Why do people engage in fornication before marriage?

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02 Jun 2015, 11:51 pm

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Lintar wrote:
rvacountrysinger wrote:
I'm confused as to why people copulate if they aren't husband and wife. More importantly, why do people do that if they don't want children? I believe sex is disgusting and for procreation purposes only. I don't see the point in just having sex if you do not intend to reproduce. Why bother? I think that marriage is a contract so that we could procreate in the eyes of God and so that we can produce children. What do people get out of sleeping with someone for any other reason? It is bizarre to me. It disgusts me that people want to have sex and aren't married. How pervasive is this in today's society?

Is this some kind of really weird joke, one that I'm just not getting?

More importantly, why do people eat if they're not really hungry? I believe eating is disgusting and for nutritional purposes only. I don't see the point in just eating if you do not intend to replenish your energy supply. Why bother? I think that food is a necessity so that we could sustain ourselves in the eyes of the Almighty Spaghetti-Monster and so that we can survive long enough to replicate our genes (a.k.a. produce children). What do people get out of eating something that has no nutritional value? It is bizarre to me. It disgusts me that people want to eat; after all, it does come out the other end does it not, and that's just, like, you know - totally gross! How pervasive is this in today's society?

Oh dear! :roll: You need to lie down and have a good Bex, because 'Bex is better!' (Bex is a 1970's Australian thing, fyi, a pill that was touted as the answer to almost anything - like headaches, a pain in the a$$, and prudish Christians on their soapbox pontificating about the 'sinfulness' of anything even remotely fun).

I appreciate that the original poster's language may have struck many as perhaps strongly worded in terms of the sheer disgust, but I do not think that ridicule is a helpful response. Of course pleasure is involved as well as the continuation of the species, as well as cementing the loving bonds. Interestingly, C.S. Lewis once also used the food sex/analogy, though his argument was the reverse of yours. Look, many people (by no means confined to Christians, or even adherents of Abrahamic traditions) myself included believe in waiting before engaging in sexual activity. This is clearly an issue people on both sides feel strongly about, but please let us try to be civil. Many of the posts seem quite depressing to me; I would actually prefer for the intercourse to be within the context of a loving relationship, and have trouble understanding why anyone would not. Obviously I am no stranger to sexual desire, but society does seem to lionise it and carry on as though that was all there was to life, and have little regard for how they may be making some people feel abnormal for actually not wanting for some bizarre reason to treat others solely as objects for the gratification of their own desire! I realise of course that many unwed lovers are not like this, and conversely many married relationships can be abusive or manipulative, but I am confused why some have taken umbrage at my position. If we are discussing this at all we are clearly interested in other people's love lives, so why would my expressing concern be any worse that their expressing concern at myself and fellow abstinent Aspies? The decision is surely not harming people at any rate, nor do we represent a threat to our more sexually active fellow humans.

Okay, I'll behave myself. :silent:


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03 Jun 2015, 12:32 am

Jono wrote:
Aspie1 wrote:
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Marriage is hardly confined to stunningly handsome alpha-males, any more than to irresistible alpha-females. The planet has many problems, but if you genuinely regard it with such utter distain that is somewhat troubling. Has it occurred to you that you may have contributed (as in my different ways may I) to some of those problems? If you genuinely consider yourself so loathsome physically, why is it alright for people who have not had time to get to know your finer qualities endure your attentions, but apparently impossible in your view that any woman might grow to like you despite your not being conventionally handsome (sorry about the personal tone here) and actually agree to a long-term relationship?

Marriage and long-term relationships operate on a different dynamic than dating/sex. For finding relationships, beta and sometimes even omega males have a fighting chance, and I knew it well. (There is no equivalent alpha/beta/omega divide for women, although a less strict hierarchy does exist.) When I was younger, I kept pursuing serious long-term relationships, to the point of willingness to wait until marriage (shocking, right?), even though what I really wanted was casual sex. But this had problems: (1) In order to get to the serious stage, you have to get through the lusty, casual stage first, where I had no chance, because initial attraction is about looks; and (2) I found out that beta males get used and abused mercilessly in long-term relationships, and even more so in marriages, making them something to be feared. I now, at age 32, developed just enough skills to pursue casual dating, with or without sex, fairly successfully. It's just sad that I'm doing now what most NT guys were doing 10 years ago.

No offense taken on "not being conventionally handsome". That was very true until my late 20's. (To the point where I went to a consultation with a plastic surgeon, but backed out due to cost.) Escorts helped me get through those years smashingly, for which I'm very much thankful. I aged into my looks since then, and now look "OK" at the absolute minimum. It has to be true, since women on a cruise I took were acting very touchy-feely with me.

Will you please stop using the terms "alpha" and "beta" males. There is no such thing and we are not pack animals.

And whatever happened to letters Gamma to Psi? Alpha and Omega reminds me of one of the titles of the Messiah in the Book of Revelation, as well of the Time Lord joint founding father and villain Omega from Doctor Who.

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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03 Jun 2015, 7:39 am

Ban-Dodger wrote:
I know you just want clarifications so I do not interpret your intent as confrontational. I think it's a good idea to try & understand others, and that's one of the reasons why I started doing so much reading on para-psychology, because back then (over ten years ago), I just absolutely could not understand why anybody would believe in the existence of psychic-abilities, reincarnation (even though I retain pre-birth memories), psychics, anything para-normal, and just about anything that the materialist-atheists refer to as woo or woo-woo, especially "smart" people like university professors, scientists, doctors, and any number of post-college-graduated individuals who were making (what I thought were "absurd" at the time) claims about "spirits" and "psychic" stuff being real & having solid-evidence.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Thank you for your very detailed reply. I have to say that so far I do not find your quotations very persuasive (I am aware that this is my first encounter with this text, and much would be calculated to set my teeth on edge). My journey has been quite complex itself; although I have struggled with Christianity, and considered giving it up, as well as giving serious thought to alternatives, in the long run I have stuck with it, as it appears to make most sense of my life and of history. I am sorry if my language towards you may sometimes have been discourteous and ungenerous. With the poetic language, surely many texts with a range of teachings might employ such a style; I do not understand why you should regard this as conclusive proof that Terence is Christ returned (if I understood you rightly?) Please forgive my at times quite strident or defensive language. By the way, Jews prior to the coming of the Messiah could and did pray directly to God; at times Roman distortions of the Gospel may have moved in that direction, but that is a different issue.

I had originally gone into reading that material in my naïve assumption (back when I was a "young whipper-snapper") that I could easily "debunk" those authors' materials then write responses to all of their "research" material, pointing out all of their mistakes, then sending it to the authors/scientists/professors who believed in such magical-entities, only to find myself "humbled" that they already addressed what I thought I knew, and in fact, the parapsychologists seemed to actually have much more sophisticated methods for "debunking" and "detecting fraud & trickery" than even the "skeptics" & "debunkers" themselves ! That was one of my turning-points of going from "skeptic/debunker" into a para-normal enthusiast.

How I arrived at Terence-Christ being who he claims is is due to a very long journey of many years of reading & researching & comparing & cross-referencing, and many years of paradigm-shifts, and a lot of personally field-testing of any claims I had ever come across (such as with Daniel Rosenblit's claims about the intentional-pursuit of being subjected to suffering & humiliation being a "fast-track" to heaven). I also did various exercises of forcing humility upon myself, regarding what I knew, via finding what-ever the most diametrically-opposed sources of information existed to what-ever my past belief-systems were at the time, and subjecting my paradigm to the harshest criticisms I could find, because I've had a history of various beliefs/belief-systems where I thought I had "finally arrived at pure truth" only to be "humbled" yet again when I "tested" as to whether there was any "evidence" or not to prove any of my previous-beliefs as incorrect, and I can attest & confirm that it was certainly quite a humbling experience, the more I learned, the more I was forced to realise how much I really did not know about reality™. Basically, any time in the past that I thought I had pure-truth, I always ran into more "cognitive-dissonance" shortly there-after, forcing me to eventually drop any kind of rigid mental-belief system.

I should also point out, the identity of Terence-Christ should not be the focus of importance, but rather, the message(s) he brings forth from God™. The problem with praising messengers is that their messages then get ignored completely whilst everybody raises up the messenger as some kind of idol to be worshipped rather than his warnings to be heeded. I would like to have a discussion about prophets later or maybe I'll just copy/paste the e-mail I sent to my Fundamentalist-Christian aunt-in-law (bless her sincere soul even though I cannot really adopt many of her most-deeply held & cherished beliefs) regarding prophets. Within the writings of The Testament of Truth or at least from my e-mail communications with Terence, God could certainly & easily make everybody believe in His existence if He wanted, but many people have made themselves "enemies of God" & it is much easier for God's demonic-side to crush those "sinners/criminals" into oblivion in the after-life if He continues to allow them to believe that He doesn't even exist (and against such a God it is impossible to win any eternal chess-game of life against Him, and if you can agree that God is indeed all-powerful, then you should also be able to agree that nobody can win in an eternal chess-game against God with one's eternal-existence on the line if they've made or continue to make an eternal-enemy out of God).

Anyway, I did not accept the idea at first that Terence-Christ was who he claimed he was, but it was through a gradual process of "swallowing my pride/disbelief" and being willing to hear/read the words of a "simple man" who makes no claim to walk on water nor turn water to wine, a simple man who is neither king nor leader of a huge military, nor a famous celebrity, nor a does he perform any kinds of magic-tricks, nor does he have any other kind of high-on-the-ladder social-status amongst society, but I gave his writings a chance, and it's due combining all of my previously read materials which seemed to "click into place" like a jigsaw-puzzle upon reading through all of his/God's materials/content (over a span of over ten years worth of intense reading that has well-exceeded the 12K total hours mark by now since around 2500 hours worth of reading is about one year's worth of full-time-reading).

I followed a few other "rules" earlier within my life, too, because of my "spiritual-eyes-to-see" that many or most if not all "commonly held beliefs" were actually the opposite of what is actually truthful. I had also noticed from the mid-point onwards of my life that what we say or think about others is often/frequently true of ourselves. You come across to me as a very good man and I believe that you are absolutely deserving of the very best possible woman that God could ever send your way, but I digress, for this "rule" of mine did in fact, help to shape several of my past-beliefs & how I've formed my paradigm-grid (I now call it a paradigm-grid rather than a paradigm simply because I eventually stopped bothering trying to find one belief-system to adhere to & instead decided that I'm just going to absorb all of the knowledge that I can from every belief-system that I come across, and so my paradigm-grid includes much of the knowledge/education that I had gained from my Christian years, and as well as my Atheist-years, and Gnostic-years, and Spiritualist-years, and Materialist-years, and various other types of Paradigm-years, ParaPsychology-years, Aliens-years, Conspiracy-years, etc., and I believe that I now currently understand why Frederick Myers of the Cross-Correspondences described how our "spiritual-evolution" requires that we rid ourselves of any "rigid mental-constructs be they religious or scientific" and a NASA-Physicist, Tom Campbell, describes our existence very similarly to how my paradigm-grid now views our very existence, and his book is titled: My Big TOE [Theory of Everything]).

Anyway, I need to emphasize, I did not originally accept Terence as being the same Christ-spirit of Jesus until after I had gone through as much reading & research throughout my life that I did, including taking the time to read The Testament of Truth's contents for myself (even though admittèdly I found it at first to come across like some sort of hilarious comedy but could also "spiritually" tell that there was much ironic truth within its contents, but I have field-tested even its claims for myself, and I absolutely do not regret that decision due to how much I had learned since and also now that I have found myself being able to live in spiritual-freedom™ from the oppressors found in government), and that the message(s) of The Testament of Truth should be regarded as being more important than the identity of its messenger.

Well, there is a great deal to respond to here, and I suspect that we will either need to move our discussion to the Religion, Philosophy and Politics forum or private message each other soon. I have long been fascinated with prophets and prophecy. The prophets of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (why does your Teacher Terence trademark so many things?) in particular seem admirable figures to me, forerunners of the Messiah, full of compassion, honesty and integrity, speaking truth to power without fear or favour, rebuking when necessary comforting when needed. The writings of the canonical prophets can also be poetic (though obviously we usually have the translation; I have studied some Hebrew, (the original language of most of the OT, barring a few parts in Aramaic, a related North-West Semitic language) and more Greek (the language of the Septuagint, an early translation that until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls predated the next oldest Hebrew family of manuscripts known to be in existence, the Masoretic Text) and of the New Testament, as well as, in a different dialect, much of early Western philosophy (there were Wisdom traditions in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel before this). I am beginning to suspect Terence may be the manifestation of a rather different being than the Messiah.

Are you familiar for the criteria for falsification and verifying of those professing to be prophets in Deuteronomy? Also, you are probably aware of some of Jesus' prophecies in the canonical Gospels of the New Testament? He warns against false teachers and false prophets, and even false messiahs.

I have come across the term parapsychology a few times over the years - originally in "That hideous strength," the third in C.S. Lewis' Cosmic Trilogy (also known as the Space Trilogy). It is a science fiction trilogy written for a more mature audience than the Chronicles of Narnia, and I read the three stories in one volume as an adolescent in high school. Is it a term for what is commonly termed "the occult" or sorcery, only organised on more rational lines as a science rather than an art? If so it confirms some of my suspicions. I started a thread on prophets and prophecy in the Religion, philosophy and politics forum a number of years ago; perhaps it is time for it to be revived.

One thing I must say against the teaching of your prophet; does he challenge you to move beyond your moral comfort zone? I do not mean does he spin the tired old lie about "beyond good and evil" (forgive my somewhat flimsy dismissal of a man of whom I know virtually nothing). I mean does he confront you about your current moral decisions and encourage you to consider whether you might not do better, or does he flatter you and provide a philosophical underpinning for what you were doing before anyway if not encouraging you to go still further on a path you were already treading?

Anyway, to return to relationships, I think that we must accept that there is a sense in which we are on nearly opposite ends of the Asexual-Pansexual continuum or Spectrum. I say nearly because I am neither a eunuch nor a monk and you are not Captain Jack Harkness (so far as I know). In other ways we are not so very different; a hair's breath decision on either side and we might have much more in common - one way or the other. In the unlikely event of your persuading me to visit one of those kindly and considerate courtesans who were so patient in you teaching about your own needs and desires (did you often talk to them about how they felt about their work? Please do not be naïve and bear in mind that they had their jobs to consider, even if the circumstances of these particular priestesses of Ishtar were not as dire as has been hinted. I honestly have no way of knowing those details, not being in the police force, let alone in whatever the Victorian or Australian Federal equivalents of Vice are called).

Feel free to private message me, my troubling young sorcerer. I know that it is at most a year or so's difference, but it gives me the right to be a [i]little[i/] patronising; feel free to call me a celibate simpleton in return; I shall not mind. Do you object to other people praying about you (not there is much you could do to prevent it; I merely felt it a courtesy to inform you).

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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03 Jun 2015, 9:35 am

A timely post before I retire a bit for the day.

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Well, there is a great deal to respond to here, and I suspect that we will either need to move our discussion to the Religion, Philosophy and Politics forum or private message each other soon. I have long been fascinated with prophets and prophecy. The prophets of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (why does your Teacher Terence trademark so many things?) in particular seem admirable figures to me, forerunners of the Messiah, full of compassion, honesty and integrity, speaking truth to power without fear or favour, rebuking when necessary comforting when needed.

I am the one doing the trade-marking when the word is a potential euphemism (because there can be a LOT of confusion when using common words that don't actually mean what the public believes the defintions really are). Euphemisms have been used for a very long time to deceive humanity (see my "Welcome to Police-State USA 2015" thread and notice how "crime" is being used by the cops as a "government is offended" definition rather than a "honest human was harmed" definition... thus... euphemism... then "dangerous" is another euphemism, for example, I am a "dangerous" individual due to "questioning government" but that does not mean that I am actually "dangerous" in the sense that you could expect to be harmed by me in some way).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
The writings of the canonical prophets can also be poetic (though obviously we usually have the translation; I have studied some Hebrew, (the original language of most of the OT, barring a few parts in Aramaic, a related North-West Semitic language) and more Greek (the language of the Septuagint, an early translation that until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls predated the next oldest Hebrew family of manuscripts known to be in existence, the Masoretic Text) and of the New Testament, as well as, in a different dialect, much of early Western philosophy (there were Wisdom traditions in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel before this). I am beginning to suspect Terence may be the manifestation of a rather different being than the Messiah.

How can you be so certain that Messiah is not being used as a euphemism amongst the Churches ?
I will hyper-link a good educative-video on euphemisms here (even if he doesn't specifically use the word: euphemism)... this is a You-Tube video by the way made to "educate" anybody willing to take some time out to learn how amok the Legal-System has really become & HOW.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Are you familiar for the criteria for falsification and verifying of those professing to be prophets in Deuteronomy? Also, you are probably aware of some of Jesus' prophecies in the canonical Gospels of the New Testament? He warns against false teachers and false prophets, and even false messiahs.

Alright, I will copy/paste the e-mail that I sent to my aunt, the one that covers prophecies. She is more of an expert in biblical-scripture, due to being a life-long Southern-Baptist, and grand-mother, and owning literally hundreds of books related to scriptures™ (note, when I trade-mark™ a work, that is simply my indication that the word is a potential euphemism)...
Dear Aunt-Martha,

I certainly do find a lot of interest in a number of subjects although my interpretations seem to differ and will probably continue to differ. Broadcasting from secret bases sounds like it might be kind of fun. Perhaps I should make a secret base somewhere some day !

The name of Adam is a relatively common name in the English-language, not to mention the fact that, when it comes to business-advertising in the phone-book, some of the more savvy entrepreneurs/business-owners know to use names that will put their business-names towards the top of the directory-listing, due to the fact that phone-books list the businesses alphabetically. Most people usually respond to the first result (similarly to how most people will click on the first result that comes up on any results from search-engine responses). I don't know what the MS spokes-persons would say as to the reason or logic behind naming the project ADAM 2.0 although I rarely trust anything with "official" status (because my paradigm-grid has seen that "official" statements are usually just cover-ups for the real reasons or events that actually happened or that are intended as could end up being the case with any "official" MicroSoft-statements).

I should probably begin my next statements with the idea that there is such a thing as reading everything except for the bible itself. People who read everything will read just about everything, including the bible itself, rather than excluding the book, although this is in stark contrast to the materialist-atheists who read only publications that come from CSICOP (now CSI) or who only trust & believe in authors such as James Randi, Michael Shermer, Joe Nickell, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Paul Kurtz, Susan Blackmoore, Ray Hyman, and other such "skeptic" authors or who seem to only read web-sites such as Skepdic.com or Rationalwiki, etc.

This leads me into my examination of Bible-Prophecies

Many people read the same book, the bible itself, yet many people seem to have different interpretations, even those of the same church-congregation ! I wanted to know what the specific prophecies were, that had been fulfilled, and where the specific dates are mentioned, how-ever, some interpretations I have come across deem that there are several failed/unfulfilled prophecies, and the source comes from a Jew who stated (quoting) about Jesus that...:
The word 'messiah' is the anglicisation of the Hebrew 'moshiach'. The word moshiach translates to 'anointed'. The title of moshiach was given to any person who was appropriately anointed with oil as part of their initiation to their service of HaShem. We have had many moshiachim (pl) in the form of kings, priests, prophets, and judges. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about a moshiach.

