my old friends from high school don’t want to talk to me

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 8 Oct 2019
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 5

08 Oct 2019, 11:03 pm

Hi. I am going to briefly say a lot goes into the problem of me not being able to reach out to friends from high school- drifted apart, moved away, boyfriends etc, but basically I have not gotten to talk to friends in a long time since high school.

This has affected my life at home a little bit and finding roommates and having relationships I desire to have.

I’m wondering if anyone on here is 20 + or around that age and is female like me to befriend.
Maybe there’s a group of people from Minnesota who are younger and are trying to make more friends whether you have aspergers or not.
I’m also trying to become indepdent and working right now.
I live in the Midwest and in Minnesota.

Lately I can’t seem to find groups of aspies but on meetup. My caseworker is helping me however can’t do much about the social piece I’m wondering if anyone else has been through this before and what you did to become more social or groups you joined

Thank you


Joined: 9 Oct 2019
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 18
Location: Ireland

09 Oct 2019, 10:21 am

hey Julia

I dont keep in touch with anyone from high school either, don't worry!

Have you seen this already? ... s-30s.html


Joined: 2 Oct 2019
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Posts: 11

17 Oct 2019, 5:48 pm

Hi I'm a female around your age. I know the feeling one guy I was really close I think passed away and I was never really close to anyone in HS I currently have no friends literally my contacts only have my boss 8O

I sometimes look through people I use to go to hs with Facebook page and most of them have babies and are married which is a strange concept to me. I started having a bit of an existential crisis :lol: