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02 Mar 2012, 7:32 pm

does this thread make anyone else feel worse?

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02 Mar 2012, 7:37 pm

fraac wrote:
You haven't learned how to manipulate people into caring about you yet.

I like this, even though I don't agree.


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02 Mar 2012, 7:45 pm

Maybe depressed people aren't trying to dump on everyones parade, its kind of hard to act happy when you feel like absolute crap. I guess this is why I feel people should be much more educated about mental illness especially how real it is, how painful it can be and how its not something we can just turn off.

and also that professional help is in short supply especially if your mental illness interferes with your ability to make income.

I don't want anyone to take offense, and I was not directing this at anyone specific.....just pointing out some problems for discussion purposes.

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04 Mar 2012, 11:41 am

Because people are selfish.


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04 Mar 2012, 5:04 pm

I would ignore myself when I'm depressed, if it were possible. That's a confusing thought, but there it is.

I'm unpleasant when I'm depressed.
I'm often nervous, anxious and can take offense to random things when I'm depressed.
I unintentionally cause offense far more often when I'm depressed.
I am blunt and matter-of-fact, prone to wallowing in self-doubt, and have nothing positive to say when I'm depressed.
I tend to hate myself when I'm depressed, and the effect I have on others serves to magnify it.

I'd rather isolate myself in a little box somewhere out-of-the-way. I'm glad people ignore me when I'm depressed because the only consequence of the alternative is to worry that I might be making other people miserable, which doesn't help me feel better.


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04 Mar 2012, 6:18 pm

marshall wrote:
Because people are selfish.

Thats the truth I wish some one had taught me this as a child , why aren't we hearing this on "autism Tv"

"nobody cares about nobody"

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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04 Mar 2012, 6:19 pm

smudge wrote:
fraac wrote:
You haven't learned how to manipulate people into caring about you yet.

I like this, even though I don't agree.

Whats the point?

We are unloveable expect to our pets.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob

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06 Mar 2012, 7:30 pm

True about fairweather friends. In high school i was so depressed for years, like the walking dead. What I really needed was a true friend and not people who went off on their own cool kids club.

People who really know how to help depressed people have been there and aren't the type who are high and mighty of themselves..

The diff between clinical and non clinical... Clinical is caused by chemistry... but is imo triggered by psychological like realizing you have a disability or the disability is causing you to not function ie ASD. Then the cycle of thoughts start like, "I'm not good enough to be alive because I'm not normal"

I am becoming depressed my self realizing I can't function in college like my peers, and that i didnt and dont have the life they have ie living on their own in an apt., getting life skills, etc. It is really sad because its talent and a life flushed down the drain. imo depression is a sign that you need to change your life but like the other mental illnesses it has the paradox effect of crippling your will to survive and function..

What I realized to pull me out of dep is not be too highly conscious of my self or actions or other peoples behavior ie RUMINATING... But conscious enough to plan and decide what to do next... in a positive attitude..


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08 Mar 2012, 9:14 am

Negative people sucks energy. And if the positive vs. negative from a individu is out of balans, than we got a problem.


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08 Mar 2012, 10:11 am

Humans are selfish. Other people are merely assets for us, no matter how much we tell ourselves that we love them. In our minds, they exist to make us feel good. If they fail to do that, they are no longer worth bothering with.

We might make a weak attempt to fix them. Tell them to pull themselves together, to look at the bright side or whatever, all those hollow and pointless phrases that don't really help anybody. But when their depression persists, we decide that they're just buzzkills or energy-sucking vampires and keep our distance. We think that's fully justified. It's their own fault if they're always so morbid and negative.

And when they jump off a rooftop, we even have the gall to feel hurt. They did something to us, even if the car they landed on belonged to somebody else. They robbed us of their presence, us, the center of the universe. It's human nature.


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08 Mar 2012, 11:57 pm

I had episodes of deep depression and without any support system at home my parents and sibling were non communicative and they were abusive

I remember during one such episode i was quite depressed and trying hard to concentrate in my college lessons. one of my classmate called me to her place and said why i act so depressed do i need sympathy from other people that is why i was acting like that.......believe me it hurt so badly.

Even i feel depressed person needs someone to help them and listen to them. But there is point beyond which we cant help them like when they mention that they feel suicidal, when they take help of alcohol to suppress their pain.

When i was reading tarot for people i used to get lot of depressed people mostly their extra martial affair was not working out, or they were involved in some wrong thing which was not working out and though we advice them good things they are adamant to carry the bad activity.

