what about pot smokers (dating one)

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05 Apr 2013, 5:12 pm

since I didn't want to hijack the thread ''dealbreaker for women''
I make a new post. In the thread ''dealbreaker for women''
drug users were a turnoff.

so anyways, would pot smokers be consider a drug user.
Would they be a deal breaker.
Alot of people do smoke pot.

so ladies and men is pot smoking a turn off or a dealbreaker


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05 Apr 2013, 5:21 pm

Not a deal breaker at all for me. I don't care if they don't smoke pot so long as they don't care that I do. I'd kinda prefer they did vs. didn't though, to be perfectly honest, as then we'd have just one more thing in common as I do with good friends of mine that also happen to smoke. But I'm not a burnout stoner with zero ambitions and wouldn't want to be with someone that fit that description, either. I live where we have quite possibly the most liberal attitude towards marijuana in all of Canada & the USA, so it's very common here & quite socially acceptable even to those who have no interest in smoking it themselves.

Just yesterday afternoon I was chatting with a couple of British guys on the train who are in town for a wedding, and one of the things they commented on about Vancouver is that it seems to be that people have no social qualms about smoking pot out in public. Nope, not really, it's a pretty live and let live city in that regard. In 2011 there were 6 arrests for marijuana possession by the Vancouver Police Department because they've decided they have more important crimes to solve or prevent, and so the only people who get charged with this within the city are ones that are total jerks to cops. Other police forces in the suburbs aren't quite as lenient, but still very much more so than the typical North American cop.

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05 Apr 2013, 5:56 pm

Cannabis is a drug, so one who uses it would be a drug user...but its not really a turn off to me since I smoke it as well, so if anything it would be a common interest. I suppose I never get why people who live totally different life-styles want to date since a lot of times when one wont conform to the other it tends to create tension and arguments as it turns into 'all you ever do is smoke.' then the one who smokes might start feeling like all they do is criticize. Though maybe some people are ok living mostly different lifestyles while still maintaining a relationship it depends on the individuals involved I suppose.

I can see why it may be a turn off or even deal-breaker to people who don't smoke especially if they don't like to be around the smell or it causes unpleasant effects for them.

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05 Apr 2013, 6:23 pm

It would probably depend on what the particular girl thought about weed. Of my generation, a whole lot of people smoke weed. Of the next generation, even more do. Some people don't really consider weed to be a "drug", it's just something on about the same level of beer, except it's illegal for now. Some people think that because it's illegal it's either wrong or too risky to take a chance on, so they prefer their SO not to do it. Some people think weed is the devils calling card and that if you do one bong hit that within six months you will be pawning your grandmothers jewelry and robbing liquor stores to buy heroin because "That there wacky tobaccey is a gateway drug!". Some people think that anything at all that alters your perception of reality is a cop out and a crutch and an addiction and that if you use anything at all like that, even five or six times a year, you need to immediately get yourself immersed in the closest twelve step program you can find.

I don't smoke pot. I don't have anything against it though. Most of my friends smoke, and I'd say that only a handful of people I know haven't tried it. I don't smoke it because I don't like how it does me. I get paranoid - not the usual paranoia from weed, this is paranoia taken to a whole new level. On the rare instance that I don't get paranoid, I get depressed and anxious. There is only one time that I have ever enjoyed getting high. It was right after I got married and it was this fluffy green Hawaiian kind that my husband got. It was expensive, but we had two incomes and no kids back then, and I didn't smoke weed so it was only him he was buying for. He got me to try it and it was really nice. I smoked it a couple more times with him before it was gone, but he hasn't seen any of that since. Oh well, I can live without it.

Oddly enough, for some people a deal breaker would be if their SO didn't smoke weed. Some people who are into smoking feel a better connection to another smoker. There is something almost spiritual or at least on some other level that people sometimes feel when they get high with somebody else. I don't know this firsthand, I've just been told time and time again that some people are like that.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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05 Apr 2013, 6:39 pm

I was engaged to a heavy pot smoker. when he was high, he couldn't have cared less about what was going on with me and I felt very lonely. he also tended to be paranoid. an occasional user, okay. a heavy user, no way.


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05 Apr 2013, 6:40 pm

Cannabis is illegal because it's a herbal medicine that is proven to be more effective than any pharmaceutical medicine ever brought to the market and since it's herbal it's not created by the pharma industry and therefore it's illegal because the pharma-industry doesn't gain any money from it.

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05 Apr 2013, 6:47 pm

Excellent well rounded post, OliveOilMom.

