Do you have difficulty verbalizing your thoughts?

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03 Sep 2009, 2:33 pm


^ that one was quite easy


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03 Sep 2009, 7:57 pm

all the time. I don't think in words, so I always have to 'translate' my thoughts.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Sep 2009, 9:32 pm

I dont really think visually, but I need to write down words on paper before I can verbalize it well. Otherwise my sentences is jumbled up mess. I need rehearsal. :(


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04 Sep 2009, 7:48 am

My problem is that I run my mouth faster than I'm thinking.

I'll grab the word I think I need and just say it without realizing it may or may not be what I should have used.

Pileated woodpecker
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06 Sep 2009, 12:50 am

^ Me too and I correct myself alot too. If I rehearse a speech its way easier for me, but if I am caught by surprise my sentences are very choppy and I will correct myself alot. I even do that on forums, although thats a different story since I used the edit function to add new thoughts.

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06 Sep 2009, 1:24 am

yeh this happens to me all the time. i work as a scientific advisor and have trouble trying to communicate these complex issues to other people (which would be difficult even if I was a NT), especially at meetings. it also happens in social situations... and when talking to a psychologists... i hate it when they ask 'and how does that make you feel', because i can't say! can be pretty frustrating at times.

?We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness; it is always urgent, 'here and now,' without any possible postponement. Life is fired at us point-blank.?
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16 Sep 2009, 1:12 pm

I always forget to say thank you to people, and then by the time I realize that I should say thank you, like 30 seconds has gone by. So then I ask myself, should I say thank you even though it's extremely delayed and look like a total idiot, or do I just not say it and appear vaguely rude?

I tend to go with vaguely rude most of the time. I can't stand it when people notice that I'm different. I'm working on that now that I actually know what the heck is wrong with me.

Thank you is just a specific example. I struggle with any type of conversation and have to organize my thoughts before speaking which causes all types of delays and overall weirdness. I end up interupting a lot if I need to say something because I know it will unravel if I wait and be polite.

I also have trouble finding the right words to use in conversation where as when I am writing they come very naturally and smoothly. Don't even ask me to describe how I feel about something using spoken words.


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16 Sep 2009, 1:46 pm

Abstract_Logic wrote:
In almost every conversation I have difficulties finding the correct words to speak. There are often long awkward pauses in between words or phrases. I'm not sure if this is just part of my socially awkward nature, or if it is part of AS, or maybe both. Do any of you struggle to find words? My psychologist told me it was because I tend to think in pure images or concepts rather than words. I do know a bit more words than the average person, but it is very difficult for me to think in words so as to say them spontaneously during conversations. I am much better while chatting online because I actually have time to think about what I want to say and what words I want to use.

wow. you just read my mind. and i dont even know if i have aspergers or not. XD


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16 Sep 2009, 2:39 pm

One time when I was at work (around 1995 or 96) some woman came up to me and asked me something that I didn't know the answer to. So I fumbled around trying to figure out what to say and the woman said to her friend "Very poor communication skills." Um...I'm standing right here, b*tch...

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16 Sep 2009, 2:47 pm

Shebakoby wrote:
One time when I was at work (around 1995 or 96) some woman came up to me and asked me something that I didn't know the answer to. So I fumbled around trying to figure out what to say and the woman said to her friend "Very poor communication skills." Um...I'm standing right here, b*tch...

That has happened to me too on more than one occasion. It makes me want to really show them how poor my manners can be but I normally just stand there with my mouth wide open looking kind of dumb and shocked.

The first time my boyfriend met my Aunt was at my brothers wedding reception and while I was sitting right next to her, she starts telling him that I am basically ret*d and will never be accepted socially. I got up from the table and went to my room and cried the rest of the night. My boyfriend later told me that he thought she was the one who was a complete nutso.


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18 Sep 2009, 3:39 pm

pensieve wrote:
Yes. I find that my mind goes blank when I go to talk to people. It takes awhile for me to remember what I wanted to talk about. Anyway, when I do the words are all mixed up, stuttered and mispronounced. I never really get my point across.

And that what drives me ******* crazy about this chick! She can express herself flawlessly on these boards, and has no problem finding something to say, and the most appropriate way to phrase it, yet she says she has problems verbalizing it. I can't believe it.

Eh... guess I'm jealous.


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18 Sep 2009, 3:44 pm

Abstract_Logic wrote:
In almost every conversation I have difficulties finding the correct words to speak. There are often long awkward pauses in between words or phrases. I'm not sure if this is just part of my socially awkward nature, or if it is part of AS, or maybe both. Do any of you struggle to find words? My psychologist told me it was because I tend to think in pure images or concepts rather than words. I do know a bit more words than the average person, but it is very difficult for me to think in words so as to say them spontaneously during conversations. I am much better while chatting online because I actually have time to think about what I want to say and what words I want to use.

Totally, man. Until I came to these boards, I'd never heard of anyone else with the same difficulties I had. It astounds me how people can put their thoughts to words without even thinking about it, yet when I go to communicate, I can rarely just make it happen. On that note....... do people ever try to tell you it's nervousness?

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18 Sep 2009, 4:21 pm

Totally, man. Until I came to these boards, I'd never heard of anyone else with the same difficulties I had. It astounds me how people can put their thoughts to words without even thinking about it, yet when I go to communicate, I can rarely just make it happen. On that note....... do people ever try to tell you it's nervousness?

People always tell me I am nervous and shy when that is the furthest thing from what I am feeling. It makes me so frustrated! I just can't talk people, why don't you get it?

Just like you, I'd never heard of anyone else with the same problems as me before I came to these forums. There are some great videos on youtube also.