The only thing right in this wrong world is


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09 Mar 2012, 5:25 am

I try to help people who are down, and I have had some pretty serious depression myself. But at some point I just have to say" This person is not doing anything to remedy their situation, and is sucking the joy and confidence out of my life" Maybe that sounds selfish but charity begins at home. If you're making my depression worse, I 'll only put up with you for so long.

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25 Mar 2012, 7:53 pm

Nikadee43 wrote:
(mostly a rant)

When it's so very obvious that something is wrong. So wrong that you can't hide it even just a little. Instead of someone (who supposedly considers you a friend or close acquaintance) saying "Hey, you look down. Do you want to talk about anything?" they act like you're not there and avoid you at all costs. They don't include you in conversations unless you speak first, they don't invite you anywhere. The easiest answer would probably be that most people assume you want to be left alone, but I feel that is an unsafe/cop-out assumption. Especially if the person never actually says they want to be left alone. Even the people that know I've been having a hard time because of AS haven't followed up with me to see how things are going.

I guess if I noticed a friend in need, I would at least let them know that I am available to them and am aware that they're hurting and am open to being there for them if they need it. I HAVE done this whenever I'm actually able to pick up on it. I am far from being an emotional person, and half the time don't know what to say to someone when they are feeling sad, but I know that I want to be able to help in some way. I wouldn't isolate them and ignore them whenever they were around. It's funny, when I've gotten depressed in the past, people have said they thought I was mad at them personally because I wasn't speaking or was very short with them, even though I acted the same way around everyone else, not just them. This may make some people that are depressed feel bad or guilty, but I honestly think it's self-centered of people to assume it's all about them, especially without even asking or paying close enough attention to a person's behavior to conclude such a thing. If a person is depressed, isn't it obvious that speaking normally and socializing isn't easy? That maybe we don't express our feelings because it hurts to or because we don't even know what or why we're feeling this way? Or maybe even we're too embarrassed to talk about it. Why is it when that when it comes to issues like this, all of a sudden your friends aren't your friends anymore?

I'll admit that majority of the time I'm depressed, I do want to be alone; but sometimes, I also want someone, just one person to come in my room and just talk to me. Ask me what the problem is and try to help or understand me. Just one person that seems like they truly care about what's happening to me. Maybe most of the time I won't feel like talking or hanging out (typical of depression, right?), but it doesn't mean you shouldn't think to ask. It doesn't mean that I don't want to be asked either. It's as if my depression is offensive to people. Like people think I'm bringing them and everyone else down by feeling this way, even though I can't help it. I think it's safe to say no one wants to be depressed. It's involuntary. So why not, at the very least, let people know that even if they think everything else in their life is falling apart, they still have people they can count on.

I hope the rant made you feel a bit better. It's always good to let off steam when it needs to be done.
On the other hand, if your depression isn't going away or getting better, go see your doctor. Tell them how you're sleeping, eating, thinking and feeling overall. If your doctor terms you as depressed, he'll prescribe you something. AND you can ask him to refer you to other outside sources to help you in your recovery.

People ignore what they don't understand. My dad ignored the fact that my daughter is autistic for a long time. My family and friends ignored me when I was going through severe depressive moods as a teenager. I actually had a friend of mine say 'I don't want to be around you, you're too depressing'.
Well, 'friend'. I totally ditched and avoided her since then.

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09 Apr 2012, 12:00 pm

Thought i would mention something on this as it also affects me and it also happens to me.

I tend to find all of my friends are self centered and tend to think of themselves all the time , therefore they are selfish and uncaring. The other evening when i tried to commit suicide by strangling myself with my belt i sent messages and a picture of me with a belt hanging around my neck. In this scenario there was no reply , now you see my point , but when i try to talk to people they only want me to know about their girlfriend or it has to be about how they are and how they feel. I find that i can't get my word in edgeways and that my mates don't understand and that they should go and put their head in a bucket. When i talked to someone they said , 'You know im going to pompey with my gf' i was like , wtf mate i couldn't care less about your gf , hello i am here you div. I don't really know why i am friends with him and can't forgive him for his actions against me which are inexcusable.

If you best mate or mate was telling you he was hanging himself with his belt you would try your best to help him right , well i hope you would , i still see him although i know he couldn't care less if i jumped off a cliff. My mate also talks about his motor racing when i talk to him and he won't talk me either , they are probably waiting for me to grow up , f**k em , who needs idiots for mates or people who are self centerd twats.


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09 Apr 2012, 12:26 pm

And they say Autistic people lack empathy? :?



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15 Apr 2012, 10:26 pm

I hope sometime in the future people learn how to take care of and rehabilitate depressed people because as far as I'm concerned these are still the dark ages of societal support for people suffering depression.