There's no such thing as 'looking autistic' in film, TV

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30 Mar 2023, 1:46 pm

The following article is an overview of the "media representation" part of this section that presents material familiar to most members, but that is not always the case.

1. We are always gaining new members.

2. We have members that are wondering if they are autistic.

3. We have members that have recently found out they are autistic

There are other reasons why members may not be familiar with these ideas.

More autistic characters are starting to be featured on-screen. But stereotypes about people on the autistic spectrum seem to persist across TV and film

Our image of what it's like to be autistic is mostly shaped by popular media, according to Cian O'Clery, director and co-creator of "Love on the Spectrum", an Australian reality TV series about what dating can look like for adults with autism.

"People might have seen Rain Man and they might think everybody on the spectrum can count cards, or people might have seen The Big Bang Theory and think that everyone on the [autism] spectrum is like Sheldon," says Cian to DW.

Autistic people are not all the same
"There's still this misconception that autism has 'a look' to it. I've had a consultant at a hospital telling me that I didn't look autistic. What were they hoping to see?," says Emily, a UK-based illustrator and the host behind the 21andsensory podcast. Emily was diagnosed with autism in 2019.

The definition for autism has been ever-changing since it was first described eighty years ago. In fact, even current international diagnostic criteria for autism could be excluding some people on the spectrum. At the very least, they introduce ambiguity in what it means to be autistic.

The autistic 'superhuman' idea is dated and inaccurate
Dustin Hoffman's character in "Rain Man" can memorize numbers in a telephone book in a matter of seconds, calculate complex equations and easily win at blackjack by counting cards.

Like the Rain Man, autistic characters in popular media often fall victim to being portrayed as "savants" — people with extreme intellectual abilities and special talents.

"A big misconception is that we're intellectually superior. There is this expectation that I'd be good with numbers, when I'm actually dyslexic and have dyscalculia and I am terrible at math," says Emily.

Research shows that around 10% of autistic people exhibit exceptional cognitive abilities, with some studies reducing this number to less than 1%.

So why does the Hollywood cliche of the "autistic savant" still persist?

According to Dr. Theodoto Ressa, an assistant professor of special education at Wayne State University, people on the spectrum are rarely the intended audience for popular shows and films featuring autistic characters.

"For the media to capture the interest of the neurotypical viewers, it must make some of the films palatable to them. There is now this overemphasis on savants and a focus on 'superhuman qualities'. That's where the danger comes in," says Theodoto to DW.

A study of 23 Hollywood films showed that autistic characters on-screen are often used as an entertainment tool with little consideration for accurately depicting people on the spectrum.

Autistic experiences are best told by autistic people
The best way to accurately portray lived autistic experiences is by casting autistic actors, says Emily.

"The number of casting calls that overlook autistic people is frustrating. Actually, autistic people are more qualified to play the role, because we've been masking our entire lives. Essentially, acting is putting on a mask, and that's something we do every day. I think we should be paid for it," she says.

"Love on the Spectrum" director Cian O'Clery believes that people on the spectrum should be able to tell their own stories on screen. "When it comes to fiction, people are writing a character. With our show we say 'here's this person and here's their story, that's who they are'".

Love on the Spectrum" has also faced criticism. Some autistic viewers have found the show to infantilize autistic people and force neurotypical social norms for dating to people on the spectrum.

New series break the mold
More than thirty years after the release of "Rain Man", portrayals of autism on-screen do seem to be getting more diverse.

"I think representation is getting better. I've really enjoyed watching Heartbreak High with Chloé Hayden. I love Chloé's energy and her portrayal of Quinni, she's kind of high on life and I love it. It's very nice to see someone who's female and autistic," says Emily.

"Heartbreak High" is the Netflix reboot of an Australian comedy drama series featuring Chloé Hayden, an autistic actress starring as queer, autistic teenager Quinni.

On screen, Quinni reveals some of the everyday sensory struggles of people on the spectrum. The teenager self-soothes through stimming, struggles with noise overstimulation, masks her autistic traits to avoid being judged, and heavily relies on planning and visual schedules.

