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Do I have schizotypal disorder or schizophrenia?
Definately yes 12%  12%  [ 6 ]
Rather yes 35%  35%  [ 17 ]
Rather no 24%  24%  [ 12 ]
Defnately no 29%  29%  [ 14 ]
Total votes : 49


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22 Jan 2023, 3:58 pm

I don't think OP is schizophrenic, but those are schizotypal traits. Doesn't mean that you have a disorder however. I had several schizotypal traits too as a young adult. Basically only the synchronicity stayed with me until today.

In my case it's a result of experimenting with psychedelic molecules, while at the same time trying to reprogram my mind.

nca14 wrote:
My "mentality" suspects that all abrahamic religions and their books are the biggest trick of Satan (or larger number of unclean spirits) in the history of mankind!

Abrahamic religion sounds to me like it's the product of schizophrenia. Abraham heard voices ordering him to kill his son and then he mutilated his own genitalia. I think he would be in the mental hospital today, so he doesn't harm himself.


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30 Mar 2023, 12:56 pm

beneficii wrote:
We cannot diagnose you here. Please see a mental health professional.

This, also if ASD or other neurological conditions are present, it can be tricky. If you can find a psychiatrist that's also certified for neurology, that would likely be the best option.

I think I'm currently considered to have it after a successful period of treatment for schizoaffective disorder. But, it's somewhat unclear if any of that was true, it if it was just the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in top of my other issues as it's been gone for decades without medication or further treatment.


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06 May 2023, 4:41 pm

I am severely drugged by a psychiatrist now and have problems in functioning, such as in writing messages in the Internet due to poor concentration and "apathy". My "coincidences" are "eerie" and "paranormal". They are "somewhat interwired like neurons in brain". The sequence 21, 42, 84 is so intriguing...

Last months I had coincidences associated with the word "muchomor" (which in Polish means a fungus from Amanita genus). Well-known Amanita muscaria (Polish muchomor czerwony) is a poisonous and psychoactive mushroom. My condition is a serious mental disability and something peculiar, it "associates" in my "mentality" with posionous and psychoactive properties of the fly agaric. Toadstool is so "fascinating" for my mentality because since many years I considered the word "muchomor" as a word which means "penis" (I do not want to deprave anyone!) (about 15 or more years ago a girl from my class in school used the word "muchomor", if I remember well, as a word for male member). "My" another word for penis from about 15 years ago was "molibden" (which means "molybdenum"), both "molibden" and "muchomor" have eight letters and starts with "m" - just as English word "mushroom"!


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23 Sep 2023, 6:52 am

My "mentality" supposes that both Bible and Quran are extremely Satanic. Mainly because they do not teach or at least appear to not suggest that irreversibly unforgivable sin is not possible! "Mentality" does not exclude that some form of Biblical or Quranic universalism is truth.

"Mentality" thinks that non-universalism is the most effective lie of fallen angels in history of Creation. Non-universalism is opposite of goodness, grace and mercy according to "mentality". According to "mentality" non-universalism means eternal and endless triumph of sin, guilt and all evil.

"Mentality" might "think": "hearts of non-universalists are full of gross darkness and all kind of evil". Reincarnation is ugly and false and, according to "mentality", non-universalism (belief in endless Hell or annihilation or any other sort of irreversible damnation) is obviously and worse, more immoral and perverted!

It is logical that in the pan-existence there is only one Divine Being and all that which is not Him (such as humans, angels, animals etc.) is created by Him ex nihilo.

Zero, one, infinity. Sylvester's sequence, Euclidean numbers, infinity of primes.


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23 Sep 2023, 8:20 am

There is a lot of overlap between the two disorders.

Including distorted thinking patterns, paranoia, odd speech patterns and the like.

The main difference between the two is that Schizophrenia must include psychosis and either visual or auditory hallucinations, or both. Schizotypal personality disorder excludes psychosis and visual/auditory hallucinations.

That is mainly what differentiates the two.


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15 Oct 2023, 7:27 am

"Mentality" supposes that The Messenger YS is evil and false "prophet" send by Evil ones to cause people to loathe monotheism and its principles and to harm poor people by Quranic non-universalism. "It" supposes that I am the real "messenger", because monotheistic theology of "mentality" bases on unconditional, infinite benevolence, reason and mathematics, not on a book with myriads of long and "well-hidden" signs and miracles in form of mathematical, linguistic and maybe also scientific "coincidences".

