What Am I Even Supposed To Do To?

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The Grand Inquisitor

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27 Feb 2023, 4:07 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Either I'll find a way to fill the romantic void in my life and be in a better position to continue progressing, or I'll be forced to take my own life to escape the pain I'm in.

Given that the intensity of your unfulfilled desires has you caught in a vicious circle, impelling you to take a cart-before-horse approach that makes the first of your above-stated alternatives extremely unlikely, I really hope you find another way out besides killing yourself.

I'm not going to continue dealing with this romantic loneliness, this feeling undesirable and all the rest of it. I need a taste of romantic acceptance to keep me motivated to keep living. I can't come to terms with these unfulfilled needs.

The Grand Inquisitor

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28 Feb 2023, 10:28 am

I'm wondering whether it's best that I retire my account here.

All I'm really doing is sharing my misery, and I haven't been considerate of the effect my undistilled honesty might have on people's triggers.

I rarely post about anything other than my dating issues, so I'm not being a good site contributor, and as has been said, it seems that I'm unlikely to find what I'm looking for here.

I don't know where to turn to, if there's anywhere I can turn to. I don't have many people to talk to, so that's why I've been seeking help here. As I've mentioned, the hotlines haven't been able to help either.

Getting what I need now seems both highly unlikely and largely outside of everyone's control, but I've dealt with these unmet needs and desires for far too long already and I can't handle it. I can't handle being half way to 27 with no dating experience. I can't handle not feeling wanted romantically. There's not even any reason to believe that things will improve. How can they when my emotional wellbeing, self-esteem and will to exist have been ground down by the force of intense needs I can't fulfill?

I need a way to placate my need to be accepted as a heterosexual man by a heterosexual woman. I can't handle this. It's a hell I would wish on no one.


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28 Feb 2023, 1:11 pm

you're a valued member cos you're posting about something many of us deal with


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28 Feb 2023, 1:22 pm

klanka wrote:
you're a valued member cos you're posting about something many of us deal with

I agree. Your posts are uncomfortable to read and I think you're often stubborn with how you deal with the situation but it keeps everyone grounded with the difficulties autism cause.


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28 Feb 2023, 9:26 pm

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
I'm wondering whether it's best that I retire my account here.

All I'm really doing is sharing my misery, and I haven't been considerate of the effect my undistilled honesty might have on people's triggers.

I rarely post about anything other than my dating issues, so I'm not being a good site contributor, and as has been said, it seems that I'm unlikely to find what I'm looking for here.

I don't know where to turn to, if there's anywhere I can turn to. I don't have many people to talk to, so that's why I've been seeking help here. As I've mentioned, the hotlines haven't been able to help either.

Getting what I need now seems both highly unlikely and largely outside of everyone's control, but I've dealt with these unmet needs and desires for far too long already and I can't handle it. I can't handle being half way to 27 with no dating experience. I can't handle not feeling wanted romantically. There's not even any reason to believe that things will improve. How can they when my emotional wellbeing, self-esteem and will to exist have been ground down by the force of intense needs I can't fulfill?

I need a way to placate my need to be accepted as a heterosexual man by a heterosexual woman. I can't handle this. It's a hell I would wish on no one.

If posting is a form of venting, keep on venting...


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02 Mar 2023, 7:54 am

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's understandable that you're struggling with these feelings of loneliness and despair, especially since it sounds like you've been trying to put yourself out there but haven't had much luck.

It's important to remember that everyone has their own timeline when it comes to dating and relationships. Just because you haven't had a girlfriend yet doesn't mean that you never will. It's also important to recognize that the current pandemic situation has made it more difficult to meet new people and make connections in person.

That being said, there are still some things you can try to help increase your chances of meeting someone. You mentioned that you co-host trivia nights - that's a great start! Even if there aren't many women your age attending, just getting out and socializing in a low-pressure environment can help you build confidence and potentially make new connections.

You could also try expanding your interests or finding new ones. This could lead you to meet new people who share similar hobbies or passions, and who knows, you might even meet someone special.

It's understandable that you're hesitant to try online dating again, but it might be worth giving it another shot. There are many different dating apps and websites out there, so don't be discouraged if the first one didn't work out for you. Just remember to be patient and keep an open mind.