"Heartbreak High" steers away from the male, heterosexual representation of autism, which has so far dominated TV and film. People on the spectrum are now known to be more likely to identify as LGBTQ+.

"It's nice to just see different people from different walks of life talking about being autistic. I think women and non-binary people are potentially just really good at masking and go under the radar," says Emily.

"Heartbreak High" also challenges the stereotype that people with autism have low emotional intelligence — Quinni is empathetic and emotionally self-aware.

We can do even better
Better representation of autistic people on screen means more content made by, and for, people with autism. For Emily, this means more shows with autistic actors portraying characters on the spectrum aimed at younger audiences.

Accurate representation would not only benefit an autistic audience to feel included, but also help people understand the challenges people with autism often face.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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31 Mar 2023, 7:12 am

There is usually things on sites like these saying that certain facial features and foot features are common in autism so maybe they're thinking we should all have high foreheads or big eyes or curled up toes or flat feet or long fingers or whatever. This is why it is best not to get too bogged down on physical features because originally autism doesn't really come with physical features like downs syndrome does, and just because one person with autism has a large forehead doesn't mean to say it's an autism feature. I have a small forehead, and some NTs have a large forehead, so there is no proof really that autism comes with a distinct physical appearance.

Also maybe they're expecting autism to look like a geeky male who flaps his hands and has robotic mannerisms.
I think the character Carl in Arthur is the most stereotypically autistic character I've ever seen. He's supposed to have Asperger's syndrome but to me it seems like he's a verbal low-functioning autistic. If anyone in Arthur has Asperger's syndrome it's either George or DW (I know George is dyslexic but he still seems like an outcast too, and DW reminds me a lot of me when I was a kid).


Tufted Titmouse
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31 Mar 2023, 8:01 am

What I find real strange is that non-explicitly austistic characters are the ones I find myself relating to the most. Maybe because autism cases used to only be diagnosed if they were extreme.

I think representation will get better over time, what we have now is a far cry from what we had around 20 years ago. I hope to see characters that have more to them than just being autistic however.

After all, it could only cost you your life, and you got that for free!


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31 Mar 2023, 9:57 pm

Autistics dont have a distinctive physical "look" the way that Down's syndrome folks do. If thats what folks mean.

But a male autistic might dress in ways that are a tip-off, like having one shirt tail tucked in, and one tucked out, or wearing a plaid shirt with plaid pants.

Blue Jay
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13 Jun 2023, 10:45 pm

I'm sorry, but how do people expect us to look? How exactly does somebody "look autistic"? Are we all supposed to look like infants or something? Unlike Down's Syndrome, we don't have any facial features that are exclusive to our condition.

Diagnosed with autism as a toddler and diagnosed with general anxiety disorder at the age of 9.


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25 Jun 2023, 7:24 am

It's mannerisms, not physical characteristics.

The foot thing is a springy, walking on the toes deal. I used to sit outside my sociology building in grad school, or in the food services building, and enjoy watching people either openly autist-walk, or sometimes see me looking at them and MASK their walk. Interesting. As if life was not hard enough, but then mask your walk. Don't do this, people. Not many people are looking at your feet. It's mostly just me.

Some people notice the little things that autists do to get around natural NT social mannerisms, such as looking at the forehead or eyebrows instead of the eyes. Most people can't put their finger on what the autist is doing differently, and just have a general "feeling" that the other person is autistic.

I think this is a made a little confusing these days because it's no longer PC to say a person "acts normal" or "regular". So saying someone is "unique" is likely met with OH BUT WE'RE ALL UNIQUE...and saying someone is "odd" would be taken as an insult.

Please forgive the plain speaking. I have a master's degree in sociology with a concentration in the sociology of autism. I spent some years studying autism as a category or type of people in the same way that gender or race are other categories or types of people.


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26 Jun 2023, 2:30 pm

Ive said before NT`s, TV & Hollywood is only interested in superpowers and savants

This comedy clip tells you all you need to know about NT`s and how they view autism

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

- George Bernie Shaw