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03 Sep 2008, 5:03 am

I seriously think it's time for people to get real over weed's legal status. It's not illegal because it's a particularly dangerous substance, it's illegal because nobody has found a way to make good profits off it yet.

If someone was to do a study comparing deaths caused directly by weed use and deaths caused directly from all the anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and such prescribed by doctors, the world would have a nasty wake up call. I know how pill happy doctors are, I've been to them in physical pain and before I have even got half way through my explanation he's been printing me a prescription for Prozac, which I promptly refuse every time I need to see them about something physical. They are happy to hand out addictive and dangerous psych drugs, yet not the oh so addictive pain medications.
I have had pretty bad pain issues relating to my monthly cycles and not once has anyone offered to investigate it physicaly. Makes you wander how many people are actualy dying as a direct result of "legal" drug prescribing compared to "illegal" drug use dosn't it.

If this guy had gone to his doctor he would have no doubt been prescribed a strong, dangerous psychiatric drug with a much higher risk factor than a f*****g plant leaf.


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03 Sep 2008, 9:28 pm

AngryJessman wrote:
I have seriously considered getting cannibis as a true way to help my overthinking etc, I really do wish it wasn't illegal here, I find it really unfair to ban a NATURAL substance

I feel yah.. not just natural, but a medicinal, agricultural friendly, green solution to every problem substance..


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04 Sep 2008, 3:30 pm

aspiartist wrote:
My favorite was tye or ty-stick not sure how that was spelled...

I understand the name refers to the (alleged) origins of sticks - Thailand. If so the spelling would be 'Thai-sticks'. These were very popular in my country during the 70's as well, and were also referred to as 'Buddha-sticks'.

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10 Oct 2008, 5:20 pm

KenG wrote:
The sheriff (Scottish judge) said:
"The report says there is no medical evidence to support this." (to support the claim that cannabis helps aspies).

I believe otherwise:
1) It is widely documented that cannabis makes people more relaxed and more sociable.
2) It is widely documented that aspies find it hard to relax and to be sociable.
Therefore, I believe cannabis may be beneficial to aspies indeed.

I can vouch for this. I love the stuff. I desire more human interaction when I'm smoking, and it doesn't feel awkward or strained. I'm also a pretty angry, high-stress person, which isn't healthy. By doing pot, I've probably added years to my life. :P

with a much higher risk factor than a f***ing plant leaf

Buds, actually. You can smoke the leaves, but they're pretty weak.


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10 Oct 2008, 11:30 pm

I've never smoked cannabis or taken it in any other form. Mind you, I've never smoked tobacco either.

But I can tell you that the reason for marijuana being made illegal has more to do with the synthetic fibre industry than any actual harm caused by the THC.

When the nylon and synthetics industry was taking off in a big way, there was a boom in hemp growers as well. The problem is that at that time, hemp was a far better fibre with longer chain molecules, easier and cheaper to produce and a natural fibre meaning there were less health problem from using it.

Now the synthetics industry had some very powerful and wealthy investors. They hit upon the idea of making the cultivation of hemp illegal, and they based this campaign on the fact that a lot of people smoked the leaves of the plant to get high. The Reefer Madness style movement was born and marijuana became the demon drug that we know it as today.

Now, the bad news. Much as I think that cannabis is perhaps less harmful than alcohol and obviously less toxic than tobacco, it is not harmless!

Smoking it can cause cancer. Not as much as with tobacco, because of all the chemical treatment of tobacco and the paper used in cigarettes. But it still is a carcinogen, as is anything burnt that enters your system.

Anyone who says that too much pot is impossible either hasn't had enough experience with it or is in denial. I lived with some very heavy smokers for a while and I can tell you, it is habit forming and that habit can be highly detrimental. Also, anyone who has ever "greened out" will tell you, too much pot will make you very sick.

Marijuana can be damaging to your mental health. It can aggravate already present conditions and cause some latent disorders to present themselves. I know a lot of long term heavy users and more often than not, marijuana has caused some very severe personality changes that are quite often not for the better.

But by far, alcoholism is worse.

It all comes down to how you use the drug, just like how you use any drug. If you take paracetamol three times a day for a year, you're going to have serious health issues. If you get drunk every weekend, then your life is going to be poorer for it.

The way I see it, if smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol is legal, then so should smoking pot. But just because something is legal, doesn't make it okay to do without limitation.

If I were to ever try cannabis, I wouldn't smoke it, I'd eat it. I'd use it in cooking and maybe try things like brownies... Except I can't eat chocolate brownies, I can't handle my caffeine so I've given up chocolate.


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15 Oct 2008, 5:56 pm

I'm happy to read that this forum is positive about cannabis. :)

Bill hicks has alot of good points about the "war on drugs".

I thank God every day that I'm born in the Netherlands. And my English is bad atm. I'm tired. So I'm not going to write another bad sentence.


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26 Oct 2011, 11:31 am

I find cannabis makes me feel really happy and less bothered by social activity. Normally I find social activity a bit exhausting and switch off mentally during conversation.


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26 Oct 2011, 4:37 pm

So wait he was not even selling the cannabis, just growing it for his own use......what a stupid reason to put someone in jail. But sadly that can happen since its illegal. I think it is possible cannabis can help with AS and things like depression and anxiety as well.


