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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Sep 2017, 12:48 am

Hi, my name is Justin. I like music. I play guitar, drums, and sing. I'd like to learn violin or keyboard. I sing and play in church and I quite enjoy doing so. I was diagnosed on August 10th of this year (2017), and much of my personal history has made sense due to my knowing I have autism (or aspergers, though now both are merely parts of the same spectrum). I am studying at FCC. I intend to study psychology. I like psychology; it makes much sense to me. I'd like to learn other languages and be a big adventurer. I'd like to marry a foreign wife. I desire to move to France for multiple reasons. I work with kids with autism, which was a blessing being as I learned of autism and methods of adjusting behavior amidst working in the environment. I often seem more capable from external minds though my own betrays me often with messages that I am unable to do things; even commonsense mindsets of growth or accomplishment sometimes fall before negative messages. Though, I pray, and much good and been given me. I have always desired to be a good husband, since I was young. I've desired to love my wife (when I marry) well, as I ought to. I have big dreams so to speak though ability to focus is rather difficult sometimes. I procrastinate with homework; and though I may get by with school now, somehow (and sometimes I don't), I wonder how I'll do in school pertaining to focus upon engagement in graduate work or beyond if I study that far. I am presently recovering from a knee surgery: I tore my ACL and meniscus playing soccer originally, it healed, and I tore it again doing a flip on a trampoline whilst babysitting a kid. What I though life would be like when I was young has not occurred. I have an all or nothing personality. People around me believed I was a person with autism, and I didn't know it - supervisors, friends, worship leader; I was asked recently by a girl whom is an aspie if I have aspergers: it was neat that she asked. I'd like to connect with more aspies: I feel more comfortable when I know more aspies, or being in communion with accepting or loving aspies rather. I seem to understand them more; and more impressionable to me, they seem to understand me more and be gracious or accepting, understanding. I sometimes feel like I want to cry, though I know not why. Emotional management was an issue for me. I believe my dad is an aspie - he is not diagnosed. I believe my mom is or has borderline personality disorder. Multiple persons in level of high expertise have described my mom's behavior as behavior of someone whom has BPD; they relayed their belief of her either being or having BPD (whichever is the more appropriate way to say it). I don't relate with my parents, they are ill-intended, mean people, though I recognize they love me, though they act not in love. They are ill-intended with more persons, though it's due to what they value. I'd like to drop everything and go for a cross-country adventure. I'd like to live in another country. I'd like to visit Hawaii, or somewhere tropical. I love my brother, dearly. He loves me, and deeply grateful I am. I desire a wife though am learning and growing. I'm uncertain as to how neurotypicals view me having autism (aspergers). I eat clean. I love God; he is good and has been faithful to me, and has loved me. I recognize many symptoms of having autism; I am grateful I was diagnosed. I was also diagnosed with OCPD and social phobia. May you all be well.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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25 Sep 2017, 5:47 am

Hi everyone, my name is Mina. I'm NT but a quite introvert one. I'm 28 and love movies and travelling. Quite standard but I'm just not that special :p


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28 Sep 2017, 3:14 pm

Hi I'm Roger. I'm a 16 year old trans guy (meaning he/him pronouns) and I'm mostly gay (meaning I like guys). I have dirty blond hair but I dye it black (though I might go back to the natural colour soon), and brown eyes and light skin. Currently I have an undercut but I'm thinking of getting a buzz cut soon cause I like the texture of my hair when it's shorter. I used to have special interests for a really long time, but now they come and go extremely quickly. Currently my special interests are Columbine (and some other tcc stuff), the skinhead subculture, German language, guns, linguistics/etymology, people's names (mostly first names but some last names, too), and military fashion. I'm also trying to figure out what to call my political stance as it's sort of a weird combination of communism, anarchism, libertarianism, green/environmentalism, and a smidge of fascism. I self-identify as punk, skinhead (SHARP if I'm forced to make it political), emo, goth, and TCM (Trenchcoat Mafia, if you can really call that a style). I looooooooove animals as well and my favourites are cats (i especially love black ones), snakes, caterpillars, and mice. Also I make my own music and plan to either be a singer or a linguist for my career.

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03 Oct 2017, 7:32 am

mina1989 wrote:
Hi everyone, my name is Mina. I'm NT but a quite introvert one. I'm 28 and love movies and travelling. Quite standard but I'm just not that special :p
Are you from Sydney? I used to know someone of the same name and age from Sydney.

