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13 Jan 2008, 9:01 am

Who else is guilty of this? If I find a set of clothing that feels right I will wear it day after day. I do wash it every few days, at night, and I change my underwear at least once a day, but the outside clothes stay the same.

(I nearly replied to the thread in the adolescent forum until realizing where it was, so I'm starting one here!)

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13 Jan 2008, 9:33 am

I wear them till they need washing, I don't see the point of washing clothes every time they're worn, it just wastes detergent and makes the clothes wear out quicker. Things like jeans don't need washing each time you wear them. Underwear I change every day but most other things will get a few wears before they need washing unless I spill something on them or it's been really hot and sweaty.
I have a favourite pair of jeans and I try and time it so that they get washed on days when I don't have to go out anywhere. Today I'm going out unexpectedly and they're in the wash, I'll have to find something else to wear which is a pain because most of my tops and shoes only look right with the jeans.

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13 Jan 2008, 9:48 am

:oops: LOL ... yes I'm guilty of that.

In fact, I have had weekends where I just keep the same t-shirt on from Friday evening right through to Monday morning.

Bad girl!! !! :roll:

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13 Jan 2008, 10:18 am

Apatura wrote:
Who else is guilty of this? If I find a set of clothing that feels right I will wear it day after day. I do wash it every few days, at night, and I change my underwear at least once a day, but the outside clothes stay the same.
Me, me too!! :D

They become like a second skin. The changing seasons are really hard for me, like having to grow a new skin, make new shell.

I'm not dirty either; like you i wash underwear and under T-shirts etc, but the rest goes on for ever.

Funny thing is that when was in late teens, early 20's i was the opposite; i could hardly bear to wear the same thing two days running.



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13 Jan 2008, 10:44 am

I absolutely do this. It takes time to get my skin accustomed to my clothes. I put on a fresh pair of jeans the other day and my legs just started feeling like they were on fire. I had no idea the wife had been adding vinegar to the rinse water for a while. She had run out for that pair.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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13 Jan 2008, 11:16 am

I do, as long as they are still clean enough. Work is a little different, though; I rotate dress shirts and ties. But because my job has the potential for getting dirty, I wear the same pants because I don't want to ruin my slacks; it's easier to replace one pair than several.

Otherwise, at home I wear my favorite clothes.


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13 Jan 2008, 11:23 am

I start to think I may old-fashioned. Extremely ultimately old-fashioned.

Of course I change underwear each day - but I wear shirts two days in a row, and trousers for a week. I don't stink, my clothes are not the least dirty, I have cats but no cat hairs on my clothes. I am clean and my clothes are clean. Why shouldn't I wear the same things for more than one day?

Do people really expect me to change clothes at least once a day? Daily like showering? Do some people get all their clothes dirty in roughly 10 hours so that it is necessary to get changed that often?

The thing I can't understand is how people do sports but feel no need to have a shower until it's shower time according to their daily routines. That's so horrible, it doesn't make sense.

Seriously, is this a 'rule' to change all clothes every day now? Something that is expected of me and that I failed to notice until now?


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13 Jan 2008, 11:50 am

Sora, I think it's an "unstated" rule (ok, maybe not unstated if you're young and your parents make you do it). Once upon a time, I assume people did wear the same clothes out of necessity. But with mass production, variety became affordable and available. It's most likely due, now, to status; showing off your wardrobe and your dollars. And a mating ritual as well. "The clothes make the man," they say.

Incidentally, I've tried to get into fashion. I usually just wind up with clothes that I don't wear.

I don't think there's anything WRONG with having a varied wardrobe, more power to them, as long as it doesn't devolve into snobbishness or superiority arrogance (little kids should NOT be wearing 100 dollar shoes while making fun of other kids with "bobos." Those kids did NOT earn those shoes with a paper route! Mommy and daddy bought 'em.)


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13 Jan 2008, 12:40 pm

Yes, I do this too, if I'm not going anywhere special and just dressing casually. I have a favourite jumper which I wear most of the time in the winter. I do wash it often, but I tumble dry it so I can wear it again as soon as possible. When it's in the wash I miss it when I have to wear something else. It's absolutely not stylish, bobbly, a bit tatty, but I love it! This jumper feel like a big warm hug. :)


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13 Jan 2008, 1:09 pm

I never wash clothes after one day except underwear (well, even socks Ill wear twice and noone notices. Normal clothes I wear for two days - not longer on work days but sometimes longer if Im not at work. But after that, if the clothes still dont seem smelly or dirty to me I put them back in the wardrobe and wear them again. For some things - like special clothes that need to be handwashed, I wear again and again before washing. Same with most pairs of trousers, particularly my purple cords which I dont want to fade.

I also dont have a shower every day - I plan my showers around swimming and sports and make sure I have one at least every two days inbetween that. But as far as I know noone seems to notice, so clearly its not necessary and a waste of water. When I was a teenager I only had two showers a week - this was less than necessary and people did notice, but I still didnt change - not because I didnt want the showers, but because I didnt want to change and didnt have the courage to tell my parents I wanted to have them more often.