This being said, there is a prophecy of a future moshiach, however, this is a relatively minor topic in Judaism and the Tanach.

The Jewish requirements of hamoshiach are:

* Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28)
* Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6)
* Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
* Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "HaShem will be King over all the world -- on that day, HaShem will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9)
* Hamoshiach must be descended on his father's side from King David (Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1)
* Hamoshiach will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

There is no prophecy of a virgin birth - Isaiah 7 contains a short term prophecy that was fulfilled in Isaiah's lifetime. The prophecy itself makes no mention of a virgin. The Hebrew word for virgin is 'b'tulah' which Isaiah uses throughout his writings. However, in this chapter, the word 'almah' is used. Almah means young woman and in this chapter, the young woman in question was already pregnant. The issue was that the Greeks did not have a word that was the equivalent to 'almah', instead, the translators used the word 'parthenos' which can mean either young woman OR virgin. In the prophecy itself, young woman's child simply served as the timeline for the prophecy itself: by the time the child is old enough to know good from bad, X would have occurred.

There is no specification as to where hamoshiach will be born. Mentions of Bethlehem are in reference to hamoshiach being a descendant of King David.

There is no specification as to when hamoshiach will be born. Daniel was talking about the destruction of the first Temple, construction of the second Temple, and then the destruction of the second Temple.

As to whether Jesus met any of the requirements of being hamoshiach, the answer is that no, he did not meet a single one. This includes his complete lack of tribal lineage - according to Jewish law tribal lineage is determined solely by the biological father, there is no concept of adoption in this scenario. In Jesus's case, the two lineages provided in an attempt to claim his status are invalid on several counts:

1. Biological father determines tribe, when a man and woman marry, the woman belongs to her husband's tribe. The lineages given for Jesus attempt to through Joseph via Mary's father which is invalid.

2. Kings must trace their lineage through King Solomon. The lineage provided in the book of Luke 3:31 goes through Nathan, Solomon's half brother. The lineage provided in Mathew 1:11-12 and Luke 3:27 goes through Shealtiel who was cursed so that none of his descendents could be king.

3. Regardless of the above lineages disqualifying Jesus, his lack of biological father completely disqualifies Jesus, so the above two points are actually irrelevant. As mentioned above, there is no concept of adoption when it comes to tribal affiliation. As Jesus is supposed to be the son of G-d, as opposed to being Joseph's biological son, Jesus does not belong to any tribe according to Jewish law. (Note: The concept of a literal child of HaShem is an abomination according to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) and the teachings of Judaism. This concept was adopted by Christianity from the various pagan religions of the region at that time.)

From my own, personal-experiences with the Jewish people or the Israelites, particularly from when I used to play a multi-player military-strategy on-line game, I had found most of them to be somewhat aggressive, although they were willing to listen to me since I was leading the strongest military forces from my kingdom in that game for a long time, and had recruited those Jews/Israelites as my allies towards my peace-keeping efforts since there were a lot of very destructive player-killers around to deal with due to that game-design's nature. The Israelite-allies that I had (except for the one Jewish-Atheist) often wanted to attack other player-targets who were not under The Emperor's protection, but since I had their respect, and due to my leadership-skills, they were willing to listen to me to only go after aggressive players who attacked the peaceful players unprovoked whilst leaving the peaceful/non-aggressive players alone in case I ever needed to recruit them into my allied forces in the future. The times that I had reigned was the most-peaceful ever in that military-game's entire history.

Anyway, what I had quoted seems to be a bit of a history lesson for me as to why the Jews did not accept Jesus as being The Messiah (from one of the very Jews themselves), and apparently they still do not accept Jesus as ever having been a Messiah. The quotes are not the only instances that have been regarded as failed/unfulfilled prophcies as there seem to be lists of a number of others that are deemed as being meant only as songs rather than prophecies or that certain statements were forced into trying to be made into a prophecy when the original-intentions were not meant to be as prophecies (the most-significant one being that of the City of Tyre that was supposed to have been destroyed by now and never re-built [Tyre is located in Lebanon]).

When a bible-believing Christian encounters such things, frequently, the reaction/response will turn to apologetics, some of the more famous of names include people such as Josh McDowell and the more sophisticated William Lane Craig or other such deemed apologists. Whilst I am not an apologist, nor am I a famous author (yet), I do have my own perspectives on what is often misinterpreted by the human-species. The "nature" behind a "prophecy" happens to be one of those differences. Most people regard "prophecies" as having a meaning of "this will happen" as a set-in-stone future-event.

Ban-Dodger's Current Out-Look on Prophecies According to Accumulated Paradigm-Grid Knowledge

I do not believe that it is a good sign for there to exist prophets amongst humanity. All prophets are "sent" from God into this "room" even though everybody has access to being able to communicate with God directly (although most people are unable to "hear" God due to the nature of being "infected" with "sinful" emotions [eyes to see yet cannot see = spiritual-blindness & ears to hear but cannot hear = deaf to truthful information]). The very presence of prophets means that humanity is so astray from The Truth of the Light of God that it basically requires prophets to come here into this "room" for purposes of attempting to help correct the numerous mistakes & errors & beliefs of humanity & its actions. God has many rooms in God's mansion and this particular physical-material universe is only but one room out of the thousands that have been prepared. Prophets are generally not even welcomed in their own home or town or families and most of them do not even know that they are prophets. I have also spoken with people who claimed to hear the Voice of G-d, although I did not recognise what was going on at the time, I now recognise within my current paradigm-grid that many of these people were/are simply spirit-possessed by entities that believe themselves to either be God or a conduit for the Mind of God.

According to my currently accumulated data-collections on what prophecies are: They are generally meant as warnings, and if it were a complete prophecy, they would give both best-case and worst-case scenarios, although humanity seems to be a mix of people with both good & bad intentions, and therefore a prophecy is not fulfilled at either extreme unless absolutely all of humanity does the wrong things to fulfill the worst-case dooms-day scenarios or unless absolutely all of humanity does the right things which would bring about a literal kind of heaven-on-earth. Prophecies, according to my paradigm-grid, are meant as warnings that if humanity were to disobey the command to be peaceful & forgiving with one another, they should expect the destruction of the Sword of Damocles (figuratively/metaphorically/parable-like) to fall upon their heads in their continued defiance (because vengeance is God's & God's alone & a human who seeks revenge is basically "playing God" & "taking from God" what vengeance does not actually belong to him), but if humanity were to actually bother heading the warnings, then a prophecy such as this one would reach its fulfillment: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) ...this would be a best-case-scenario.

The "Rule-of-God" that I follow is rather simple: When your actions/words/thoughts/deeds or that of your servants are kind, caring, loving, forgiving, benevolent, merciful, generous, creative, helpful, honest, truthful, respectful, compassionate, calm, fair, understanding, thoughtful, etc., then you are heeding the Light of God. Contrasted, when one's actions/words/thoughts/deeds or that of their servants are unkind, cruel, hateful, vengeful, malevolent, merciless, greedy, destructive, spiteful, dishonest, deceitful, deceptive, disrespectful, callous, irate, unfair, taxing, invasive, punitive, thieving, etc., then such people are treading upon dangerous territory, and add more tainted marks into their Book of Life Records for every activity that falls into these negative categories. Many "skeptics" frequently point out the "atrocities" that have occurred within recorded Scriptures, but they do so under the idea that the definition of God is All-Loving or Only Love, and the "contradictary nature" has made many "atheists" due to such a definition of God as being Only Love or All Love and nothing otherwise.

According to my paradigm-grid, that definition is also erroneous, for God is both that of the Light and that of the Dark, but we are to heed the Light-Aspect of God (see above paragraph regarding: Rule-of-God). The Dark belongs to God, and to God alone as quoted in The Scriptures about how Revenge belongs solely to God, and this power to destroy is what God uses to "judge" the "infidels (non-believers)" of God's peace-command (the two most-important commandments as the second one is in regards to treating our neighbours as ourselves). From my experiences with Evangelicals/Fundamentalists, I have found that it is absolutely necessary to quote scriptures in order to back-up my statements, heavily if possible, but I do not have any intentions of trying to convert others into thinking my way, nor to try & prove anything, for my cognitive-psychological-map does change as I continue to input more data, and for all I know, what I know today could be invalidated tomorrow (upon the earth itself, such things as North/South/East/West are available information-references, but what if I were to go into outer-space, then NSEW would no longer be a valid co-ordinate system for me to use, and similarly, this is what happens when I go through my paradigm-expansions, I cannot use the same spiritual mapping systems). Anyway, when I read through The Scriptures, I determine whether a passage is of the Light-Aspect of God or from the Dark-Aspect of God, depending on if the actions fall into the one or two categories as described/defined from my Rule-of-God references.

I have much more I could say, and will probably need to clarify several things over much time, because these subjects certainly are not simple (just as is described from 2 Peter 3:16 - everybody reads the same book but, depending on one's level of sin, the spiritual-blindness prevents vision whilst spirtual-deafness metaphorically prevents accurate information from being heard correctly), although I cannot clarify everything in only one day. Normally, I would not discuss these topics nor would I usually bother to go over this kind of information with anybody (partly due to the amount of time-consumption that it takes to go over all of the necessary information/clarifications), except maybe for a very extremely small handful few whom are of a genuine scientific-inquiring mind-set (and I mean actual science rather than the pseudo-sciences of the pseudo-intellectuals who are of the fundamentalist-materialist-atheist belief-systems like Richard Dawkins), but I only bring up this information with you since I know that you care about the future of my spiritual-destiny (I understand that many belief-systems, particularly amongst many Christian-denominations, regard all deviations from those beliefs to be a warning sign of a hell-bound destiny... this is certainly a part of what I have experienced from my past paradigms when I had lived amongst the Russian-Orthodox Christian-Community in Minnesota, who were like family, and still are, although I have not been in contact with them for many years but I would regard them as being amongst what I might regard as the types of Christians who practice & believe closest to the original early Christians whom I have ever encountered), and I appreciate your concern of these most-important subjects, because I do regard these topics as being very important (but very few people want to discuss such subjects or it makes them feel uncomfortable or in Irina's [Irene's] case she says that she simply gets bored if I start getting too "scientific" with my explanations). Everybody's future is at stake after all, whether they wish to be rewarded by the Light of God's Heaven (I do believe in its existence but under a more scientific-level paradigm), and I have an absolute respect for the Dark-Aspect of God, you could say that I am "God-fearing" in that sense which is why I will not participate in nor fund activities (such as via taxation) that fall into the Dark-Aspect of Rule-of-God.