"Mantality's" "observations": YS - from the two Arabic letters in Q. 36:1 (Ya sin, Ya Seen), from Quranic initials of 36th chapter of The Quran.
"Ya" - can mean "yes", and "sin" means morally evil act against divine law in English.
In Arabic, "Ya Sin" sounds like a phrase with meaning "O Moon god Sin", invocation to a lunar idol of certain ancient Semitic people.
"Ja Sin" is a name of 36th sura in Polish, "ja" means "I" (first person singular pronoun).

So "mentality" "noticed" three meanings of "Ya Sin" or "Ja Sin":
- "Yes sin" (in Polish: "Tak grzech"),
- "O lunar idol Sin!",
- "I (am) Sin" (Polish: "Ja (jestem) [księżycowy idol (lunar idol)] Sin").

In addition, triangular number for 36 is 666. Sum of natural numbers from 1 (or 0) to 36 is 666. Ya Sin is 36th surah.
Also: 36 -> 3x6 -> 6, 6, 6.


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08 Jan 2024, 4:43 pm

(Using Google Translator to translate from Polish) ... ed-part-1/ - this text caused extreme "rage" in the "psyche", which understood it as teaching that there is irreversible damnation that lasts forever. For the "psyche" non-universalism (the belief that there will be a sin that will irreversibly, indefinitely not be forgiven and cannot be forgiven) is the worst sin that can be committed(?)! For "her" it is worse than any infinite misfortune, for "her" it is the absolute height of lawlessness. According to the "psyche", no, absolutely no, being can cause eternally irreversible damnation, and for it this is "the strongest dogma of monotheistic morality". Any sin, any destruction or any torment should never occur in the universe, it is also a key dogma for the "psyche", but "weaker" than absolute universalism, because this "weaker" dogma concerns finite sin, not one that will be irreparable without end. The difference between finite and infinite. "Thought" in "psyche": "infinity, fool"!

"Psychic" supposes that all Semitic books are false (and quite possibly also the greatest deception of sinful angels in history), that man did not begin to exist about six or eight thousand years ago, that about four and a half thousand or five and a half thousand years ago there was no global flood from which only four men and four women survived, that the "coincidences" of the Koran are an act of the Absolute intended, in a sense, to "test" people as to whether they will choose the infinitely harsh, but unimaginably, but finitely great intelligence "corancidences" giving the impression that they must be part of the revelation of the All-Knowing and Truthful One instead of the infinite goodness and benevolence of the One Divine Being...

The "psyche" tends towards unitarianism, aninicarnatism, as if the "Quranic" vision of justification (i.e. without the Lamb of God, especially creating the hypostatic union, and only with the infinite grace of the Creator and His infinite mercy). "Psyche": "zero, one, infinity"! According to the "psyche", monotheistic absolute solipsism is less evil, and therefore morally better, than non-universalistic monotheism with a multiplicity of created persons, in which even just one creature is irreversibly, infinitely condemned. "Psycha": "primum non nocere"! "Psycha": "primum non nocere, stupid"!

The "psychic" thinks that my experiences with monotheistic doctrines, "coincidences" and mental disorders are a sign from the Absolute and His indulgence, which carries a fundamental message. "Psychic" assumes that my story is like an "unprecedented Revelation"! "Psycha" stands for absolute and extreme eschatological optimism. For "her" toiling more is a pathetic absurdity.

According to the "psyche", the number of sentient beings in the history of universe is finite (but it is difficult to estimate how many) and each of these sentient beings will last indefinitely and each of them will never be irreversibly condemned.

Maybe it looks very psychotic, maybe it doesn't look that bad. "Psyche": "the darkest (the most lies and perfidy) is under the lamp (in monotheistic, but not universalistic or strict religions)." The "psyche" "thinks colloquially": "Abrahamic religions "stink" very much to me"...

The Divine Being cannot suffer, He is not evil, He has no beginning and no end, He is Perfect and Unique. Why could evil exist at all and why did it exist? For the "psyche" it is obvious that such a thing as evil exists, at least when it comes to physical evil, because very rarely, but still, I felt distinct suffering.