Just to add to the bit about a spiritual connection.. Yeah, I suppoose there is a bit of a "kindred spirit," aspect to it. Pot is such a social drug, its shared and enjoyed, and virtually any smoker can feel free to strike up a conversation with any other random pot smoker - it just sort of happens that way. One of my friends referred to some of his past acquaintances as "weed friends," just random people near the school he was attending that he became short term friends with over their mutual interest in hanging out smoking weed. But on a bit more metaphysical level, yeah, I feel more "connected," to friends when we're both high. Its as if our frequencies are synchronized and we just "get," each other better. And it feels good. 8)

Just to further dispel some myths: I know pot smokers from all scoioeconomic backgrounds, races, religions, ages, income brackets etc including several six figure+ income earners. Some are only once or twice a year smokers, others daily stoners who smoke far more than I ever have - but they're all fully capable of leading productive lives, and in some cases, because of the marijuana's medicinal effects on them.

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05 Apr 2013, 6:55 pm

My 1st girlfriend smoked it & got into some problems because of it. I worried about her doing it & tried to get her to quit. I worried about her alot partly due to anxiety issues that are somewhat better now. I don't like being around any kind of smoke because of sinus problems. I though smoking pot generaly would be a dealbreaker for me but other times I thought I might be open if she wouldn't do it around me & didn't have any problems with it but I would still worry about her & try to get her to quit.

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05 Apr 2013, 7:04 pm


:lol: "STINKY!!"

I wouldn't be so against it (because I know it's less damaging than alcohol) if it weren't for two things:

1) It stinks. REALLY, REALLY stinks!
2) Many regular users of the stuff become obsessed by it, becoming the most important thing in their lives. I've seen it all too often... it's quite disturbing.

* yes, I know not all hipsters are potheads and vice-versa. ;)


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05 Apr 2013, 8:16 pm

I had a roommate/boyfriend once when I lived in NY. He said he smoked pot. I said no problem. He didn't just smoke pot, though. He SMOKED POT. He was consumed by it. You'd think from the way he spoke hemp could save the world. Anything having to do with its culture (Rainbow Children, reggae music, drum circles, etc) you could sign him up for. After a while it became too all-encompassing and we went our separate ways. Yeah, he was the nicest, most peaceful guy in the world, but his "pot cures everything" stance was just overkill.

Addendum: Now that weed is legal in Washington, you'll often find people who are looking for roommates on Craigslist and the ad will say "420 friendly." If you don't smoke you won't last a week there because, chances are, the people will be blazing up every day and the smell would torture you to death.


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05 Apr 2013, 8:42 pm

Absolutely no problem. I don't differentiate between that and other drugs though.
I can't really smoke that and it's variations cause it's often straight to psychosisville for me. Threads like these makes me want to start again anyway...


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05 Apr 2013, 10:42 pm

billiscool wrote:
since I didn't want to hijack the thread ''dealbreaker for women''
I make a new post. In the thread ''dealbreaker for women''
drug users were a turnoff.

so anyways, would pot smokers be consider a drug user.
Would they be a deal breaker.
Alot of people do smoke pot.

so ladies and men is pot smoking a turn off or a dealbreaker

Nope, neither is using other hard drugs in moderation and responsibly. I'd date pot users, light cocaine users, and light heroin/ecstasy users. I would not date meth users or LSD users.

I don't personally do drugs but have dabbled in the past.


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05 Apr 2013, 10:43 pm

I get stoned rather frequently, if I met a girl who I could dedicate my life enough to make me quit then I would. Personally I would look for someone who smokes so I wouldn't have to quit, but no one's perfect.

PS: weed is no more a drug than liquor is.

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05 Apr 2013, 10:46 pm

I don't consider pot to be any more serious of a drug than alcohol, so as long as they didn't mind that I don't like to smoke it, I'd be willing to date someone who smokes pot. However, it's conceivable that the issue could make us incompatible, and so if she smoked all the time, or if we lived together and she wanted to smoke in our place of residence, which wouldn't seem particularly unreasonable, I'm not sure if it would work out with us. I also don't think it's fair for either party in such a relationship to try and force the other to start/give up smoking pot, and if that seemed likely to be an issue that would come up, I would probably try to avoid such a relationship. So I suppose, yeah, I would date a woman who smoked pot, but I think that all other things being equal I would be more likely to enter into a relationship with her if she didn't smoke.


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05 Apr 2013, 10:49 pm

Nope, I don't want their probation officers coming to my house. Nor do I wanna be worried about the weed they have on them if they're in my car.

I don't know, I'm friends with someone who does it, but I pretty much hate the pot subculture. Even if individual users are OK, they usually have some unsavory friends who can get them, and by extension me, in trouble.

So I'd say for the most part, no.


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05 Apr 2013, 10:49 pm

funny, I get mistaken as a pot smoker at times. Probaly because I have a beard, and shaggy hair sometimes.
but I am not a pot smoker.