Finally, it's important to prioritize self-care and focus on building your self-esteem and confidence. This might involve therapy, meditation, exercise, or any other activities that make you feel good about yourself. Remember, you are worthy of love and companionship, and you deserve to be happy.

Mona Pereth

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02 Mar 2023, 9:44 am

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
I'm wondering whether it's best that I retire my account here.

All I'm really doing is sharing my misery, and I haven't been considerate of the effect my undistilled honesty might have on people's triggers.

As long as you post in threads with clear subject lines, that should be sufficient trigger warning IMO.

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
I rarely post about anything other than my dating issues, so I'm not being a good site contributor,

I'm not a moderator here, and of course the moderators are the people with the authoritative word on this issue. But it doesn't seem to me that your posts have been causing problems. At least you typically limit your posts about your dating issues to specific, easily-identifiable threads, and at least you haven't been posting vast numbers of such threads.

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
and as has been said, it seems that I'm unlikely to find what I'm looking for here.

Unlikely but not impossible. Some people have found relationships here. However, to that end, you would need to post more on matters other than just your dating issues.

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The Grand Inquisitor

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14 Mar 2023, 11:31 am

I'm trapped in a predicament I see no way out of.

I've had it wanting to be able to date,.wanting romantic companionship, wanting validation as a heterosexual man, and having to suffer without any of it, without the ability to get any of it, and without any reason to believe I won't continue to suffer as I am now until it's too late.

I'm not accepting a reality where pretty much everyone around me has been able to have what I want more than anything, and I'm instead burdened with insecurities around being inexperienced. Being inexperienced in an area where I've wanted nothing more than to gain experience over the last decade and a half! :mad:

I'm done with this crap. I'm not playing this game anymore. If I can't satisfy this need for romantic acceptance and connection in the near future then I'm not going to bother getting a job unless it's a job I actually like, or doing anything other than extracting what little hedonistic pleasure I can from drugs and food until I run out of money and I'm faced with even more dire circumstances that will finally force my hand to take my own life. I'm not going to go be miserable at some workplace only to come home and be miserable anyway.

It's really, really f*****g frustrating that I have to deal with feelings of insecurity, dejection and desperation as a result of my inability to date, and these feelings further inhibit my ability to make connections. I can't deal with never having had a girlfriend, but I also completely lack confidence in my ability to attract a prospective partner. I'm not in an optimal mental state to be putting myself out there and meeting people, but I also can't handle having nobody showing any kind of romantic interest in me.

I don't see any reason to believe my love life will improve. All available evidence suggests it probably won't.

There are so many things I despise about my situation that I can't even articulate them all


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14 Mar 2023, 11:49 am

Have you heard of the book "The Menu" by Aaron Cleary? It might be worth checking out.

The Grand Inquisitor

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14 Mar 2023, 12:16 pm

ProfessorJohn wrote:
Have you heard of the book "The Menu" by Aaron Cleary? It might be worth checking out.

No, but I'm not open to living a life without getting to have a girlfriend and the experiences that come with that relationship. The nature of my issues isn't not having someone to get married to. It's not being able to experience dating at all.

I can't handle never having dated while I'm surrounded by people who have dated. Being a have-not in a world of haves makes me want to kill myself. I'm not accepting it under any circumstances


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14 Mar 2023, 8:49 pm

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
I can't handle never having dated while I'm surrounded by people who have dated. Being a have-not in a world of haves makes me want to kill myself. I'm not accepting it under any circumstances

Then what choices do you really have? I certainly understand your frustration and I have been there myself. I have a hazy intoxicated memory of taking a bunch of over the counter painkillers one night when in graduate school because I thought I couldn't handle being different than everyone else and felt hopeless to do anything about it. It obviously didn't work and I woke up the next morning.

Unfortunately there isn't any "cheat code" on getting a girlfriend. No one here can tell you "Do this one thing" and you do it and end up with a girlfriend. Life just doesn't work like that in the area of relationships, and also in many other areas.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but you say you are not accepting it under any circumstances. Suppose you have to? Suppose for some reason you will never have a girlfriend? You probably will, but suppose you don't. What are you going to do then? Sometimes we have to accept things, no matter how much they may suck.

