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16 May 2023, 1:36 am

I am very fortunate so far. I have some minor aches and pains when the weather changes. I eat plant based and reversed inflammation (that was beginning to happen).

I do have near and far vision issues (started in my thirties). Corrected with glasses. Hair also started to go grey in my thirties, but not sure that's really an indicator of health one way or another.

I need to get back into some kind of light exercise such as qi gong again (it helps with aches and pains in the legs and knees). I walk daily.

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16 May 2023, 8:55 am

My metabolism changed after 40 and I started gaining weight. I didn't get a handle on it until I was 65. I had to lose 140 lbs to get back down to a healthy weight of 175 lbs.
Now I have to carefully watch what I eat. I can no longer eat anything sweet without triggering uncontrollable cravings (like an addiction response) to eat more carbs. If I stay on the mediterranean diet I think I'll be okay.
I didn't start exercising regularly until I was 65. And then it was only walking, stretching and free weights.

My eyes started going far-sighted at around 50. I don't need prescription glasses, just drug store reading glasses. But it gets worse every year. Now I use two pair of reading glasses to read my phone!


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18 May 2023, 3:52 pm

No major health issues, but a number of "minor" ailments, aches and pains. Strangely, I felt healthier in my 50s than I did in my 40s, but I suppose more recently than that they've become worse, though they're not quite the same aches and pains as I used to get.

Probably the worst thing was the psychological element of knowing I'm no longer young. I'm more difficult to entertain and I'm less hopeful than I used to be. There seems to be more drudgery in my life than there used to be. Back in the day, when I had an ailment I was usually confident that it would heal, but these days when I first notice a health problem I wonder whether it's the beginning of the end for me. Sometimes I wish dates of birth weren't recorded, so that I wouldn't know how old I am.

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19 May 2023, 7:08 pm

Overall, the most difficult thing is how what other people see (an old guy) doesn't correspond to my self-image, which hasn't changed in about 25 years. I'm sometimes shocked when I'm out in public and notice my reflection in a mirror. Also, maybe due to autism, I've never "acted my age," but I think this becomes more noticeable to others the older I get.

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31 May 2023, 11:59 am

Reproductive cancer
Sore legs
Body aches and pains

Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?


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07 Jun 2023, 9:19 am

Study finds an increased disease burden in middle-aged and older autistic adults

Older autistic adults have a significantly higher risk of injury, especially self-inflicted, and physical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, anemia, heart failure and COPD. This is according to a large-scale registry study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity.

In the population-based study, the KI researchers linked different national registers and compared the risk for five types of injury and 39 age-related physical conditions in people over the age of 45. Of the four million-plus people born between 1932 and 1967, 1,930 women and 3,361 men had an autism diagnosis. For each physical condition, they evaluated the 25-year cumulative incidence and the relative risk in autistic people compared with non-autistic people of the same sex and age.

Seven-fold risk of self-harm
Autistic people had a higher risk of four of five studied injures, for which self-harm accounted for the greatest risk increase, followed by poisoning, falls and other physical injuries.

The risk of self-harm was worryingly high, a full seven times higher than in non-autistic people," says Liu. "Reasons behind this remain largely unknown. One possible contributing factor could be mental health conditions that commonly co-occur with autism, such as anxiety and depression."

The researchers also found a risk increase for 15 physical conditions. For example, autistic people had three times the risk of anaemia and glucose dysregulation and almost double the risk of heart failure, type 2 diabetes, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Multiple contributory factors
Since this was an observational study, no causal relationships can be ascertained, and the researchers were not able to take into account variables such as socioeconomic status. Furthermore, given that the study used Swedish registers, it is difficult to make generalisations to other countries.

The study was financed by the Swedish Research Council and Servicer Affaires Medicales. Co-author Henrik Larsson has received speaker fees from Evolian Pharma and Shire, and research grants from Shire (unrelated to this present study).

Take care folks, don’t forget your yearly physical, etc.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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07 Jun 2023, 9:47 am

I drank and smoked for 20+ years before I hit 40, so, um, my input is fairly skewed towards "I have no idea what is from old age and what is from abuse"

as it stands, my "reproductive functions" have definitely taken a dive beginning around then, and I suppose my scalp started "acting up", as well. Other than that, it hadn't been until a year ago that I started getting arthritis pains in my hands. My 40s were relatively healthy and still had me "all together".

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13 Jun 2023, 5:23 am

Presbyopia, so now I have to take my glasses off to read.

Fibromyalgia, though I don't think it's age related (feel sorry for those that get it in their 20s).