I will stop around here for now, but before I end, although I know that you are not necessarily fond of the topic of reincarnation (much of which is actually spirit-possession by people or spirits who believe that they are incarnating or reincarnating or incarnated or reincarnated but are inadvertently or unknowingly spirit-possessing the still-living rather than being born into a new physical-body), I have found the subject to be of interest as a peculiarity due to the amount of opposition against any beliefs or doctrines regarding reincarnation, including the Chinese government itself ! Basically, not only is it rejected and opposed by conventional-science, and we already know that it is also opposed & rejected by mainstream-religion (all of the main-stream religions, not just mainstream-Christianity, rejects reincarnation-doctrines), but the Chinese government even has a ban on reincarnation ! Although it is a rather strange ban due to the fact that the Chinese communist-party is officially Atheist. Therefore... reincarnation seems to have a Trinity of Opposition: Church & Science & even Government ! Basically, according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KajRoR-EgAw&fmt=18 video-description, its statement says...: "The Chinese government has issued a ban on reincarnation! Tibetan monks are forbidden from reincarnating without government permission. Interesting choice considering the Chinese Communist Party is officially atheist. Of course the real reason behind it is so that when the Dalai Lama passes away, the Chinese regime will be able to choose their own Dalai Lama to further lead Tibet and the Tibetan people into subjugation."

This is probably a bit early but Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !

Love & take care
P.S.: Yes, everybody wants me to write a book, and even my Russian-Orthodox Christian-Family said I should write a book when I once lived with them over ten years ago, and I actually do have enough written materials by now to where I could probably finish at least a book or two or even a few (although my files & writings are somewhat scattered all over my computers at the moment, including various related correspondences in e-mails such as this one, but for the most part, I do have the book-marks and document-files organised into their respective-categories), but it is simply a matter of organising all of the information into a coherent format then coming up with appropriate book-titles (many people do look forward to my writings or posts since there are a number of people who find what I write to be both unique & interesting). I do plan to work towards these goals at some point or another before the end of my current human-life of course.

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I have come across the term parapsychology a few times over the years - originally in "That hideous strength," the third in C.S. Lewis' Cosmic Trilogy (also known as the Space Trilogy). It is a science fiction trilogy written for a more mature audience than the Chronicles of Narnia, and I read the three stories in one volume as an adolescent in high school. Is it a term for what is commonly termed "the occult" or sorcery, only organised on more rational lines as a science rather than an art? If so it confirms some of my suspicions. I started a thread on prophets and prophecy in the Religion, philosophy and politics forum a number of years ago; perhaps it is time for it to be revived.

Para-psychology, barring any euphemisms being used by "skeptics" or non-researchers, has to do with a scientific-investigation into paranormal-phenomenon. It's rejected by both the main-stream Christians (Evangelicals/Fundamentalists) and the conventional-Scientists (Materialists/Atheists/Rationalists), the former for reasons that they dislike any kind of objectivity being used to analyse their subjective-beliefs, and the latter for reasons that it dares to delve into the realm of the subjective when they're oriented towards extreme-objectivism.

Rather than trying to describe it here I'll just link a video to help "scratch the surface" so-to-speak so that you can absorb at least some idea of para-psychology more easily and quickly because you would literally need to read 2000+ page books on parapsychology before you even start to scratch-the-surface of what it actually involves as far as how to set up the scientific-protocols & being able to understand post-graduate-level statistics-classes & all of the experiments that have ever been conducted along with all of the controversies that have surrounded the subject...

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
One thing I must say against the teaching of your prophet; does he challenge you to move beyond your moral comfort zone? I do not mean does he spin the tired old lie about "beyond good and evil" (forgive my somewhat flimsy dismissal of a man of whom I know virtually nothing). I mean does he confront you about your current moral decisions and encourage you to consider whether you might not do better, or does he flatter you and provide a philosophical underpinning for what you were doing before anyway if not encouraging you to go still further on a path you were already treading?

Our prophet™. I may not be understanding the context of your question but I am reminded of a response that he gave me in an e-mail a few years ago (I could try to find all of the e-mails that we've exchanged but that would add additional books/volumes of reading-material into these forums in of itself). I have also sent him one e-mail one time in correcting him on the one major error that I had discovered, due to my thoroughness of research, that he accepted, and thanked me for, therefore, this man is willing to listen to input/feedback, and does not "dictate" his "beliefs" upon anybody in any way (you can read my e-mail message to him by clicking here and yes he did respond which I could also post or screen-shot here for interested readers). I was trying to convince him on another time that it's better to target people who are seeking truth in order to have a more receptive audience rather than people who are clearly going to auto-reject anything that we had to say, and also that it might be better to have someone whom people are already familiar with, for getting messages out, but I was amazed at his response about how "even a criminal can make a truthful statement that helps some of the lost to find their way to heaven" (something along the lines of a few lost fish out of the sea being brought back to salvation, lost sheep being guided back home to heaven, etc). I will also include another e-mail from Terence that may or may not remind you of Cor 1:27 ...I have not seen any indications from Terence where he's ever tried to claim that he's better or smarter than I (and he's even stated himself that English is not his forté [may not be his first language]), and in fact, has asked me to assist with translating his web-site into other languages if I knew them (but I don't feel confidently fluent enough in them to do accurate/thorough translations unless I dedicate my time specifically into language-immersion for the necessary fluency levels).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Feel free to private message me, my troubling young sorcerer. I know that it is at most a year or so's difference, but it gives me the right to be a little patronising; feel free to call me a celibate simpleton in return; I shall not mind. Do you object to other people praying about you (not there is much you could do to prevent it; I merely felt it a courtesy to inform you).

I don't object to what others do so long as they're not trying to force anything (I am going to mention though that no amount of prayer will change the karmic-fate of another, for example, when a person has stolen from another, that person will eventually be stolen from, regardless of how much you pray that they will not be stolen from, and as I understand prayer, the most-important thing that one can pray for is wisdom, although the word prayer may be a euphemism for a variety of different things since para-psychologists have in fact done prayer-studies and found that it can have an effect on material-substance or outcomes, but the results are typically very insignificant unless done in large groups, such as Yoga/Tai-Chi meditation-groups, and even then not much difference unless done consistently and regularly for several months in a row). For all we know prayer could be some catch-all for all kinds of attempted mind-phenomenon interaction.

The private-message-system here also isn't really sufficient for these types of conversations. I should probably try to organise all of the e-mails that I've ever exchanged with Terence into a file-folder rather than relying solely on gmail's archives to retreive though so that I can pull up any necessary historic-dialogue as quick-reference. Anyway, the key-point to remember that language is full of euphemisms, and just because a particular word may be commonly used in public, does not necessarily mean that anybody knows what it actually means or how its context changes depending on jurisdiction (most people probably still do not even know the definition of jurisdiction yet), that is why I regard it as important to both read source-material personally, and to always question everything (especially when we believe ourselves to have a "complete" world-view with all of the be-all/end-all answers to everything [see again Cor 1:27 combined with Peter 3:16 if you need "scripture" to lend more "credibility" to my last statements]).

This man here describes a part of paranormal-research that can be used to measure mind-influences over the random-generator-results of electronic-devices...

Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.


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03 Jun 2015, 7:51 pm

Ban-Dodger wrote:
A timely post before I retire a bit for the day.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Well, there is a great deal to respond to here, and I suspect that we will either need to move our discussion to the Religion, Philosophy and Politics forum or private message each other soon. I have long been fascinated with prophets and prophecy. The prophets of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (why does your Teacher Terence trademark so many things?) in particular seem admirable figures to me, forerunners of the Messiah, full of compassion, honesty and integrity, speaking truth to power without fear or favour, rebuking when necessary comforting when needed.

I am the one doing the trade-marking when the word is a potential euphemism (because there can be a LOT of confusion when using common words that don't actually mean what the public believes the defintions really are). Euphemisms have been used for a very long time to deceive humanity (see my "Welcome to Police-State USA 2015" thread and notice how "crime" is being used by the cops as a "government is offended" definition rather than a "honest human was harmed" definition... thus... euphemism... then "dangerous" is another euphemism, for example, I am a "dangerous" individual due to "questioning government" but that does not mean that I am actually "dangerous" in the sense that you could expect to be harmed by me in some way).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
The writings of the canonical prophets can also be poetic (though obviously we usually have the translation; I have studied some Hebrew, (the original language of most of the OT, barring a few parts in Aramaic, a related North-West Semitic language) and more Greek (the language of the Septuagint, an early translation that until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls predated the next oldest Hebrew family of manuscripts known to be in existence, the Masoretic Text) and of the New Testament, as well as, in a different dialect, much of early Western philosophy (there were Wisdom traditions in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israel before this). I am beginning to suspect Terence may be the manifestation of a rather different being than the Messiah.

How can you be so certain that Messiah is not being used as a euphemism amongst the Churches ?
I will hyper-link a good educative-video on euphemisms here (even if he doesn't specifically use the word: euphemism)... this is a You-Tube video by the way made to "educate" anybody willing to take some time out to learn how amok the Legal-System has really become & HOW.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Are you familiar for the criteria for falsification and verifying of those professing to be prophets in Deuteronomy? Also, you are probably aware of some of Jesus' prophecies in the canonical Gospels of the New Testament? He warns against false teachers and false prophets, and even false messiahs.