The Grand Inquisitor

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14 Mar 2023, 9:15 pm

ProfessorJohn wrote:
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
I can't handle never having dated while I'm surrounded by people who have dated. Being a have-not in a world of haves makes me want to kill myself. I'm not accepting it under any circumstances

Then what choices do you really have? I certainly understand your frustration and I have been there myself. I have a hazy intoxicated memory of taking a bunch of over the counter painkillers one night when in graduate school because I thought I couldn't handle being different than everyone else and felt hopeless to do anything about it. It obviously didn't work and I woke up the next morning.

Unfortunately there isn't any "cheat code" on getting a girlfriend. No one here can tell you "Do this one thing" and you do it and end up with a girlfriend. Life just doesn't work like that in the area of relationships, and also in many other areas.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but you say you are not accepting it under any circumstances. Suppose you have to? Suppose for some reason you will never have a girlfriend? You probably will, but suppose you don't. What are you going to do then? Sometimes we have to accept things, no matter how much they may suck.

I'll take my own life before I'll accept never getting to have a girlfriend while I'm young. That's unfortunately what I'm leaning towards.

I'm not prepared to exist and contribute in society as though I have a stake when at the end of the day, I'm getting nothing out of it but a miserable existence. If I can't fill the romantic void in my life then I don't care about anything else, because all that awaits me is a pain that overshadows it all.

If I could have and achieve everything else I could ever want except I could never have a girlfriend or experience romance and dating, I'd still likely end up taking my own life, because this unmet need takes such an overwhelming toll on my mental health and emotional wellbeing.


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15 Mar 2023, 1:28 am

I went back and read your posts on this thread to get a better idea of you and your situation. You are 26, or maybe 27 by now. It is not hopeless at that age. I didn't get my first girlfriend until I was 29, so anything is possible. I know all about missing out on high school romance, college romance, and that, and still do ruminate about it sometimes. I just have a kind of obsessive mind, sounds like you do also.

You live in a large city, have an eBike, and were smoking pot everyday. Now here is a plan that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. Find a couple of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups in your area and start attending meetings there. They should have meetings at several different times during the day, so one will fit into your schedule. You will most likely meet women there are who similar to you in age, as well as some much older. Most groups are very welcoming to new people, and try this even if you don't want to quit smoking weed. After a little while you might find that you actually have the desire to quit, which would be an improvement in your life.

Keep going on a regular basis and you will be able to open up more and share at meetings, and will make friends, both male and female, at these groups. They often have some outside activities as well or get together as a group after a meeting to go out for dinner, or coffee, or something like that. It will give you a chance to speak one on one with some women in a safer environment.

The longer you attend, the more your self confidence will grow. You will probably get a sponsor who you can share things with, and who will help you take the 12 steps of recovery which will help to heal your past pain.

If you try a couple of NA groups and they seem really disorganized or really bad, you could try Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well. They usually have plenty of people there who identify as addicts. Maybe you have trouble with Alcohol as well. Attending these meetings is a way you can improve yourself and your social situation and meet women. Don't be afraid to talk to these women either, although I realize that that can be scary at times.

Good luck if you decide to go this route-I met my wife in a recovery group (not NA)


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15 Mar 2023, 5:13 pm

ProfessorJohn wrote:
I went back and read your posts on this thread to get a better idea of you and your situation. You are 26, or maybe 27 by now. It is not hopeless at that age. I didn't get my first girlfriend until I was 29, so anything is possible. I know all about missing out on high school romance, college romance, and that, and still do ruminate about it sometimes. I just have a kind of obsessive mind, sounds like you do also.

You live in a large city, have an eBike, and were smoking pot everyday. Now here is a plan that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. Find a couple of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups in your area and start attending meetings there. They should have meetings at several different times during the day, so one will fit into your schedule. You will most likely meet women there are who similar to you in age, as well as some much older. Most groups are very welcoming to new people, and try this even if you don't want to quit smoking weed. After a little while you might find that you actually have the desire to quit, which would be an improvement in your life.

Keep going on a regular basis and you will be able to open up more and share at meetings, and will make friends, both male and female, at these groups. They often have some outside activities as well or get together as a group after a meeting to go out for dinner, or coffee, or something like that. It will give you a chance to speak one on one with some women in a safer environment.