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03 Oct 2017, 12:04 pm

I, too, love linguistics and the study of forenames (or onomastics, as it is known), Sonnenblumen.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.


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03 Oct 2017, 1:59 pm

Destabilised wrote:
Hi, I'm Jack.

I'm 23 years old, diagnosed with the aspie synders when I was about 10, maybe 11, I can't remember too well. Mainly, I find myself role playing online, usually on ProBoards forums, or playing the xbox. I love a good shant at the pub or going to town, and who doesn't love a good weekend break on a four day weekend? Heading to Wales next month just to get away! Came out as gay when I was 12 to my parents, then repeated the process to my school when I was 14, which lead to a lot of other people finally finding the courage to come out of the closet.

It's not really common knowledge that I'm an aspie, never really felt the need to bring it up. One of my good friends loves his psychology, and his mum is a psychologist, so they pretty much figured it out straight away lmao.

I have two dogs, a cat and her five kittens at the moment, so the house is a bit hectic. Hopefully, I'll be moving out soon if all goes to plan with this landlord!

Can't think of much else about me right now, it's been a long day. So hiya (:

12 eh? Took me much longer to find my own, I was 24 when I did. I came out as soon as I was sure, I actually came out as bi but since then I've found that I much prefer men so I've identified as gay since 2013 (the year after I found myself and announced it to my loved ones)

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Sea Gull
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04 Oct 2017, 6:18 am

I'm M.K. and I'm adding some extra words in this sentence only because I didn't want to end it with double periods. I'm 23 years old, despite what it says under my username on here, and I am a total nerd (if I had oversized glasses and the proper attire, I'd fit in way too well with stereotypical nerds from 80s sitcoms and movies). I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was 16, then re-diagnosed at 19 for paperwork purposes, as the DSM V was released the previous year and I was no longer a minor. I'm actually going to be tested yet again in my upcoming psych evaluation in my new state for the sole purpose of getting naysayers in my family to be quiet and finally accept that I'm on the Spectrum.

I have strange eyes that alternate from blue to green, and weird hair that's a mix of brown and blond. It was purple a few months ago, but the dye sadly has faded and I'm way too broke to try another color. I also like to believe that I have an excellent sense of humor, but whether it's true or not is a different story.

I love music, writing, video games, and technology. My taste in music is more varied than a bad small town buffet; my playlist includes almost everything from metal to classical. I'm also the weirdo who's into mostly obscure things (at least here in the States) such as Eurovision, JRPGS like Breath of Fire III or Legend of Legaia, random web shows, and Harvest Moon. About two years ago, I became hooked on Survivor and am aiming to watch every season when I have the time and patience to do so. Also, like everyone and their mother, I'm trying to start a blog and be an author. I just started it literally today because my mom suggested it, so it's a bit basic but fun. I may or may not be totally hinting for people to check that out. :P


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04 Oct 2017, 12:34 pm

Unlike everyone and their mother, I don't blog.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Oct 2017, 7:32 pm

Hi I'm Mike, and well...about me's have never been a particular strength of mine. I've had anxiety/depression issues essentially my whole life and am just currently figuring out what in the world I really want out of life. It has taken a long time to fully accept myself for who I am. Whenever I was younger I longed to be popular, one of the funny kids, and wanted nothing more than to be a social butterfly. However, here I am, at the age of 27, and the same social awkwardness persists and incredible desire to simply be by myself away from people. Not too say that I don't have friends. I do have some very close online friends that I've met through the years and a couple of friends in real life that I see sparingly. I've noticed that that is essentially all I can handle and I'm finally okay with that. I love having the free time after work, or on a day off to really dig into my hobbies and absolutely love having time to myself. I love being able to dig into game design analysis videos, watching Twitch or Youtube, and just relaxing on my own terms. I love being able to go to places on my own and not have to worry about judgement from other people. I'm slowly coming to terms with who I am as a person, and realizing that it doesn't matter how different that is from other people. Also, koalas are awesome! :D


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01 Nov 2017, 1:15 pm

Hallo! My name is Tristan, I am 16 years old, a male American with half German and Mexican in family roots, and I have mild autism and also have ADHD.

I am kind of shy when talking to others both online and in real life, but I am also kind, respectful, intelligent.