Alright, I will copy/paste the e-mail that I sent to my aunt, the one that covers prophecies. She is more of an expert in biblical-scripture, due to being a life-long Southern-Baptist, and grand-mother, and owning literally hundreds of books related to scriptures™ (note, when I trade-mark™ a work, that is simply my indication that the word is a potential euphemism)...
Dear Aunt-Martha,

I certainly do find a lot of interest in a number of subjects although my interpretations seem to differ and will probably continue to differ. Broadcasting from secret bases sounds like it might be kind of fun. Perhaps I should make a secret base somewhere some day !

The name of Adam is a relatively common name in the English-language, not to mention the fact that, when it comes to business-advertising in the phone-book, some of the more savvy entrepreneurs/business-owners know to use names that will put their business-names towards the top of the directory-listing, due to the fact that phone-books list the businesses alphabetically. Most people usually respond to the first result (similarly to how most people will click on the first result that comes up on any results from search-engine responses). I don't know what the MS spokes-persons would say as to the reason or logic behind naming the project ADAM 2.0 although I rarely trust anything with "official" status (because my paradigm-grid has seen that "official" statements are usually just cover-ups for the real reasons or events that actually happened or that are intended as could end up being the case with any "official" MicroSoft-statements).

I should probably begin my next statements with the idea that there is such a thing as reading everything except for the bible itself. People who read everything will read just about everything, including the bible itself, rather than excluding the book, although this is in stark contrast to the materialist-atheists who read only publications that come from CSICOP (now CSI) or who only trust & believe in authors such as James Randi, Michael Shermer, Joe Nickell, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Paul Kurtz, Susan Blackmoore, Ray Hyman, and other such "skeptic" authors or who seem to only read web-sites such as Skepdic.com or Rationalwiki, etc.

This leads me into my examination of Bible-Prophecies

Many people read the same book, the bible itself, yet many people seem to have different interpretations, even those of the same church-congregation ! I wanted to know what the specific prophecies were, that had been fulfilled, and where the specific dates are mentioned, how-ever, some interpretations I have come across deem that there are several failed/unfulfilled prophecies, and the source comes from a Jew who stated (quoting) about Jesus that...:
The word 'messiah' is the anglicisation of the Hebrew 'moshiach'. The word moshiach translates to 'anointed'. The title of moshiach was given to any person who was appropriately anointed with oil as part of their initiation to their service of HaShem. We have had many moshiachim (pl) in the form of kings, priests, prophets, and judges. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about a moshiach.

This being said, there is a prophecy of a future moshiach, however, this is a relatively minor topic in Judaism and the Tanach.

The Jewish requirements of hamoshiach are:

* Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28)
* Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6)
* Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
* Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "HaShem will be King over all the world -- on that day, HaShem will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9)
* Hamoshiach must be descended on his father's side from King David (Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1)
* Hamoshiach will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

There is no prophecy of a virgin birth - Isaiah 7 contains a short term prophecy that was fulfilled in Isaiah's lifetime. The prophecy itself makes no mention of a virgin. The Hebrew word for virgin is 'b'tulah' which Isaiah uses throughout his writings. However, in this chapter, the word 'almah' is used. Almah means young woman and in this chapter, the young woman in question was already pregnant. The issue was that the Greeks did not have a word that was the equivalent to 'almah', instead, the translators used the word 'parthenos' which can mean either young woman OR virgin. In the prophecy itself, young woman's child simply served as the timeline for the prophecy itself: by the time the child is old enough to know good from bad, X would have occurred.

There is no specification as to where hamoshiach will be born. Mentions of Bethlehem are in reference to hamoshiach being a descendant of King David.

There is no specification as to when hamoshiach will be born. Daniel was talking about the destruction of the first Temple, construction of the second Temple, and then the destruction of the second Temple.

As to whether Jesus met any of the requirements of being hamoshiach, the answer is that no, he did not meet a single one. This includes his complete lack of tribal lineage - according to Jewish law tribal lineage is determined solely by the biological father, there is no concept of adoption in this scenario. In Jesus's case, the two lineages provided in an attempt to claim his status are invalid on several counts:

1. Biological father determines tribe, when a man and woman marry, the woman belongs to her husband's tribe. The lineages given for Jesus attempt to through Joseph via Mary's father which is invalid.

2. Kings must trace their lineage through King Solomon. The lineage provided in the book of Luke 3:31 goes through Nathan, Solomon's half brother. The lineage provided in Mathew 1:11-12 and Luke 3:27 goes through Shealtiel who was cursed so that none of his descendents could be king.

3. Regardless of the above lineages disqualifying Jesus, his lack of biological father completely disqualifies Jesus, so the above two points are actually irrelevant. As mentioned above, there is no concept of adoption when it comes to tribal affiliation. As Jesus is supposed to be the son of G-d, as opposed to being Joseph's biological son, Jesus does not belong to any tribe according to Jewish law. (Note: The concept of a literal child of HaShem is an abomination according to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) and the teachings of Judaism. This concept was adopted by Christianity from the various pagan religions of the region at that time.)

From my own, personal-experiences with the Jewish people or the Israelites, particularly from when I used to play a multi-player military-strategy on-line game, I had found most of them to be somewhat aggressive, although they were willing to listen to me since I was leading the strongest military forces from my kingdom in that game for a long time, and had recruited those Jews/Israelites as my allies towards my peace-keeping efforts since there were a lot of very destructive player-killers around to deal with due to that game-design's nature. The Israelite-allies that I had (except for the one Jewish-Atheist) often wanted to attack other player-targets who were not under The Emperor's protection, but since I had their respect, and due to my leadership-skills, they were willing to listen to me to only go after aggressive players who attacked the peaceful players unprovoked whilst leaving the peaceful/non-aggressive players alone in case I ever needed to recruit them into my allied forces in the future. The times that I had reigned was the most-peaceful ever in that military-game's entire history.

Anyway, what I had quoted seems to be a bit of a history lesson for me as to why the Jews did not accept Jesus as being The Messiah (from one of the very Jews themselves), and apparently they still do not accept Jesus as ever having been a Messiah. The quotes are not the only instances that have been regarded as failed/unfulfilled prophcies as there seem to be lists of a number of others that are deemed as being meant only as songs rather than prophecies or that certain statements were forced into trying to be made into a prophecy when the original-intentions were not meant to be as prophecies (the most-significant one being that of the City of Tyre that was supposed to have been destroyed by now and never re-built [Tyre is located in Lebanon]).

When a bible-believing Christian encounters such things, frequently, the reaction/response will turn to apologetics, some of the more famous of names include people such as Josh McDowell and the more sophisticated William Lane Craig or other such deemed apologists. Whilst I am not an apologist, nor am I a famous author (yet), I do have my own perspectives on what is often misinterpreted by the human-species. The "nature" behind a "prophecy" happens to be one of those differences. Most people regard "prophecies" as having a meaning of "this will happen" as a set-in-stone future-event.

Ban-Dodger's Current Out-Look on Prophecies According to Accumulated Paradigm-Grid Knowledge

I do not believe that it is a good sign for there to exist prophets amongst humanity. All prophets are "sent" from God into this "room" even though everybody has access to being able to communicate with God directly (although most people are unable to "hear" God due to the nature of being "infected" with "sinful" emotions [eyes to see yet cannot see = spiritual-blindness & ears to hear but cannot hear = deaf to truthful information]). The very presence of prophets means that humanity is so astray from The Truth of the Light of God that it basically requires prophets to come here into this "room" for purposes of attempting to help correct the numerous mistakes & errors & beliefs of humanity & its actions. God has many rooms in God's mansion and this particular physical-material universe is only but one room out of the thousands that have been prepared. Prophets are generally not even welcomed in their own home or town or families and most of them do not even know that they are prophets. I have also spoken with people who claimed to hear the Voice of G-d, although I did not recognise what was going on at the time, I now recognise within my current paradigm-grid that many of these people were/are simply spirit-possessed by entities that believe themselves to either be God or a conduit for the Mind of God.

According to my currently accumulated data-collections on what prophecies are: They are generally meant as warnings, and if it were a complete prophecy, they would give both best-case and worst-case scenarios, although humanity seems to be a mix of people with both good & bad intentions, and therefore a prophecy is not fulfilled at either extreme unless absolutely all of humanity does the wrong things to fulfill the worst-case dooms-day scenarios or unless absolutely all of humanity does the right things which would bring about a literal kind of heaven-on-earth. Prophecies, according to my paradigm-grid, are meant as warnings that if humanity were to disobey the command to be peaceful & forgiving with one another, they should expect the destruction of the Sword of Damocles (figuratively/metaphorically/parable-like) to fall upon their heads in their continued defiance (because vengeance is God's & God's alone & a human who seeks revenge is basically "playing God" & "taking from God" what vengeance does not actually belong to him), but if humanity were to actually bother heading the warnings, then a prophecy such as this one would reach its fulfillment: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) ...this would be a best-case-scenario.

The "Rule-of-God" that I follow is rather simple: When your actions/words/thoughts/deeds or that of your servants are kind, caring, loving, forgiving, benevolent, merciful, generous, creative, helpful, honest, truthful, respectful, compassionate, calm, fair, understanding, thoughtful, etc., then you are heeding the Light of God. Contrasted, when one's actions/words/thoughts/deeds or that of their servants are unkind, cruel, hateful, vengeful, malevolent, merciless, greedy, destructive, spiteful, dishonest, deceitful, deceptive, disrespectful, callous, irate, unfair, taxing, invasive, punitive, thieving, etc., then such people are treading upon dangerous territory, and add more tainted marks into their Book of Life Records for every activity that falls into these negative categories. Many "skeptics" frequently point out the "atrocities" that have occurred within recorded Scriptures, but they do so under the idea that the definition of God is All-Loving or Only Love, and the "contradictary nature" has made many "atheists" due to such a definition of God as being Only Love or All Love and nothing otherwise.

