Why is weight so hard to keep off in winter?

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30 Dec 2016, 6:54 pm

Every winter, I gain about 10-15 pounds. April is when my winter weight starts to come off. I have tried so many things to keep weight off in winter, but I find it impossible. Last winter, I got a gym membership so that I could keep the weight off during the winter months. That didn't work. I've also tried drinking green tea and increasing fruits and vegetables. That still doesn't work. I could starve myself all winter long and I still wouldn't lose any weight. In the warmer months, I go for long walks and ride my bike. Weight is easier to keep off in the warmer months than in the colder months. I would like to keep my summer and spring weight all year long. I am not as active in the winter months, but I do try to make healthy choices. Nothing just seems to work. I usually start gaining my winter weight around Thanksgiving and Christmas and it stays on me until April or May.

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01 Jan 2017, 7:19 pm

Running helps lol


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02 Jan 2017, 7:47 pm

MSBKyle wrote:
I am not as active in the winter months

Here, you answered your own question.

Also, I believe peoples' metabolisms likely change with the seasons. We're meant to gain a little weight to see us through cold Winters, and then shed it in the Spring/Summer.

But it is possible to maintain the same weight year 'round via consistent healthy eating and exercise. Like you said, you're not as active in the Winter months.. combine that with increased caloric intake over the holidays and it's pretty simple math. Calories in are greater than calories burned which leads to stored energy & weight gain.

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07 Jan 2017, 10:02 am

If you're doing all the same stuff that you do in the summer then it shouldn't be a problem. What are you eating during the holidays? Maybe that is putting extra weight on you. If you're American you probably know exactly what I mean since most Americans have to make a big affair of most holidays and then surround it with food.


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07 Jan 2017, 3:07 pm

Even with a winter coat, I seem to burn a lot of calories working out in the yard during the winter.


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07 Jan 2017, 10:46 pm

green0star wrote:
If you're doing all the same stuff that you do in the summer then it shouldn't be a problem. What are you eating during the holidays? Maybe that is putting extra weight on you. If you're American you probably know exactly what I mean since most Americans have to make a big affair of most holidays and then surround it with food.

In the spring and summer time, I go on lots of walks and bike rides. I tend to eat a lot during on Thanksgiving and Christmas. After I eat a lot around the holidays, the weight is hard to come off. I don't exercise as much in the winter because it is too cold and snowy outside. I do also tend to get more hungry and snack more in the winter. I guess my lifestyle is different in the winter than it is in the summer.


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07 Jan 2017, 10:55 pm

Mystery solved! :mrgreen:

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07 Jan 2017, 10:56 pm

hmm I have a theory, perhaps humans being mammals gain more weight and store more fat in the winter as an attempt to stay warmer, not sure though but seems to make sense. But also the not being able to get out and be active as much likely contributes...you could always try to get inside work out equipment like one of those treadmill things but I imagine taking a real walk is more enjoyable, you could always put on some music or put on a show/movie you like to watch while using it though.

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14 Jan 2017, 1:05 pm

I have trouble losing weight in the winter. I tend to eat heartier food, and I get less exercise. I'm working on it, though.

In the winter, I don't have farmer's markets, nice weather, and as much outdoorsy things to do.

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14 Jan 2017, 4:05 pm

I actually wondered the same thing. I am incredibly active, winter or not. I'm not eating anymore or less. But I ALWAYS gain weight during the winter. Every year. 5-10 lbs. Then I lose it in the Spring. I couldn't tell you why. I lost some weight this last week but it's because I'm hardly eating due to lack of appetite because I have the mumps. I dropped like 4 pounds in a week because I was still really active but not eating properly.

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29 Jan 2017, 6:32 pm

Hmmm. I don't find any difference with my weight from season to season, though, I do have to admit, I don't really check. I always thought that you burned more calories in the winter to stay warm in the colder weather? Maybe you need to take up skiing or snowshoeing, or dust off that snow shovel and go shovel some snow!

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31 Jan 2017, 7:20 pm

lack of light slows thyroid function down.


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03 Feb 2017, 9:35 pm

MSBKyle wrote:
I have tried so many things to keep weight off in winter, but I find it impossible.

If you're asking for advice:

Try consuming less calories.


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06 Feb 2017, 9:50 am

This is a natural, biological effect.
In winter, temperatures are lower, so animals will either find a place to hibernate or make (small) changes to improve insulation.
Primates, like humans, are among the species that do not hibernate, so we will improve insulation.
Typically, this is done by growing extra fur, and replacing the existing hairs with thicker ones, but since we humans have no fur, we need a different method: layers of fat.

in short; becouse we do not hibernate, humans are inclined to gain weight over winter, to increase survival chances. (our bodies have not yet realised that we aren't cavemen anymore)


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06 Feb 2017, 10:27 am

I don't think it's possible as long as it's gloomy out. It's a physiological response to harbor fats when it's colder out. All you can do is what you're already doing. I also wouldn't be surprised if every pound you gained is during Thanksgiving and Christmas lol. The only winters I don't gain weight are the unseasonably warm ones. I bike commute year round too, skate, exercise in house. Eat a set low calorie diet. 5-10 pounds is totally normal under any circumstances really. I don't eat on Holidays so that may have something to do with why my weight only fluctuates 5-8 lbs at a time.


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08 Feb 2017, 9:27 pm

Walking helps, I walked 17 miles today.