I was diagnosed at an early age, maybe at around 1-2 years old. I learned about what autism was in 5th grade when my mom told me about it.

My interests / obsessions are: The 70s, 80s and 90s, 70s, 80s and 90s electronic / 70s, 80s and 90s non-electronic music, anything that is vintage, Sailor Moon, history, music history and documentaries, Daft Punk, drawing, video games, flea markets, research on female objectification, and Germany / the German language.

-LegoMaster2149 (Written on November 1, 2017)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Nov 2017, 10:24 pm

My name is Marcus, I've been told i'm quite handsome, although i still don't believe it.
I can be stubborn and i hold onto my pride, but i don't hold a grudge.
I do my best to listen to both sides of a story, but that doesn't mean I can't be biased.
My main focus is on building and maintaining relationships and being socially acceptable/amicable and has been since roughly the age of 8~ (I was shown a video of one of my sensory outbursts and that was the turning point in my journey with autism) this has left me with few hobbies of a physical nature, as focusing on forming coping mechanisms and developing proper expression of my emotions has allowed me to become more interested in philosophies, ideals and concepts..
I have a scary/straight face but that's only because I don't show much emotion to strangers/acquaintances.
I have been doing my best to learn how to show empathy to others, which has always been one of my biggest struggles.
I lie to protect others, never myself.
My main goal on this website is to be someone that others can turn to for objective advice on any matter/issue, whether it be internal (mental), external (social) or both.
I engage in activities (listening to music, playing video games, etc.) either by myself or with my friends to relieve myself of anxiety/stress, or to simply take my mind off of my most recent woes

Your greatest challenge in life is and always will be reminding yourself to be yourself.


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15 Nov 2017, 7:52 pm

I used to build towers of LEGO to the ceiling as a kid.
I like hamburgers.
Winter is my favourite time because I get to dress like a lumberjack.

Yours sincerely, some dude.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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17 Nov 2017, 6:50 pm

My name's Lee, I'm Kenyan by birth, work & live in Denver Colorado. I do software development for a living. I have a penchant for caribbean music (reggae, dancehall, soca) and djing.
I'm a classical liberal and an advocate of what it represents, i.e. rugged individualism, capitalism, laissez faire, limited government and sound money. My idea of a romantic story is that of the parvenu.
I love my noise cancelling headphones, the 'popular times' google maps feature, and psychedelics.


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23 Dec 2017, 12:27 am

Myself Gracy is a dedicated and qualified nutritionist with over six years of experience in the Indian food industry. I has earned a MSc degree in Human Nutrition at Chinmaya degree College (BHEL) in Haridwar, Uttarakhand.


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10 Feb 2018, 7:43 pm

I am now vegan. I have adopted my avatar as my surrogate elder brother.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.


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15 Feb 2018, 2:03 pm

Hello. My name starts with an S and ends with an A. I'm not comfortable giving out my first name. I am 24 and female. My hobbies include playing video games, reading manga and exercise.

I play a huge variety of video games. I enjoy Pokemon, Darkstalkers, Disgaea, Street Fighter, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Soul Calibur, Heroes of Might and Magic, Littletbigplanet, Style Savvy, Mega Man, Dance Dance Revolution, Hatsune Miku Project Diva Future Tone, Metroid, Nintendogs, Bayonetta, Onechanbara Z2 Chaos, Kirby, Silent Hill, Persona 4 Arena, Dead or Alive Last Round, Final Fantasy Tactics and many, many more.

I also love anime. Attack on Titan, Deadman Wonderland, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, Highschool of the Dead, Princess Jellyfish, Ouran High School Host Club, Monster Musume, Puella Madoka Magica, Fruits Basket and Hetalia are my favorites. I read manga too.

I love fashion and makeup. My favorite stores are Rue21, Hot Topic, Rainbow Shops and T.J. Maxx.

Other than that, I'm pretty easygoing. I am a low maintenance kind of girl because I don't expect diamonds and $500.00 being spent on only one pair of shoes out of a friendship.

I can't have children due to a very personal medical reason but I love ball pythons who are just as fun as children. :D

“There’s a lesson that we learn
In the pages that we burn
It’s written in the ashes of the fire below”
-Down, The Birthday Massacre

Last edited by xxZeromancerlovexx on 15 Feb 2018, 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.