Why do things like sexual pleasure and humor exist?

"You have to ask yourself the most fundamental questions." "You have to think about what is most basic."


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01 Feb 2024, 7:57 am

"Mentality's" "Digimon analogy", "Autism/ND evolution line":

DigiTama: Full color light spectrum digi-egg (red in the lowest part, violet in the highest part).
Baby I: Hypotrophy-associated?
Baby II: (Just infant/toddler).
Rookie: ADHD-related.
Adult: Autimon.
Perfect: Schiautimon.
Ultimate: Celarsmon.
Super Ultimate: Zoimon.

"Mentality": Zoimon, Super Ultimate Ontic Spritual Man Digimon, having bald (optionally somewhat bearded), luminous white-blue head with "full-spectrum lemniscate" on the forehead, luminous deep-indigo torso and hands with white, shiny non-encircled pentagrams(!) on hands and golden, lucid equilateral triangle divided into four smaller equilateral traingles on torso with single 0, 1 and infinity symbol in three "non-central" triangles. Upper thigh - vivid red with luminous red dots, lower part of the legs (to the lowest parts of the feet) shiny white. It has giant, "slashy" wings with red color in the parts of them which are most distanced from the torso and approaching indigo to at the torso.


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08 Mar 2024, 12:19 pm

nca14 wrote:
- I feared spce aliens when I was about 6 - 9 years old. I am interested in paranormal phenomena since (early) childhood.

Not to be mean but I'm curious to know how that would be Schizophrenia. I used to be traumatized by Operation but now love it.

Someone: You attract what you fear.‬
‪Me: I'm terrified of Elmer Fudd.

Elmer's wife since 2022

.。*゚+.*.。 ゚+..。*゚+


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12 May 2024, 3:51 am

"Mentality" "wonders" if the absolute solipsism is the truth :(

Absolute solipsism says that I am the only personal and conscious being in the all-existence (de facto "the only divine being") who is absolutely and infinitely incapable of creating any other personal or sentient being other than himself. My eternal life would be the infinite sequence of playing supercomplex virtual realities according to this extreme philosophy. In absolute solipsism having a spouse, child or parent is utterly impossible because no one sentient or personal being other than me can ever come to existence and existence of such a being is absolutely impossible according to absolute solipsism. "Mentality" might "consider" absolute solipsism due to "zero, one, infinity" "rule", morality and goodness, amazing coincidences (such as the ones associated with the text of The Quran) and primum non nocere rule. "Mentality" considers absolute solipsism more moral, merciful and benevolent than eternal damnation or annihilation (because in absolute solipsism no person other than "the only divine being" (conscious me) can ever come to existence)!

The Quran looks absolutely morally absurdal and evil to the "mentality". Tormenting any sentient being without end and even without possibility of forgiveness and salvation is considered extremely and absolutely evil, immoral and unmerciful by the "mentality". The "mentality" thinks the same about annihilationism, although "annihilationism is not as malevolent, as unmerciful and as cruel", but still infinitely and irreversibly unforgiving!

The "mentality" despises supralapsarianism most harshly... "It" considers supralapsarian theology as heinously antimoral and despicably blasphemous.

The "mentality" points to the fact that according to the Bible and its chronology the world is only about 6000 years old (according to Vulgate) or much less than 8000 years old but above 7500 years old (according to Septuagint) and that the common ancestor of all men who live in the world today (Noah, father of three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth) lived during the great global flood about 4500 ybp (Vulgate) or about 5300 ybp (Septuagint).


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24 May 2024, 8:44 am

Rather yes.
I have PDD-NOS and some schizotypal and paranoid traits.
The past few years I have also developed very brief lasting but frequent visual hallucinations and illusions (but they don`t frighten me bc I have insight in them) and I see a lot of (face) pareidolias for some period of time now.


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24 May 2024, 10:22 am

Well high creativity is well documented in a great deal of Autistics...and often will seek outlets of anykind if not
directed in some way ...and could manifest in a variety of ways...And the absolutely most common misdiagnosis of Autism is schoizoid disorders. Been through that only once , when seeing a new Doctor., whom had no familiarity Autistics or with me or my case. 8O

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
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