The longer you attend, the more your self confidence will grow. You will probably get a sponsor who you can share things with, and who will help you take the 12 steps of recovery which will help to heal your past pain.

If you try a couple of NA groups and they seem really disorganized or really bad, you could try Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well. They usually have plenty of people there who identify as addicts. Maybe you have trouble with Alcohol as well. Attending these meetings is a way you can improve yourself and your social situation and meet women. Don't be afraid to talk to these women either, although I realize that that can be scary at times.

Good luck if you decide to go this route-I met my wife in a recovery group (not NA)

how do you feel about not having a girlfriend until 29?


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15 Mar 2023, 9:29 pm

To be honest, much of the time I think it sucks. I wonder what must be wrong with me, think of all of the fun and good times I missed, how much better my life would be today, etc. etc

The problem with that thinking is that it is based on hypotheticals. I can't really know what it would have been like, because I didn't experience it. I can only guess based on what I saw other people doing. Yes, my life might be better today, but I also might have knocked someone up when I was 20 and had to drop out of college and get married and working a crappy job today, or dying of AIDS today or other bad stuff. You just never know, all that happened is what happened.

My best friend in graduate school was one of those guys who could get any girl he wanted. It made his life so good that he drank himself to death in 2015.

The Grand Inquisitor

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16 Mar 2023, 3:25 pm

ProfessorJohn wrote:
I went back and read your posts on this thread to get a better idea of you and your situation. You are 26, or maybe 27 by now. It is not hopeless at that age. I didn't get my first girlfriend until I was 29, so anything is possible. I know all about missing out on high school romance, college romance, and that, and still do ruminate about it sometimes. I just have a kind of obsessive mind, sounds like you do also.

You live in a large city, have an eBike, and were smoking pot everyday. Now here is a plan that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. Find a couple of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups in your area and start attending meetings there. They should have meetings at several different times during the day, so one will fit into your schedule. You will most likely meet women there are who similar to you in age, as well as some much older. Most groups are very welcoming to new people, and try this even if you don't want to quit smoking weed. After a little while you might find that you actually have the desire to quit, which would be an improvement in your life.

Keep going on a regular basis and you will be able to open up more and share at meetings, and will make friends, both male and female, at these groups. They often have some outside activities as well or get together as a group after a meeting to go out for dinner, or coffee, or something like that. It will give you a chance to speak one on one with some women in a safer environment.

The longer you attend, the more your self confidence will grow. You will probably get a sponsor who you can share things with, and who will help you take the 12 steps of recovery which will help to heal your past pain.

If you try a couple of NA groups and they seem really disorganized or really bad, you could try Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well. They usually have plenty of people there who identify as addicts. Maybe you have trouble with Alcohol as well. Attending these meetings is a way you can improve yourself and your social situation and meet women. Don't be afraid to talk to these women either, although I realize that that can be scary at times.

Good luck if you decide to go this route-I met my wife in a recovery group (not NA)

Thanks for the interesting suggestion.

I don't have any intentions of decreasing my weed usage at this time while my spirits are this low. I don't think my usage is problematic for someone who has the issues I have, and I think I would have an easy enough time moderating and cutting down as it suited me if I wasn't so plagued by emotional thorns that need to be dulled. If I joined NA, I'd only be doing so in the hopes of meeting someone to date, which probably isn't the right reason to be there.

Having looked into it, I've found that I disagree with the whole premise of the 12 step program as someone who is neither religious nor spiritual, and who completely lacks belief in a benevolent higher power.

I don’t think NA is a good fit for me, but you've got me thinking. I remember another member who really struggles with dating mentioned meeting the only girlfriend he'd ever had through a support group as well.

I can see potential benefits to joining a mental health support group. Having people who actually see me and interact with me in real life sincerely telling me that I'm not undateable or undesirable would be somewhat helpful, and talking about my dating issues and how profoundly they're affecting me (though without mentioning suicide) might inspire a group member to set me up with someone or suggest a good way to meet someone in my city. Also, on the off chance that anyone did happen to be interested in me romantically, they'd know they have a pretty good chance.