According to my paradigm-grid, that definition is also erroneous, for God is both that of the Light and that of the Dark, but we are to heed the Light-Aspect of God (see above paragraph regarding: Rule-of-God). The Dark belongs to God, and to God alone as quoted in The Scriptures about how Revenge belongs solely to God, and this power to destroy is what God uses to "judge" the "infidels (non-believers)" of God's peace-command (the two most-important commandments as the second one is in regards to treating our neighbours as ourselves). From my experiences with Evangelicals/Fundamentalists, I have found that it is absolutely necessary to quote scriptures in order to back-up my statements, heavily if possible, but I do not have any intentions of trying to convert others into thinking my way, nor to try & prove anything, for my cognitive-psychological-map does change as I continue to input more data, and for all I know, what I know today could be invalidated tomorrow (upon the earth itself, such things as North/South/East/West are available information-references, but what if I were to go into outer-space, then NSEW would no longer be a valid co-ordinate system for me to use, and similarly, this is what happens when I go through my paradigm-expansions, I cannot use the same spiritual mapping systems). Anyway, when I read through The Scriptures, I determine whether a passage is of the Light-Aspect of God or from the Dark-Aspect of God, depending on if the actions fall into the one or two categories as described/defined from my Rule-of-God references.

I have much more I could say, and will probably need to clarify several things over much time, because these subjects certainly are not simple (just as is described from 2 Peter 3:16 - everybody reads the same book but, depending on one's level of sin, the spiritual-blindness prevents vision whilst spirtual-deafness metaphorically prevents accurate information from being heard correctly), although I cannot clarify everything in only one day. Normally, I would not discuss these topics nor would I usually bother to go over this kind of information with anybody (partly due to the amount of time-consumption that it takes to go over all of the necessary information/clarifications), except maybe for a very extremely small handful few whom are of a genuine scientific-inquiring mind-set (and I mean actual science rather than the pseudo-sciences of the pseudo-intellectuals who are of the fundamentalist-materialist-atheist belief-systems like Richard Dawkins), but I only bring up this information with you since I know that you care about the future of my spiritual-destiny (I understand that many belief-systems, particularly amongst many Christian-denominations, regard all deviations from those beliefs to be a warning sign of a hell-bound destiny... this is certainly a part of what I have experienced from my past paradigms when I had lived amongst the Russian-Orthodox Christian-Community in Minnesota, who were like family, and still are, although I have not been in contact with them for many years but I would regard them as being amongst what I might regard as the types of Christians who practice & believe closest to the original early Christians whom I have ever encountered), and I appreciate your concern of these most-important subjects, because I do regard these topics as being very important (but very few people want to discuss such subjects or it makes them feel uncomfortable or in Irina's [Irene's] case she says that she simply gets bored if I start getting too "scientific" with my explanations). Everybody's future is at stake after all, whether they wish to be rewarded by the Light of God's Heaven (I do believe in its existence but under a more scientific-level paradigm), and I have an absolute respect for the Dark-Aspect of God, you could say that I am "God-fearing" in that sense which is why I will not participate in nor fund activities (such as via taxation) that fall into the Dark-Aspect of Rule-of-God.

I will stop around here for now, but before I end, although I know that you are not necessarily fond of the topic of reincarnation (much of which is actually spirit-possession by people or spirits who believe that they are incarnating or reincarnating or incarnated or reincarnated but are inadvertently or unknowingly spirit-possessing the still-living rather than being born into a new physical-body), I have found the subject to be of interest as a peculiarity due to the amount of opposition against any beliefs or doctrines regarding reincarnation, including the Chinese government itself ! Basically, not only is it rejected and opposed by conventional-science, and we already know that it is also opposed & rejected by mainstream-religion (all of the main-stream religions, not just mainstream-Christianity, rejects reincarnation-doctrines), but the Chinese government even has a ban on reincarnation ! Although it is a rather strange ban due to the fact that the Chinese communist-party is officially Atheist. Therefore... reincarnation seems to have a Trinity of Opposition: Church & Science & even Government ! Basically, according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KajRoR-EgAw&fmt=18 video-description, its statement says...: "The Chinese government has issued a ban on reincarnation! Tibetan monks are forbidden from reincarnating without government permission. Interesting choice considering the Chinese Communist Party is officially atheist. Of course the real reason behind it is so that when the Dalai Lama passes away, the Chinese regime will be able to choose their own Dalai Lama to further lead Tibet and the Tibetan people into subjugation."

This is probably a bit early but Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !

Love & take care
P.S.: Yes, everybody wants me to write a book, and even my Russian-Orthodox Christian-Family said I should write a book when I once lived with them over ten years ago, and I actually do have enough written materials by now to where I could probably finish at least a book or two or even a few (although my files & writings are somewhat scattered all over my computers at the moment, including various related correspondences in e-mails such as this one, but for the most part, I do have the book-marks and document-files organised into their respective-categories), but it is simply a matter of organising all of the information into a coherent format then coming up with appropriate book-titles (many people do look forward to my writings or posts since there are a number of people who find what I write to be both unique & interesting). I do plan to work towards these goals at some point or another before the end of my current human-life of course.

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I have come across the term parapsychology a few times over the years - originally in "That hideous strength," the third in C.S. Lewis' Cosmic Trilogy (also known as the Space Trilogy). It is a science fiction trilogy written for a more mature audience than the Chronicles of Narnia, and I read the three stories in one volume as an adolescent in high school. Is it a term for what is commonly termed "the occult" or sorcery, only organised on more rational lines as a science rather than an art? If so it confirms some of my suspicions. I started a thread on prophets and prophecy in the Religion, philosophy and politics forum a number of years ago; perhaps it is time for it to be revived.

Para-psychology, barring any euphemisms being used by "skeptics" or non-researchers, has to do with a scientific-investigation into paranormal-phenomenon. It's rejected by both the main-stream Christians (Evangelicals/Fundamentalists) and the conventional-Scientists (Materialists/Atheists/Rationalists), the former for reasons that they dislike any kind of objectivity being used to analyse their subjective-beliefs, and the latter for reasons that it dares to delve into the realm of the subjective when they're oriented towards extreme-objectivism.

Rather than trying to describe it here I'll just link a video to help "scratch the surface" so-to-speak so that you can absorb at least some idea of para-psychology more easily and quickly because you would literally need to read 2000+ page books on parapsychology before you even start to scratch-the-surface of what it actually involves as far as how to set up the scientific-protocols & being able to understand post-graduate-level statistics-classes & all of the experiments that have ever been conducted along with all of the controversies that have surrounded the subject...

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
One thing I must say against the teaching of your prophet; does he challenge you to move beyond your moral comfort zone? I do not mean does he spin the tired old lie about "beyond good and evil" (forgive my somewhat flimsy dismissal of a man of whom I know virtually nothing). I mean does he confront you about your current moral decisions and encourage you to consider whether you might not do better, or does he flatter you and provide a philosophical underpinning for what you were doing before anyway if not encouraging you to go still further on a path you were already treading?

Our prophet™. I may not be understanding the context of your question but I am reminded of a response that he gave me in an e-mail a few years ago (I could try to find all of the e-mails that we've exchanged but that would add additional books/volumes of reading-material into these forums in of itself). I have also sent him one e-mail one time in correcting him on the one major error that I had discovered, due to my thoroughness of research, that he accepted, and thanked me for, therefore, this man is willing to listen to input/feedback, and does not "dictate" his "beliefs" upon anybody in any way (you can read my e-mail message to him by clicking here and yes he did respond which I could also post or screen-shot here for interested readers). I was trying to convince him on another time that it's better to target people who are seeking truth in order to have a more receptive audience rather than people who are clearly going to auto-reject anything that we had to say, and also that it might be better to have someone whom people are already familiar with, for getting messages out, but I was amazed at his response about how "even a criminal can make a truthful statement that helps some of the lost to find their way to heaven" (something along the lines of a few lost fish out of the sea being brought back to salvation, lost sheep being guided back home to heaven, etc). I will also include another e-mail from Terence that may or may not remind you of Cor 1:27 ...I have not seen any indications from Terence where he's ever tried to claim that he's better or smarter than I (and he's even stated himself that English is not his forté [may not be his first language]), and in fact, has asked me to assist with translating his web-site into other languages if I knew them (but I don't feel confidently fluent enough in them to do accurate/thorough translations unless I dedicate my time specifically into language-immersion for the necessary fluency levels).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Feel free to private message me, my troubling young sorcerer. I know that it is at most a year or so's difference, but it gives me the right to be a little patronising; feel free to call me a celibate simpleton in return; I shall not mind. Do you object to other people praying about you (not there is much you could do to prevent it; I merely felt it a courtesy to inform you).

I don't object to what others do so long as they're not trying to force anything (I am going to mention though that no amount of prayer will change the karmic-fate of another, for example, when a person has stolen from another, that person will eventually be stolen from, regardless of how much you pray that they will not be stolen from, and as I understand prayer, the most-important thing that one can pray for is wisdom, although the word prayer may be a euphemism for a variety of different things since para-psychologists have in fact done prayer-studies and found that it can have an effect on material-substance or outcomes, but the results are typically very insignificant unless done in large groups, such as Yoga/Tai-Chi meditation-groups, and even then not much difference unless done consistently and regularly for several months in a row). For all we know prayer could be some catch-all for all kinds of attempted mind-phenomenon interaction.

The private-message-system here also isn't really sufficient for these types of conversations. I should probably try to organise all of the e-mails that I've ever exchanged with Terence into a file-folder rather than relying solely on gmail's archives to retreive though so that I can pull up any necessary historic-dialogue as quick-reference. Anyway, the key-point to remember that language is full of euphemisms, and just because a particular word may be commonly used in public, does not necessarily mean that anybody knows what it actually means or how its context changes depending on jurisdiction (most people probably still do not even know the definition of jurisdiction yet), that is why I regard it as important to both read source-material personally, and to always question everything (especially when we believe ourselves to have a "complete" world-view with all of the be-all/end-all answers to everything [see again Cor 1:27 combined with Peter 3:16 if you need "scripture" to lend more "credibility" to my last statements]).

This man here describes a part of paranormal-research that can be used to measure mind-influences over the random-generator-results of electronic-devices...

Thank you again for another detailed response (and if private message is unsuitable I fear we really will need to move our discussion to a new thread in Religion, Phil. & Pol., or the Love and Relationship people will begin to be irritated with us for hijacking the "Why fornication" thread. I was aware of some of what you mention (the meaning of the term Messiah - Christ is an Anglicised form of the Greek equivalent of Hebrew Moshiach; that in rabbinical understanding there would be a single coming of the Messiah in the end of days, and the failure of a number of prophecies - end of war most notably - within the lifetime of Jesus of Nazareth rules Him out as a candidate for Messiah from their point of view - in the specific sense; an anointed one could be a prophet, priest or king, but the expected Messiah, whom I would indeed identify with Jesus - not alone there - was, is and ever will be all three; and the translation issue with Isa. 7:14 - young woman/virgin). There are a number of other passages that I would find difficult not to relate to Jesus, but I will concede that I am already committed to some extent; nevertheless, on some occasions I have seriously struggled with Christianity, and given careful thought to alternatives, the issue of these prophecies has been a sticking point that left Islam and Socialism, which I rejected on other grounds - as belief systems; the people who adhere to many faith-traditions and philosophies I am often in sympathy with, but not uniform agreement.

I am puzzled by your remark about mainstream religion rejecting reincarnation (which I have earlier believed in; as a child my Christianity was coloured with influences from Hinduism and Buddhism; again, sympathise with the adhererents and respect and admire those I have met, cannot accept their system; in anycase the things I actually liked about Buddhism can be found in biblical Christianity anyway). A number of world religions actually teach it as a doctrine. Heterodox branches of traditions oppose to it support it. You may have been thinking more of Christianity, or of the Abrahamic traditions more generally, at least in their orthodox forms.

To be certain a number of people are already committed to ruling certain things out of court from either a religious or materialist framework. That said, my own experience with such spirits or powers does not predispose me to trust them; they seem initially alluring, to draw one in, and allow one to realise more of their true nature that one may be the guiltier for knowingly siding with or serving them, whether from fear, shame or greed, and use that as a cause to doubt God's forgiveness, lose hope and end up more enthralled to them than ever - it is comparable to certain addictions. At heart they appear to me vile and cruel. This is an important difference between God and the demons; the former may appear at times from certain points to be cruel, but is inwardly overflowing with compassion that motivates both mercy and justice, all motivated by love; demons can appear fair, noble, as angels or gods and goddesses (or conversely appear not to exist, allowing them to dominate materialists in secrecy, or liberal Christians in complacency) as well as deceiving theological conservatives into unknowingly serving them, but to be disobeying direct instructions from Jesus and therefore to also be guilty. They are experts at manipulation and faux mysticism, using any means to their ultimately futile ends, for their power will not last. Forgive me for the plain speech, but demons are one class of beings whom I do not feel I owe false courtesy to; they would not appreciate it anyway, and it would also be hypocrisy.

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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03 Jun 2015, 8:07 pm

Oh, and you are absolutely right about prophets being sent to rebuke humans in serious error or sin. This is what I admire about many of them (not Jonah so much perhaps) through God they had the grace to proclaim the truth to the powerful and the impoverished alike, even when many of them were understandably fearful, given the likely consequence of speaking truths that people did not wish to hear. I wish I had a fraction of their courage and integrity; I tend to be to given to diplomacy, valuing peace over truth or justice at times I fear. I am convinced that through the grace of God, as a disciple of Christ, greater than them all, I shall be and have been becoming at least a little more like them, and that will be enough. There are enough challenges for a lifetime in the words of Christ.

In taking the mantel of an "anointed one" what is Teacher Terence's meaning? I looked up some information about him, and suspect that he is or has been a righteous man at least, and done much good, but I am uncertain as to what to make of his precise degree of knowledge and therefore of complicity.

Interpreting biblical prophecy is a contentious area, as many are already committed to certain interpretations, and others may be ignorant of certain details that affect interpretation. Terence would appear not to meet certain prophecies concerning the Second Coming (unless the rabbinical position is correct and Christians mistaken). He may however have another place in prophecy.

Speaking of the Third Temple, I am troubled by this prophecy contributing to one of the many flashpoints in that region (I am also worried about Yemen, as well as Syria and Iraq). There have been many times in the history of the Earth when "wars and rumours of wars" have given a cumulative impression of living in the End of Days, and we were told that, "No one may know the day or the hour," but I am troubled by some symptoms. What are Terence's plans for world peace at present? In any case, we must all strive to remain steadfast, for it appears that one of the more troubled periods of human history is again upon us, if not worse.

I am also troubled by the abdication of responsibility and compassion given the plight of refugees in many nations.

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."

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03 Jun 2015, 8:21 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
Marriage and long-term relationships operate on a different dynamic than dating/sex.

How is that possible? Isn't dating the first step in a marriage process? Isn't it a competion amongst rivals to finally won a lover's hand 'til death do they part?


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03 Jun 2015, 9:21 pm

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
In taking the mantel of an "anointed one" what is Teacher Terence's meaning?

I was quoting a Jewish source as far as Jewish-definitions goes for Messiah.
The Testament of Truth is simply "channeled" information through the 'mind' of Terence.
You could say that God had chosen him to be Earth's plenipotentiary.
The message isn't just for a Christian-familiar audience, but there is also a version for the Islamic-audience, basically the same as The Testament of Truth but worded for Muslims called the Dar Es Salaam.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I looked up some information about him, and suspect that he is or has been a righteous man at least, and done much good, but I am uncertain as to what to make of his precise degree of knowledge and therefore of complicity.

I honestly don't see how he could possibly have obtained all of that knowledge that he had written other than via "super-natural" or "para-normal" means considering that I already knew he wasn't very well-educated in the sciences despite have written a bunch of different things for which I already knew there was parapsychological-evidence for.

He's a simple man who used to work as a police-officer in the Tasmanian police-force (and if you know how much time police-personnel have to really be able to deeply study any such complicated subjects then you know they don't). I can also tell you for a fact that I do not particularly have a very high opinion of the intellectual-levels of your average government-employee. It's one of those bizarre things of the world that I found to be quite confounding.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Interpreting biblical prophecy is a contentious area, as many are already committed to certain interpretations, and others may be ignorant of certain details that affect interpretation. Terence would appear not to meet certain prophecies concerning the Second Coming (unless the rabbinical position is correct and Christians mistaken). He may however have another place in prophecy.

Perhaps prophecies are also another form of euphemisms ? You could also compare a former Christian-Fundamentalist's take regarding prophecies and their surrounding assumptions.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Speaking of the Third Temple, I am troubled by this prophecy contributing to one of the many flashpoints in that region (I am also worried about Yemen, as well as Syria and Iraq). There have been many times in the history of the Earth when "wars and rumours of wars" have given a cumulative impression of living in the End of Days, and we were told that, "No one may know the day or the hour," but I am troubled by some symptoms.

Terence has simply returned as a thief in the night into the flesh of an earthly man by the name of Terence and did not even know who he was until was in his 40s from what I can surmise (also, 101 million prophets currently exist on the planet, most of whom do not yet know who they are). You can hear the words of Terence spoken from his very mouth for yourself at the audio-links page (I would have you listen to the "The Spirit of Truth Speaks" track first listed as #12 where he answers various questions in front of a priest & lawyer & some other profession if I recall correctly).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
What are Terence's plans for world peace at present? In any case, we must all strive to remain steadfast, for it appears that one of the more troubled periods of human history is again upon us, if not worse.

His plans for world-peace ? Well, considering that he's really only a simple man, the only thing he can really do is try to educate anybody he can out-reach to as to the importance of being peaceful. Once a year, Terence intentionally goes into the court-systems, even though he's already at the point where they do not 'enforce' anything upon him (and the reason for this is because he's mostly paid off his spiritual-debts [i.e.: rendered unto the Dark of God via suffering at the hands of the ignorant & being forgiving instead of seeking any kind of revenge]), and he's mentioned to me in one of our past e-mail exchanges that he has to do it once a year in order to 'enlighten' those who ignorantly continue to promote an autocratic/despotic-system.

I guess you could think of it this way: When Hitler had brain-washing campaigns/operations planned, they (Mein Kampf) stated that if you repeated a lie enough times and for long enough, eventually everybody accepts it as being the self-evident truth; like-wise, from my experiences as a "Crazy Conspiracy-Theorist"™, I have found that if I'm on an on-line forum in a population full of ignorants, I have to keep on repeating the 'truth'™ or re-posting a particular topic of issue to re-educate anybody that may be paying attention in an effort to try & reverse the indoctrination/brain-washing process, and I've found that it takes approximately two years on average before people within those forum-members begin to "wake up" to some "reality" (i.e.: they finally get street-smart & can think independently instead of remaining merely book-smart & getting played by the system). The most-stubborn of issues though is in regards to the psychiatric-industry. That seems to take more like four or five years to un-brain-wash.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I am also troubled by the abdication of responsibility and compassion given the plight of refugees in many nations.
They are simply "rendering unto God" who is merciless in the sense that all "sins/crimes" that you have ever been complicit to are always 'accounted' for (including all of the collateral-damage), but merciful in the sense that you will not be made to 'suffer' beyond the total amount of complicity to suffering that exists within your Book-of-Life-Records. Were I to use more scientific-sounding language to describe this phenomenon, I would need to get into quantum-physics, and would probably have to get into some detailed explanations about things that are related to information-storage-systems.

