only just, on a bad night.


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05 Apr 2024, 9:49 am

This is how I feel too

Someone: You attract what you fear.‬
‪Me: I'm terrified of Elmer Fudd.

Elmer's wife since 2022

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06 Apr 2024, 4:53 am

Once someone at work poked me on the shoulder. It's a sore point because of fibromyalgia so I yelled "Ow!" They backed away in shock because of my reaction. So I said I was sorry and explained why her light poke hurt me so much.

I'm good at pretending that pats on the back and such don't bother me but deep down they do and my nerves are frazzled when it happens.