Some sort of endocrine thing going on, currently being investigated.


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13 Jun 2023, 5:34 am

Personally my body just tolerates adversity less well than it used to. You have to start taking care of yourself more because when something goes wrong, whether that's gaining weight, pulling a muscle, if you get sick or even just getting a cold or something, just getting back to where you were health-wise is more of a struggle. And if you don't struggle then that's the start of physical decline that will probably just get worse and worse the older you get. You just don't bounce back like you used to.

And your eyes start to go. Mine were fine until a few years ago, now I can't read without glasses and each time you get stronger glasses your eyes get weaker so you need stronger glasses.

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20 Jun 2023, 9:53 am

When you are in your 60s, you start losing track of when you lost specific things.

One really annoying thing was not being able to pick myself up off the ground. Now, when I'm weeding or puttering around my garden, I bring a stool with me.

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20 Jun 2023, 12:19 pm

You shouldn’t drink as much before weeding. :P

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20 Jun 2023, 1:29 pm

So after reading all the above and 60+odd years of life , most odd! as a matter of fact . been crashed crushed ,repeated pneumonia,asthma, migraine everything that goes with skeletal issues , fms , cfs ,Lymedisease,surgeries broken bones,
periods of deafness, mast cell issues , Psyche issues....3 months comatose, recovery,rehab,Covid .financial ruin.
psychologically tortured in alignment with wishes of a lower court,directly and by proxy which ,i came back and destroyed there ability to prosecuete any higher level felonies , all legally :idea: . Was not able to expose the corruption they employed , including the firing of a State victims advocate they fired when ,I tried to expose it, To her ,And she said something about it to prosecuetors . :skull:
Success(chance) favours the informed mind after dealing with many head on issue involving health . Many that should have killed me....So recovery was urgently imminently important Consequently , had to made healing and health my special interest . After all the BS stuff and treatments , some good often borderline helpful .But have learned a great deal of improvement was gained after much attention to Inflammation levels in my body, and gain interest in some magnetic energetic types of medicine. These are just my experiences ..hope it might offer help to anybody on WP. Still alittle disabled. but much better than before , I feel

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
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20 Jun 2023, 6:52 pm

Misslizard wrote:
You shouldn’t drink as much before weeding. :P

Especially when I might have to get up to pee.

May you be blessed by YHWH and his Asherah


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20 Jun 2023, 7:25 pm

TBH most of the destruction of my health happened in my 20's and 30's, starting with hiatal hernia when I was 24 and then all the side effects of being on proton pump inhibitors (Prilosec, Nexium, etc.) for over a decade. I finally figured out that it was regular caffeine consumption causing the problem, cut that out, cut out drinking, and I've had a residual problem with my shoulders - side sleeping actually damaging the interior area - which it seems I've been largely successful at reversing with enzymes, other additional joint support supplements, and collagen.

My next step is making sure my shoulders mend, keeping myself out walking regularly, and hopefully getting back into some kind of regular light fitness activity whether it's martial arts of some kind, yoga, etc.. I also just purchased another supplement that's supposed to target and aid my body in removing senescent cells - I've taken 1000mg resveratrol capsules before, hopefully this cocktail works as well if not better.

My goal is to assist my body and nervous system in any ways I can and set myself up for more resilience. I think everyone knows that things start changing into your late 30's and early 40's, I've heard people say you don't really notice a lot of slippage (at least most active people don't) until their late 40's or early 50's. Again, goal is to head as much off at the pass. Up until the last few years my life was pretty f'd up for all kinds of reasons and I'm hoping to make what years I have left (or if we come up with radical age extension - quite a few years) as enjoyable as I can manage.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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21 Jun 2023, 6:37 am

Weight gets harder to maintain.
Stamina just isn’t what it used to be. Too much exertion and my heart pounds like crazy and I get light headed - takes time to go back to normal.
Back is iffy - need to be careful lifting things.
Executive function seems worse - focus.
Mood - had to change my meds.
(I got lyme and covid-19 - could be having brainfog)
Immune system is not as good - seems to take longer to bounce back from everything.
Skin - more skin problems.

Currently 55

ADHD-I(diagnosed) ASD-HF(diagnosed)
RDOS scores - Aspie score 131/200 - neurotypical score 69/200 - very likely Aspie


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21 Jun 2023, 10:11 am

Honey69 wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
You shouldn’t drink as much before weeding. :P

Especially when I might have to get up to pee.

Then it’s time to fertilize the shrubbery.
NOT the lettuce.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi