Amajanshi wrote:
There is an Autism/Asperger test created by a Doctor called Ritvo, it takes into account the differences from when you were under 16, and then over 16. I think it's reasonably accurate...
Now that's something I've run into - the possible effect of adaptation (over time and with experience). I am 48 and leaning towards a self diagnosis of ASD. My AQ was 39 when I answered for my present performance levels. However, when I took the quiz again, answering as I remember myself at 18, my AQ was 43. There are numerous ASD symptoms that might be overcome with behavior modification and I believe that might have happened in my case.
How do you take the 'Ritvo' test? I couldn't find naught but Ritvo's website where I had to e-mail them for a response.
And the other test mentioned here I took, with the following results:
Your Aspie score: 159 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 56 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Again, I feel that some of my answers were experience or age 'adjusted' responses. When I was a kid I would have probably scored much higher in the 'Aspie' domain. Of course, I do not know for sure that I 'have' ASD but I'm very convinced of the likelihood that such is the case.
"Alpha males are for monkeys"
"If you cannot say what you will never mean what you say"