Hey all.. Im an ESE teacher....

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Joined: 5 Nov 2005
Gender: Female
Posts: 9
Location: Ft Lauderdale, FL

06 Nov 2005, 4:38 pm

Just wanted to say hi.. Im a support facilitator at an A+ high school.. a magnet school, here in South Florida.. for those who arent familiar with the term..a support facilitator is sort of like.. a guidance counselor specifically for the ESE - or exceptional student education - department.. I spend my time visiting all my kids in their classes, helping them with understanding assignments, staying organized, turning in homework.. I help them with their social skills, etc... I joined the site so that I could learn more (in a more informal way) about my kids' disabilities..

Most of them have AS, or some other mild form of Autism... others are EH, ADHD, or OHI...

Anyways, thought Id say hi...this is a neat place.. take care!

EDIT: Im sure that.. if I stick around long enough, I'll run into some of my kids' parents..! That would be cool.. :)

Alicia, (that's A lee see a)
Or just call me Ali :)