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26 Mar 2019, 6:46 pm

So, I'm confused about a conversation I just had. :?

Person#1: *in a sarcastic tone* I finally got a gym membership. Yay...

Me: You don't sound very enthusiastic.

Person#1: Huh?

Me: You know, because of the sarcasm.

Person#1: Exactly, I am.

Me: What?

Person#1: I'm using sarcasm because I'm enthusiastic.

Me: Huh?

Person#1: Well obviously I'm happy about the membership, because if I wasn't why would I go through the application process?

Me: I'm confused about what's happening right now.

Person#1: I'm purposefully sounding sad because I'm happy. Sarcasm is basically saying the opposite of what you mean, right?

Me: So, you're happy about this.

Person#1: Yes.

Me: But you're using sarcasm.

Person#1: Yes...

Me: :?

Person#1: It's sarcasm because I sound upset even though I'm happy. That's the joke. It's positive sarcasm.

Me: Wait, sarcasm can be positive? I thought that it was only ever used in a negative manner. Such as saying you're thrilled about something when you're actually dreading it to lightening the mood with comedy.

Person#1: No, sarcasm can be positive as well. It goes both ways.

Me: :chin: It does?

Huh. I guess that kind of makes sense. Perhaps if you were in a chocolate factory, and loved chocolate. The machine breaks and you have to sample the chocolate, I suppose you could use sarcasm to say "Oh no, what horror!" because you're actually happy about it but the comedy in it is due to the fact you sound sad.

I'm weird because I'm good at being sarcastic, but rather hit and miss when it comes to picking up on when others are using it. Or in this case, I pick up on the sarcasm but interpret it wrong. I thought he was being sarcastic because he disliked the gym membership and the positive remarks were a joke. But the actual joke was how sad he sounded about the positive things, because he'd never actually be sad about it. How was I supposed to know that he felt happy about it though?

...Surely I'm not the only one feeling a bit confused? :lol:

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26 Mar 2019, 6:52 pm

The person wasn't using "sarcasm," it seems to me.

It's more like the person was using "irony."


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26 Mar 2019, 7:12 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
The person wasn't using "sarcasm," it seems to me.

It's more like the person was using "irony."

After looking into it, you seem to be correct. :)

I started a conversation with the person about this, but they got slightly annoyed at me for caring about such trivial things. Am I being overly pedantic? Oh well. At least I learnt something new. *Shrugs*

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26 Mar 2019, 7:16 pm

Lost_dragon wrote:
Am I being overly pedantic?

I'd say so. I even had the feeling your conversation partner was messing with you.

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26 Mar 2019, 7:20 pm

If you were amongst people who care about such things, then it's not overly pedantic.

But this is more like something to do with close friends, rather than acquaintances.

In an "acquaintance" sort of situation, it's probably best not to harp on semantics too much. People tend to get irritated when somebody harps too much on semantics.

I wouldn't mind it----but most people would probably mind it.

I had to learn this the hard way.


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26 Mar 2019, 7:38 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Lost_dragon wrote:
Am I being overly pedantic?

I'd say so. I even had the feeling your conversation partner was messing with you.

Admittedly, it is a habit of mine to get caught up on details. Perhaps this is why some people refer to me as being particular. It can be difficult not to give in to that urge though, that desire for clarification on things that most people probably don't care about. Even though you're aware that they probably don't care, you know that if you don't bring it up it'll stay on your mind for ages. :x

kraftiekortie wrote:
If you were amongst people who care about such things, then it's not overly pedantic.

But this is more like something to do with close friends, rather than acquaintances.

In an "acquaintance" sort of situation, it's probably best not to harp on semantics too much. People tend to get irritated when somebody harps too much on semantics.

I wouldn't mind it----but most people would probably mind it.

I had to learn this the hard way.

This conversation was with a close friend. However, he doesn't usually care about such things. But I thought that he might want to know, and that it'd bug me if I didn't mention it. I know it might come as pointless. There are certainly plenty of things that I care about that don't seem to phase others. For instance, I don't like it when there's food in my drink. I won't complain about it, but I'll take the food out of the drink and put it next to the glass. This bothers some people. Doesn't matter what the food is (fruit, mint etc), I just don't like it in there.

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26 Mar 2019, 7:47 pm

I feel that is your right. If you don't like "food in your drink," I wouldn't mind it if you did what you did. I don't find that to be impolite.

If it's a close friend, I would say you both should be helping each other "get things right." And not to scorn each other if either one of you "gets things wrong."

The problem is that people tend to think that people who call them out for "getting things wrong" tend to have a superiority complex, and to want you to feel inferior. This should not be the case with friends. If x is x....then it is x, and not y.

But I do believe in being diplomatic about it, and I seek not the make the other person feel inferior through "correcting" them. I would emphasize that you're wrong about some things, too....and that you are not "superior" to the other person for having a superior knowledge of one thing.

If something is irony, rather than sarcasm, I would want to know that, so that I learned something.

Just like you did with me. I mentioned something, you did some research, and you learned something. That's the way to go, in my opinion. There are things I don't know which you know. No doubt many things (because you seem to have lots of knowledge).

I might feel a little down on myself if I'm "corrected"----but, the reality is, it's better to take the correction and learn something----than it is to brood about it and refuse to acknowledge the correction.


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27 Mar 2019, 6:18 am

BeaArthur wrote:
I even had the feeling your conversation partner was messing with you.


If it was actually supposed to be funny then it's a highly unusual way of trying to be so.
Don't worry about getting confused by it, I think most people would be.

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27 Mar 2019, 7:33 am

saying the opposite as a joke goes both way. frinstance, a person happily gobble yummy food. "i;m sorry you hate it."

but that gym thing was confusing.

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06 Apr 2019, 7:54 am

that person could get confused in the first place. because they got labeled with "sarcasm" while it wasnt exactly their intention. and then they did sort of a hedgehog on that, because they felt awkward and didnt know how to react. im sorry to say it, but that is a bit impolite to inquire like that. unless a VERY close friend. would be easier to just congratulate them on that membership and leave it there. safer that way)

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