funny and odd Okc.

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05 Feb 2015, 6:11 am

So I checked okcupid last night after a while of absence, I went across a girl with a so déjà vu face but didn't recall who exactly at first, so I sent her a message "You look so familiar, have we ever met?".

She replied, she recalls everything about me as she turned out to be a girl I dated only once two years ago lol - This girl acted so interested pre-date (even tho she never initiated) and so during the date (long, 3 hours, several activities), yet when I asked her out again by text she said she's busy this weekend bla bla... so I left the ball in her court and didn't bothered again nor ever heard anything from her ever since. She has me on FB and whatsapp but it's all silence, the only reason why I haven't removed her yet because I am too indifferent to remove anyone from those unless they're harassing me.

And I recall she sent me a happy new year text last new year eve via SMS out of nowhere (that's like 2 years later), I didn't reply as I was thinking like "How silly, what made this one recall me now?".

Anyway, in this last okc little chat she said she returned to okcupid after almost one year of inactivity - she asked me why I have returned and I was like with her "Just chilling, not seeking for anything serious here, okc is usually useless for that" -
she objected and defended how okcupid is good for serious dating, so here I spilled my honest and cynical opinion regarding online dating: "It's very good for girls at first, very bad for guys - in fact, it's eventually bad for both" -

She asked me to explain further so: "It's all artificial, since there's an obvious oversupply of active guys, any guy dating a girl from here is constantly being compared in her mind to at least 10 others filling her inbox; usually no effort from her part in building some bond with a particular 'person', it's all market and guys are the items" - she agreed lol.

She asked why it's eventually bad for girls, so I explained further: "She dates a guy x he sounded good, then a guy y popped in her inbox who sounds better, so she drops x and goes for y, then a better one z pops up, so she drops y and goes for z...and so on and so on , also one minor flaw then she goes for the next immediately because there's simply an abundance of choices for her like an employer having many job candidates... so she eventually gets stuck in an infinite loop".

I further explained: "in real life, relationships develop through acquaintance/friendship, after that a bond is developed and built, and none is compared to 10 others anymore and no intolerance of minor silly flaws anymore, the bond is the key and apparently this is all not possible through okcupid."

After that, suddenly her profile pic disappeared, her profile still there but content became all blank, and she went offline; a minute later she sent me texts via whatsapp: "Hey I am here" then "you're right, it's all artificial" - the funny thing that my last unreplied whatsapp message to her goes back to November 2013. LOL Like seriously? I didn't reply her.

What an odd behavior? What do you think she was thinking?


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05 Feb 2015, 6:37 am

Pang of guilt perhaps? For invoking cynicism in guys everywhere?


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05 Feb 2015, 10:00 am

I'm surprised someone on there was actually willing to talk about it.


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05 Feb 2015, 10:03 am

She got called out and burned. She's probably back at OKC under another name, and with a different picture.

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05 Feb 2015, 11:55 am

Fnord wrote:
She got called out and burned. She's probably back at OKC under another name, and with a different picture.

lol, why would she even care?

did I sound I was calling her out?
Really wasn't my intention, I replied like I would reply to anyone on wp; I don't see her as a potential date or anything like that. I had nothing to lose.

It's so weird that she picked her phone, scrolled thro the whatsapp to find someone who she didn't contact for 2 years just so she replies to some message he wrote on okc.


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05 Feb 2015, 12:44 pm

I don't think it's that strange, and under similar circumstances I'd probably have done the same thing.

She probably had an epiphany. I totally agree with what you've said, even from my short experiences on OKC. But since she's been there for a few years, what you said probably made her realize the problem she was going through. So, she deleted her account, but contacted you via whatsapp so as to not be rude for leaving so abruptly.

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.


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05 Feb 2015, 4:30 pm

SammichEater wrote:
I don't think it's that strange, and under similar circumstances I'd probably have done the same thing.

She probably had an epiphany. I totally agree with what you've said, even from my short experiences on OKC. But since she's been there for a few years, what you said probably made her realize the problem she was going through. So, she deleted her account, but contacted you via whatsapp so as to not be rude for leaving so abruptly.

Probably it was a life changer for her :lol:, I hope it's the best for her.

Yeah, probably she got a realization like you said, that's the most probable explanation.