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23 Oct 2023, 12:33 pm

I got this from my women's autism group.

It's a questionnaire to determine our levels of Monotropism (tunnel vision thinking, going into rabbit holes, focussing on details rather than the big picture).

Apparently I score crazy high on it.
Perhaps that explains a lot about why everything is always so intense for me, and I always feel trapped in my head.


My score:


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23 Oct 2023, 12:54 pm


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23 Oct 2023, 1:14 pm


Score: 182/235
More monotropic than 21% of autistic folk & 89% of allistic people.
Average: 3.87

Mountain Goat

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23 Oct 2023, 1:17 pm

217 out of 235. The ones I didn't understand the words I put don't know. (The middle).
Average 4.62.

Says I am more monowhateveritis than 92% of autistic people and 100% of alistic people. Don't get it. What is it?

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Last edited by Mountain Goat on 23 Oct 2023, 1:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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23 Oct 2023, 1:18 pm

Monotropism Score: 206 / 235

Your Average: 4.38

This score suggests that you are more Monotropic than about 75% of autistic people and about 99% of allistic people based on data from the initial validation study.

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23 Oct 2023, 1:24 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
217 out of 235. The ones I didn't understand the words I put don't know. (The middle).
Average 4.62.

Says I am more monowhateveritis than 92% of autistic people. Don't get it.

"Monotropism is a person's tendency to focus their attention on a small number of interests at any time, tending to miss things outside of this attention tunnel. This cognitive strategy is posited to be the central underlying feature of autism."


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23 Oct 2023, 1:29 pm

I may have picked some of the wording on questions apart but I also have to admit that I am a bit strange in the context of the autistic spectrum. My diagnosis was actually PDD-NOS (you don't exactly have Asperger's, at least back in 1991, but you're still 'weird' in that direction) and I remember when the AQ/EQ tests were all the rage I actually scored past the far-side of allist/NT on both AQ and EQ.

As a reminder this is an assessment for Monotropism, a trait sometimes associated with Autism, not Autism directly. If you score high, please be sure to do further research into Monotropism, more information can be found:

Monotropism Score: 177 / 235

Your Average: 3.77

This score suggests that you are more Monotropic than about 14% of autistic people and about 85% of allistic people based on data from the initial validation study.

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Mountain Goat

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23 Oct 2023, 1:35 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
217 out of 235. The ones I didn't understand the words I put don't know. (The middle).
Average 4.62.

Says I am more monowhateveritis than 92% of autistic people. Don't get it.

"Monotropism is a person's tendency to focus their attention on a small number of interests at any time, tending to miss things outside of this attention tunnel. This cognitive strategy is posited to be the central underlying feature of autism."

Yes, but I also notice things that others don't notice.

Last edited by Mountain Goat on Febuary 31st, 2026, 12:42 am, edited 126 time in total.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Oct 2023, 2:11 pm

Thank you for bringing this up, I saw somewhere else that everyone seemed to have very high scores in that quiz. Me included (210/235).
I don't know what to think of this theory and the people or person who made the quiz said that it still needs a lot of work, so I really wondered if there was anyone out there who actually scored low on it.


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23 Oct 2023, 2:27 pm

My boyfriend scored low.
He's not autistic, but the test is meant for all people.

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23 Oct 2023, 2:36 pm

Monotropism Score: 197 / 235

Your Average: 4.19

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23 Oct 2023, 2:55 pm

Monotropism Score: 185 / 235

Your Average: 3.94

This score suggests that you are more Monotropic than about 28% of autistic people and about 91% of allistic people based on data from the initial validation study.

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23 Oct 2023, 3:15 pm

I'm not monotropic

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23 Oct 2023, 3:22 pm

babybird wrote:
I'm not monotropic

Did you take the test babybird?


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23 Oct 2023, 3:29 pm

Lower than most autistics but higher than most people in general. Sounds about right.

Monotropism Score: 160 / 235

Your Average: 3.40

This score suggests that you are more Monotropic than about 2% of autistic people and about 65% of allistic people based on data from the initial validation study.


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23 Oct 2023, 3:31 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
babybird wrote:
I'm not monotropic

Did you take the test babybird?

Course I did

It was like 1% and 8% or something like that

We have existence