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Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 41
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Posts: 10,541

29 Jul 2024, 10:42 pm

December 2010 to July 2018, took lessons with Brandon. He was understanding, wise, and one of the morally best people that I have ever interacted with. A good role model and all that jazz. July 2018, Brandon moved to a different state. Brandon's lessons were "donation only" and nonprofit. The owner of the dojo that Brandon taught lessons in, was Kayla b***h. In 2014, at the end of Brandon's class, during the bow out, I left early. Kayla b***h had the nerve to bark @ me "Why are you leaving?" and I answered "bus". She didn't respond, but I strongly believe she should've apologized. In the lessons, the first thing they learn (after all the bowing) is "tenkan" (looking @ someone else's perspective. But, taking the bus is not such an extreme or unusual thing. Besides, first impressions. (primacy and recency effects.) Besides, Brandon didn't say anything about my leaving early. Kayla b***h had the nerve to micromanage me. (rolls eyes). Then July 2018, I continued taking lessons in the Kayla b***h's dojo, except that I did not take any of Kayla b***h's classes (due to her poor first impression). Instead, I took classes from Kayla b***h's "volunteers", Rolando Penis and Lisi. Jamal taught the Sunday lessons, until February 2019 or so. then Jamal moved to a different state. Rolando Penis took over Jamal's lessons.

Then in February 2020, Rolando Penis told every customer to come to the front and demonstrate a "breathing exercise" and the other customers were supposed to follow along. When it was my turn, I told Rolando Penis I didn't wanna do a "breathing exercise". He said, fine, do one next week. Then the next week, I did a "breathing exercise". My "breathing exercise" was the "litterbox". Then I mimed "wiping after going to the bathroom." that was it. Rolando Penis looked all grossed out but didn't say or do anything in response.

The next week, when I got to the dojo, and put $$$ in the payment box, Rolando Penis had the nerve to tell me "you might wanna take that out." Rolando Penis had the nerve to tell me to step outside and then the lil ass hole had the nerve to blow "what happened last week" completely out of proportion. He told me that he "talked to Kayla (b***h) and kayla (b***h) said that what I did was 'disrespectful' and that rolando penis had the authority to ban customers for 'disrespect' ". (rolls eyes) So I said "I would be happy to be respectful". Then he had the nerve to tell me that I had to wear a uniform, and I told him my uniform was in my cage and I could wear it the following week, and he said ok.

Alright. What the flying f**k kind of "communication" was that? Kayla b***h could've said anything (or nothing). That's the "grapevine". Kayla b***h should've written a note, given it to rolando penis to give to me. That way, rolando could not mince words. Besides, Kayla was (is) in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, in that she has a "for profit" business and takes "volunteer" work. "Volunteers" do work: teaching, cleaning, carpentry, WordPress, bookkeeping. The "volunteers" are functional, successful adults, many of which have master's degrees and phds. I do not understand and cannot believe how Kayla b***h got so many "volunteers". (Like a cult). It makes me wanna puke. At work, I have a doctor's note that I am not allowed to lift over fifty pounds. Every time a customer orders me to lift something over fifty pounds, I have to go around begging coworkers to please load merchandise for me.
"Excuse me", "please", "thank you" every time, and if they refuse, I beg someone else. I feel like a f*****g panhandler, s**t! But the training videos clearly state that all the associates are required to assist with loading. f**k those ass holes!

When I am @ work (Lot Attendant, Home Depot), "Customer always right." The training videos say that if the customer is disrespectful, tell the manager. (I do not have the authority to ban customers.) But sometimes there is only one manager in the entire building, and that one could be anywhere in the building. By the time the manager finishes being "busy", and comes to the scene, the customer might already be gone. Otherwise, the customer could be having sex with the manager. Besides, the manager could make my worthless corpse redundant. ("At will" employer.) The manager could believe whatever the customer says, regardless of factual accuracy. Home Depot does not owe me a "fair trial". The manager is not legally required to look @ the videotape. When two reptiles have sex, I do not have the moral right, legal right, or physical strength to stop them. Any two reptiles could have sex with eachother, and the only thing I might be able to do: spray them with a garden hose. The two reptiles do not need to tell me, much less ask my permission. My worthless corpse, constantly getting overpowered, outnumbered, outsmarted. s**t. (rolls eyes) When I am the customer, it is "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." s**t, my worthless corpse *constantly* in the inferior status/position. f**k kayla b***h and rolando penis! It appeared that Kayla b***h cared about a lot of people, but everyone she "cared" about "volunteered" for her a couple of hours a week, for a couple of years, doing high skilled work (teaching lessons). (I wish I had some "volunteers" to come to my crib: cooking, cleaning, driving, and et cetera. I do not even have anyone to drive me to the colonoscopy and I have been considering just getting an unsedated colonoscopy because I can't trust anyone to not flake on me, like amy lee b***h.)

Anyways, what the flying f**k ever s**t. So I thought, "pick your battles" is a good statement, but Kayla b***h and rolando penis have the nerve to pick "all" the battles. But, whatever, i just let it go. So I suppressed my emotions and just went along with Rolando penis' BS just so I could take lessons. But rolando penis was not particularly "respectful" to my standards. He had the nerve to laugh @ me multiple times. (And he's a special ed teacher too. I'm autistic.) He said "huh" instead of "excuse me". He asked "are you ok?" @ every slightest hiccup literally. s**t, maybe Rolando Penis and Kayla b***h needed some f*****g finishing school! Rolando penis stooped to my level when he interacted with me, but he is not tall and I am not short. Rolando penis was way too condescending but I just ignored it b/c I thought sometimes you just have to go along with it. But I was the only one ignoring my emotions.

Anyways I took Rolando Penis' lessons until July 2021 and then I stopped. Every sunday since then, and even every day, I have thought about Rolando Penis. And how I regret, not telling that lil dipshit, what he did that I found "disrespectful."

It disgusts me and I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore (or maybe I never could've trusted anyone in the first place). Rolando Penis (and numerous other Doctor Spock Psychobabble idiots) act all "buddy buddy" but then the second they think you did something they did not like or understand, they act like you invented the world's worst felony, and they act like they are morally perfect and s**t. How about, please put more emphasis on what you did wrong according to my standards, and put less emphasis on what I did wrong according to your standards!

Due to f**k faces like Rolando Penis and Mister R (civil engineer, 2006, san diego), I no longer feel comfortable in confiding in anyone about anything. s**t! Even talking, almost all the time, is not worth the energy it takes. Considering becoming a hermit b/c of idiots like them.