I need help getting into politics. USA
These past four weeks in the United States have been difficult. I am a former public health worker at my county level. I semi retired since my second child because my income was less than childcare for two then. I went back for a short time during the pandemic, but had to leave again for my mental health.
It seems that the United States executive branch is overstepping the bounds given to it in the constitution, two things that are given to Congress instead of the executive branch. Between that and the confirmation of RFK Junior as HHS secretary and the from day, one attack on our public health institutions. I can’t work in the background anymore. I can’t be quiet.
It seems like the best way to go about affecting change would be to join that Congress. I am in Texas running against the senator coming up for the 2020 election would be foolish. He commands too much of a regular war chest and he’s going up against our to general, neither of which fight, clean in politics. However, I think my house representative seat is doable to go after. He has voted very much with the far right Republican Party since 2016. He also has not had a primary challenger since the district was drawn up in its current form because of how the district is drawn up, it is solidly Republican And he has not had a serious challenge from a Democrat. Politically, I’m a moderate and I would run as a Republican, in part due to the realistic assessment of the political leaning of the three counties in district 14 and I am slightly more conservative of a moderate. But would look incredibly liberal compared to MAGA party leaders.
I’m currently a stay at home parent who homeschooled my three autistic kids, and has a small poultry farm. The bottom, half of two of the counties in the district and most of the third county are solidly rural. And my husband works in the industrial plants. We are solidly lower middle class making it, but barely. I do feel that background would resonate with the demographics of my district.
But I need help figuring out how to find a campaign manager, a fundraiser who would be able to raise funds to cover their incomes plus the campaign and social media management.
Obviously, I would support disability rights as a Congress person. I also have a slew of other national agenda items that I’ve slowly been working on since 2016 because I have never voted for Trump and I will never do so.
Does anyone on this forum know someone with experience or interest in being a campaign manager or fundraiser? Or knows how to contact someone who would be interested in supporting a campaign against an incumbent so that hopefully this administration can be stopped of their harmful policies and excesses?
__ /(. . )

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
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It might not be viable to try to be an anti-Trump member of the Trump party right now. It doesn't seem like they're interested in anyone who isn't part of the Trump cult, given how they've been using agreeing with lies as part of their purity test as of recent.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
I wouldn’t actively be advertising myself as anti-Trump during the campaign, and I would obviously have deleted all of my social media.
I would be putting myself out as a younger candidate. And someone whose lifestyle reflects those of the constituency. And who understands a lot of their concerns, as specific to farming. I mean, I kind of support approximately nine Ish of the 20 position statements at least partially although they’re not necessarily in the direction that they’ve been saying that’s how they would support the position statement.
For instance, I am totally against the weaponization of government, which is what they’ve been doing for the past month. And it’s been worse for employees of the federal government. And I am absolutely for clean safe cities although I’m very certain that includes access to groceries and food, safe walkways with lighting and safe biking routes that are not in danger of being hit by cars, and safe and accessible sidewalks so that wheelchair users and others with mobility devices have a safe and continuous path through the cities. And I am all for an evidence-based economic plan to lower the inflation. Etc.
So no, I would not be going for political suicide by stating that I am against Trump, but for being willing to listen to the people and take their concerns to Washington.
__ /(. . )

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
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I didn't assume you'd be openly describing yourself as anti-Trump, but failing the purity tests would have the same result.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

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I would switch parties to the Democrats. The Republican Party is Trump’s party. Pretty much all of the anti Trump Republicans have been forced out. The Texas Democrats are probably moderate.
I would not run for Congress but for a local elected position. It costs a lot a lot less to run for and local elected officials in many if not most ways affect the daily lives of their constituents more that elected officials to national office. As a local official you are going to be trying to mitigate the damage caused Trump. A local position can be used as training position for eventual higher office.
I would ask for advice from the local party about the basics of how to run a campaign.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
The county I am in will not vote for a Democrat, just because of the party title. On the other hand, most of the Democrats I know would vote for me personally because they know what I’m not gonna do and they know if I am gonna be elected within the county and district that the only practical thing would be to run Republican.
Yay Gerrymandering
__ /(. . )

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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join your county "party" group. Look for opportunities to hold office on a local level, city, county.... school board, tax assessor, library or conservation board, animal control, water or roads commission, citizens advisory boards, downtown development groups, chamber of commerce, county offices, etc. Talk to local news sources , newspapers, radio, tv venues .
So many local entities are looking for volunteer participants and citizens are just not interested in spending time on serving the public. You will gain valuable experience that will also look good on your resume, and believe me people will dig for info about your experience and your ideas. Start a web page about local issues and let your opinion be known at all public meetings, hearings, etc that you possibly can attend. Speak to the "person on the street". Make yourself and your ideas visible in any way possible.
Get known locally to find others who share your views. Have meetings about local issues and figure out local problems, form interest groups that meet publicly and invite others to join, write letters to the editor and to the local controlling authorities that you agree with and also those you disagree with. Attend city and county official meetings and make your voice heard. The more you are public, noticed , and the more you are known in your own community, the more you are likely to attract supporters and followers.
Cheering you on, the country needs more involvement from local citizens on so many levels. Start locally for most impact, get seen, let others understand, clearly show your beliefs and your mission. Keep us posted.
"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson
I am involved locally, but not in politics. We will small town, politics, scarf, a mess. And I will say our school board is bought. Literally.
No, I volunteer at the library, at the food banks, making sure that the food availability boxes that every single church in my community has set up, has supplies in them so people can find something in walking distance and get to the food. We also have boxes at our churches for clothing and shoes.
The thing about being in public health is we are happy to work in the background and never be noticed. When public health works well we’re mostly invisible because we stop things before they happen. But then this administration came for public health as one of their first actions. And it’s just gotten worse from there for everyone.
And having worked in my local public health office, they’re great. They’re not gonna be following any of this national BS. In fact, they’re very frustrated because our local health department provides vaccines for a large number of our population because they aren’t insured with their children. And we have had an increasing number of vaccine preventable outbreaks due to misinformation leading to less people vaccinating.
But working on my local level is not going to stop this administration from the current illegal actions. And if my representative is not going to do so, someone needs to take his place.
__ /(. . )