I like this response to it by someone over at Aspies for Freedom who obviously didn't get the joke:
Horrific article on encyclopedia dramatica
Hi all
there is a very offensive article on Encyclopedia dramatica about asperger syndrome
the article mentioned has said
we have lower intelligence than a dog
those on the internet "lie" about their asperger's
and have the usual ignorant phrases like "***" and "F*** tard"
I did delete their article and leave it like that at first (I know it was wrong)
BUT their response was less than appropriate they responded by placing a slogan informing everyone of my aspergers and etc
and then placed pornagraphic Images on my user page
I did delete their article a second time but I copied and pasted the wikipedia article about AS into it then placed a warning on the discussion page
needless to say they reversed this and placed by the "reason for deletion" "that was ***"
I have set up a Ipetition to get rid of this article with your help we can get rid of this horrendous article which will hinder the public's under standing of asperger syndrome
a link to the petition is here
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ED-As-Article/I have not posted a link to E.D as there is Inappropriate pictures and text on their and there are children on this site
However you can find a link to the article from the petition's page
thank you
Encyclopedia Dramatica is not a website that should be taken seriously in any sense of the word... responses like this one inevitably lead to more ridicule...
Also, anyone who wants to become a target for thousands of SomethingAwful goons to toy with should sign the referenced petition, because that will surely be the result.
For future reference- These people get off on pushing your buttons. Any response at all is all the excuse they need to try to make your life miserable, and they are very effective in their methods...
Just linking to their site from this one could potentially bring a DDOS attack down on this site, just because the goons suffer from terminal boredom that can only be cured by them having the knowledge that they've gotten under someone's skin.
Don't give them what they want.
Ignore them.
Any other response is at best a waste of time and at worst an invitation to attack you.