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13 Jan 2008, 1:16 pm

I perform the 'smell check' on t-shirts, sweaters & pants. I'm very clean myself so it depends on a number of things; were I have been, what I was doing. If I have the flu I will wear a new outfit each day, same goes if I visit the beach/sitting around in the sand, that sort of thing.


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13 Jan 2008, 7:10 pm

Wearever clothing topic

How did everyone know? My NT children are afraid to wear an item more than one day in a row, and my youngest even admits to changing clothes more than twice a day! I wonder if NTs like to send the message that their wardrobes are bursting with different outfits. Some are so fearful to be seen in the same outfit lest they are sent home to change clothes!

I have always had problems with fabrics and certain styles, especially underwear, so much that I have worn the same bra for nine years (washed once in a while). I like to wear three pairs of socks at once, day and night (for two days) before I change them. When I was a teen I would wear the same outfit for a week (not a uniform) and wash it once a week.

If it feels good, wear it.
Wash it when it needs it.
Two rules. That is it.

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13 Jan 2008, 7:28 pm

Since living alone and having to pay (laundromatte) to wash clothes I do find myself wearing the same clothes over and over. But I do wash them once a week. But I tend to wear the same jeans 3 times before washing. I wear a different shirt each day usually and change underwear and socks daily. I notice these days people tend to wear the same clothes over and over compared to when I was younger and people have fresh clothes on every day.

One thing I want to throw out there is I think people that do this get used to their own smell and do not realize that yes indeed their clothes do have body odor on them. I have a number of friends and co-workers over the years that don't bath daily and they blame it on dry skin usually. They do not realize everyone else can indeed smell their stinkiness even if they can't. My ex would only bath once every 4 days and she smelled bad, kinda like doo-doo because she let her dog sleep with her and he was always rolling in wildanimal poop when she took him for walks in the woods. She used to wear the same sweatsuit each day to work and this was a higher paying type tech job. She has worn that same suit almost daily for 9 I kinda think her co-workers have noticed though she is oblivious to this.

I think the idea should be you don't want people thinking you wear the same clothes over and over without laundering even if you do. I suggest for young guys trying to get a girl don't ever let the girls think you do this because women think its nasty not having fresh clothes daily. Wear the same pants every other day and alternate your shirts so it appears the clothes are fresh.

I have noticed the Aspies at work all wear the same pants all wear long and sometimes the same shirt every day. When it becomes obvious then I think its a no-no.


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13 Jan 2008, 8:50 pm

On the weekends, I wear the same clothes.


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13 Jan 2008, 11:05 pm

Yes i wear cloths for about 2 days than a new pair. The other thing that i find helps use Laudry soap that has no perfume or dyes. Why you ask ? well little to no smell of soap and alot less itchy. :D


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14 Jan 2008, 10:56 pm

Apatura wrote:
Who else is guilty of this? If I find a set of clothing that feels right I will wear it day after day. I do wash it every few days, at night, and I change my underwear at least once a day, but the outside clothes stay the same.

(I nearly replied to the thread in the adolescent forum until realizing where it was, so I'm starting one here!)

Yes, I'd seen that thread so many times & wanted to comment-but was stopped by seeing it in section that I never go in (since I'm long past adolescence).

As kid, I only had few items of clothing (that always needed patching where the fabric had worn thin)-not a situation of my choosing-so was eager to have more different outfits (also wanted to fit in with peers & be fashionable). Put lot of effort into planning out what things to wear with what others, as teenager in school-needed creativity to make it seem less like I had such limited options. Felt like I had to put on a good front, of dressing "artsy" to disguise my lack of clothing basics. School years were constant worrisome social display, I hated being so exposed, vulnerable and having such lack of control over my environment.

As adult, things are different, because I hardly ever go out of my apartment & I finally have plenty of clothing. That gives me the freedom to do what feels comfortable to me-which is wear soft loose clothing. In general, since I've got a boyfriend I don't feel pressure to go out & pretend (to look prettier than I really look) all the time, in order to catch some stranger's eye. On the rare occasions I do leave house, I have special uncomfy form-fitting clothing that looks nice & publicly presentable. Those outfits aren't often worn, so I leave folded pile of them for those excursions-they don't have chance to get "dirty". Then I scramble back into my indoor clothing-takes time to get used to how anything feels on my body, so I hate changing clothing-a physically aversive transition. I don't sleep in designated nightwear, always hated nightgowns because they ride up & twist. I just sleep in my usual indoor clothing (sweatpants or flannel pj bottoms & t-shirt or long-sleeve).

So (to try to get back on topic) I'll wear certain items for more or less time, depending on how quickly they seem to be "ready" to go in laundry hamper, and I also alternate between outfits throughout day or week, as circumstances (activity & temperature) suggest. Don't follow some cultural rule that says if I've had clothing on my body for 2 hours, it's automatically dirty. I use fragrance-free detergent & dryer sheets. My favorite items are 15-year-old tee-shirts, they're so deliciously soft (the epitome of "well-worn") !

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