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26 Oct 2011, 5:28 pm

I am child of the seventies, San Francisco area to boot.

I have never seen weed actually benefit anyone. I have only met people who fervently believe it does.

With weed people allow themselves to slack at someone else's expense, all the while enjoying the luxury of not caring. If someone is miserable or in pain without any other solution available, then maybe that is the lesser of two evils, I accept that, but I don't see how that can help with AS other than in the most temporary and fleeting ways. What is the use of temporarily improving your social skills at the expense of turning off your critical thinking? I cannot think of a single situation in which that would create a "win."

All that said, I supported the original medical use act here (although it is become thoroughly abused since, as another poster has pointed out). I think its time to just legalize it so it can be controlled and understood for exactly what it is, same as it is with alcohol.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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26 Oct 2011, 6:10 pm

If the eradication program against marihuana is successful, and they get down to a few thousand plants, does it then become an endangered species and come under federal protection?


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26 Oct 2011, 6:16 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
I am child of the seventies, San Francisco area to boot.

I have never seen weed actually benefit anyone. I have only met people who fervently believe it does.

With weed people allow themselves to slack at someone else's expense, all the while enjoying the luxury of not caring. If someone is miserable or in pain without any other solution available, then maybe that is the lesser of two evils, I accept that, but I don't see how that can help with AS other than in the most temporary and fleeting ways. What is the use of temporarily improving your social skills at the expense of turning off your critical thinking? I cannot think of a single situation in which that would create a "win."

All that said, I supported the original medical use act here (although it is become thoroughly abused since, as another poster has pointed out). I think its time to just legalize it so it can be controlled and understood for exactly what it is, same as it is with alcohol.

I am one of those people for whom marihuana does benefit. I was diagnosed with a some neurological conditions (atypical Parkinson's and Dystonia) that cause tremors, muscle tightening and other difficulties, marihuana quells the tremors, and relaxes my muscles enough to be able to walk normally. All the prescription drugs made me violently ill.

There is no "evil" in marihuana, there might be pharmaceutical drug company offerings though...


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01 Nov 2011, 12:11 am

ATTENTION ALL CANNABIS SMOKERS! It has been written in the bible that anything herbal that has been grown form nature aka created by god should not be punished by law.
If you are caught in possession of any marijuana you can beat the charge by using religion too beat the charge. Lawyers don't want you to know this because they want your money but if you bring this up with your lawyer you will beat the charge.
I personally been arrested and they found cannabis on me and I said that "God created that for me to mediate" and the cop did not even want to charge me for the cannabis.

Not that I believe in god because I know religion is all BS but it would work.


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01 Nov 2011, 9:54 am

number2 wrote:
ATTENTION ALL CANNABIS SMOKERS! It has been written in the bible that anything herbal that has been grown form nature aka created by god should not be punished by law.
If you are caught in possession of any marijuana you can beat the charge by using religion too beat the charge. Lawyers don't want you to know this because they want your money but if you bring this up with your lawyer you will beat the charge.
I personally been arrested and they found cannabis on me and I said that "God created that for me to mediate" and the cop did not even want to charge me for the cannabis.

Not that I believe in god because I know religion is all BS but it would work.

Argument from authority. A clear attempt to try and make another belief service your own agenda. A cynical attempt to because then you call all religion BS at the end.

I can see why noone else would try and dignify this with a response, but I like to put in to words the outrage I feel.


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01 Nov 2011, 12:44 pm

Gedrene wrote:
number2 wrote:
ATTENTION ALL CANNABIS SMOKERS! It has been written in the bible that anything herbal that has been grown form nature aka created by god should not be punished by law.
If you are caught in possession of any marijuana you can beat the charge by using religion too beat the charge. Lawyers don't want you to know this because they want your money but if you bring this up with your lawyer you will beat the charge.
I personally been arrested and they found cannabis on me and I said that "God created that for me to mediate" and the cop did not even want to charge me for the cannabis.

Not that I believe in god because I know religion is all BS but it would work.

Argument from authority. A clear attempt to try and make another belief service your own agenda. A cynical attempt to because then you call all religion BS at the end.

I can see why noone else would try and dignify this with a response, but I like to put in to words the outrage I feel.

I just wanted to make that clear so people don't think I'm a religious freak or anything I'm 100 percent atheist. I just find it interesting how you can use religion too mind f**k the system.


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01 Nov 2011, 12:54 pm

Yes, I agree. Legalise it. There's absolutely no sense in continuing to criminalise this substance, and criminalisation only leads to a lot of misery (and pointless wasting of police time) all round.


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01 Nov 2011, 1:50 pm

I'm all for legalization but another reason there trying to keep pot illegal is because doctors that are most likely paid by the government say that cannabis can causes schizophrenia and psychosis but here's what they don't want you to know.
They take adolescents that are caught using the marijuana scare them in to imprisonment then they talk to there parents and the parents obviously don't want there kids to have a criminal record so they end up throwing them in a psyche ward force them to take anti psychotic medication under court orders then the doctor writes them up a script and tells them to take there medicine and stay away from any drugs.
These medications have such effects that make the user suppressed of there feelings and they rely on there medications to keep them sane.
Really? It pisses me off that there doing this to the younger generation if you smoke too much weed you'd pass out or do something really silly that is usually non harmful.