I am also not responding to the questions about prostitutes because that question cannot be addressed to me since I have never been with one myself even if I'm not opposed to their existence (but it's better that they not charge/expect so much money in order to be of true service for the men who may need a companion for what-ever reason and somehow not know of any other way to obtain one). Someone else who posted in this thread is the one who's had all of that experience with prostitutes so you should quote him directly instead (I am not that guy though). I used to work all the time though, and I can understand why they (prostitutes) have their roles/place in society, because when a man is working 90-hour-or-more work-weeks, he's simply not going to have any free-time available to give any kind of attention to a girl-friend, and a girl-friend would feel neglected/ignored/etc., due to the man paying more attention to his work than to her, but I've experienced how isolating life can be when you're an all-time-worker, believe me, you are not 'socialing' with just about anybody AT ALL for extremely long periods of time, and if you have no social-life due to excessive-working, yes, you WILL have that wish/desire on your mind for some "passionate" experiences.

Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.


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03 Jun 2015, 9:48 pm

@Alexanderthe... <this portion removed/edited-out & moved/moving into its own thread in Religion-Section>

I am also not responding to the questions about prostitutes because that question cannot be addressed to me since I have never been with one myself even if I'm not opposed to their existence (but it's better that they not charge/expect so much money in order to be of true service for the men who may need a companion for what-ever reason and somehow not know of any other way to obtain one). Someone else who posted in this thread is the one who's had all of that experience with prostitutes so you should quote him directly instead (I am not that guy though). I used to work all the time though, and I can understand why they (prostitutes) have their roles/place in society, because when a man is working 90-hour-or-more work-weeks, he's simply not going to have any free-time available to give any kind of attention to a girl-friend, and a girl-friend would feel neglected/ignored/etc., due to the man paying more attention to his work than to her, but I've experienced how isolating life can be when you're an all-time-worker, believe me, you are not 'socialing' with just about anybody AT ALL for extremely long periods of time, and if you have no social-life due to excessive-working, yes, you WILL have that wish/desire on your mind for some "passionate" experiences.

Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.

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03 Jun 2015, 10:19 pm

michael517 wrote:
OP gets troll-of-the-year award.

My hat is off to you, sir. I am not into trolling, but that is quality work.


Ban-Dodger wrote:



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03 Jun 2015, 10:21 pm

Non_Passerine wrote:
Aspie1 wrote:
Marriage and long-term relationships operate on a different dynamic than dating/sex.

How is that possible? Isn't dating the first step in a marriage process? Isn't it a competion amongst rivals to finally won a lover's hand 'til death do they part?

I would certainly have thought so, but cultural norms do differ somewhat. I have trouble understanding the viewpoint of some here. On the one hand I am no stranger to sexual desire, but I am confused as to why anyone would want sexual activity to be almost completely divorced from the context of a loving relationship (I do not wish to offend; I also question whether it can be so entirely separated out side of actually abusive or exploitative circumstances; surely there must be a degree of social interaction or mutual affection, otherwise surely it would feel terrible - notwithstanding it probably feeling temporarily exhilarating, the aftermath must get depressing for both parties). I would like either to start a family or to live in contentedly celibate, enjoying my many friendships and interests, and striving to be of more use to others. It is not consistently easy, as I am a quite voluptuous (sensuous, not curvaceous!) virgin and appreciate many styles of feminine beauty.

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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03 Jun 2015, 10:25 pm

Ban-Dodger wrote:
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
In taking the mantel of an "anointed one" what is Teacher Terence's meaning?

I was quoting a Jewish source as far as Jewish-definitions goes for Messiah.
The Testament of Truth is simply "channeled" information through the 'mind' of Terence.
You could say that God had chosen him to be Earth's plenipotentiary.
The message isn't just for a Christian-familiar audience, but there is also a version for the Islamic-audience, basically the same as The Testament of Truth but worded for Muslims called the Dar Es Salaam.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I looked up some information about him, and suspect that he is or has been a righteous man at least, and done much good, but I am uncertain as to what to make of his precise degree of knowledge and therefore of complicity.

I honestly don't see how he could possibly have obtained all of that knowledge that he had written other than via "super-natural" or "para-normal" means considering that I already knew he wasn't very well-educated in the sciences despite have written a bunch of different things for which I already knew there was parapsychological-evidence for.

He's a simple man who used to work as a police-officer in the Tasmanian police-force (and if you know how much time police-personnel have to really be able to deeply study any such complicated subjects then you know they don't). I can also tell you for a fact that I do not particularly have a very high opinion of the intellectual-levels of your average government-employee. It's one of those bizarre things of the world that I found to be quite confounding.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Interpreting biblical prophecy is a contentious area, as many are already committed to certain interpretations, and others may be ignorant of certain details that affect interpretation. Terence would appear not to meet certain prophecies concerning the Second Coming (unless the rabbinical position is correct and Christians mistaken). He may however have another place in prophecy.

Perhaps prophecies are also another form of euphemisms ? You could also compare a former Christian-Fundamentalist's take regarding prophecies and their surrounding assumptions.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
Speaking of the Third Temple, I am troubled by this prophecy contributing to one of the many flashpoints in that region (I am also worried about Yemen, as well as Syria and Iraq). There have been many times in the history of the Earth when "wars and rumours of wars" have given a cumulative impression of living in the End of Days, and we were told that, "No one may know the day or the hour," but I am troubled by some symptoms.

Terence has simply returned as a thief in the night into the flesh of an earthly man by the name of Terence and did not even know who he was until was in his 40s from what I can surmise (also, 101 million prophets currently exist on the planet, most of whom do not yet know who they are). You can hear the words of Terence spoken from his very mouth for yourself at the audio-links page (I would have you listen to the "The Spirit of Truth Speaks" track first listed as #12 where he answers various questions in front of a priest & lawyer & some other profession if I recall correctly).
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
What are Terence's plans for world peace at present? In any case, we must all strive to remain steadfast, for it appears that one of the more troubled periods of human history is again upon us, if not worse.

His plans for world-peace ? Well, considering that he's really only a simple man, the only thing he can really do is try to educate anybody he can out-reach to as to the importance of being peaceful. Once a year, Terence intentionally goes into the court-systems, even though he's already at the point where they do not 'enforce' anything upon him (and the reason for this is because he's mostly paid off his spiritual-debts [i.e.: rendered unto the Dark of God via suffering at the hands of the ignorant & being forgiving instead of seeking any kind of revenge]), and he's mentioned to me in one of our past e-mail exchanges that he has to do it once a year in order to 'enlighten' those who ignorantly continue to promote an autocratic/despotic-system.

I guess you could think of it this way: When Hitler had brain-washing campaigns/operations planned, they (Mein Kampf) stated that if you repeated a lie enough times and for long enough, eventually everybody accepts it as being the self-evident truth; like-wise, from my experiences as a "Crazy Conspiracy-Theorist"™, I have found that if I'm on an on-line forum in a population full of ignorants, I have to keep on repeating the 'truth'™ or re-posting a particular topic of issue to re-educate anybody that may be paying attention in an effort to try & reverse the indoctrination/brain-washing process, and I've found that it takes approximately two years on average before people within those forum-members begin to "wake up" to some "reality" (i.e.: they finally get street-smart & can think independently instead of remaining merely book-smart & getting played by the system). The most-stubborn of issues though is in regards to the psychiatric-industry. That seems to take more like four or five years to un-brain-wash.
AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
I am also troubled by the abdication of responsibility and compassion given the plight of refugees in many nations.
They are simply "rendering unto God" who is merciless in the sense that all "sins/crimes" that you have ever been complicit to are always 'accounted' for (including all of the collateral-damage), but merciful in the sense that you will not be made to 'suffer' beyond the total amount of complicity to suffering that exists within your Book-of-Life-Records. Were I to use more scientific-sounding language to describe this phenomenon, I would need to get into quantum-physics, and would probably have to get into some detailed explanations about things that are related to information-storage-systems.

I am also not responding to the questions about prostitutes because that question cannot be addressed to me since I have never been with one myself even if I'm not opposed to their existence (but it's better that they not charge/expect so much money in order to be of true service for the men who may need a companion for what-ever reason and somehow not know of any other way to obtain one). Someone else who posted in this thread is the one who's had all of that experience with prostitutes so you should quote him directly instead (I am not that guy though). I used to work all the time though, and I can understand why they (prostitutes) have their roles/place in society, because when a man is working 90-hour-or-more work-weeks, he's simply not going to have any free-time available to give any kind of attention to a girl-friend, and a girl-friend would feel neglected/ignored/etc., due to the man paying more attention to his work than to her, but I've experienced how isolating life can be when you're an all-time-worker, believe me, you are not 'socialing' with just about anybody AT ALL for extremely long periods of time, and if you have no social-life due to excessive-working, yes, you WILL have that wish/desire on your mind for some "passionate" experiences.

Sorry about the confusion, and thank you for the timely reminder of my fallibility. :)

You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."


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03 Jun 2015, 10:33 pm

AlexandertheSolitary wrote:
On the one hand I am no stranger to sexual desire, but I am confused as to why anyone would want sexual activity to be almost completely divorced from the context of a loving relationship.

one possible explanation, is that some folks out there [ok, many, sociopathy is highly undercounted IMHO] are not capable of loving relationships or even comprehending love as a tangible concept. their brains are not built with those modules. for those people, aside from intellectual pursuits, sex, raw sex, sex in pure form sans emotional entanglements, is the highest and most edifying thing.