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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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09 Jan 2006, 3:23 am

God, Mr Obsessivelawnmower? Does he measure the height of the grass, too? Just what we need in the world--more anal-retentive control freaks.

On a serious note, I think a group hug is in order for Neuroman, aprillove and aylissa as they go to face their all-too-human-demons this week. And since it's my idea, I'll start:


Good luck, ladies and gentlemen. We're pulling for you. :heart:

"Perhaps I was on the wrong planet born?"--Albert Einstein (from Robert Anton Wilson's novel Masks of the Illuminati)
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09 Jan 2006, 4:04 am

wandrew: that is very touching. And you're so new to the board. Thank you.


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09 Jan 2006, 6:12 am

wandrew wrote:

but thanks for the kind thoughts.

Raised by Wolves

if you are going through hell, keep going.
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09 Jan 2006, 7:43 am

forgive me for asking, and please dont take it the wrong way, but how is the rasist attitide at work? Are they Hawaiian and you arent, or is it the other way around? Ot is it different entirely? Im just curious, because I had no idea that there was a race problem in Hawaii.
But that aside, it sounds like you have a case none the less. If there are more than 15 proplr employed there, then they HAVE to adhere to EEOC, ADA, and other federally mandated regulations, in addition to the state regs that may be even more strict.
They can not legally discriminate.
Is Hawaii a "right to work state"? South Carolina is, and that means that they can not hire or fire baised on union afiliations. but it also means that they can make up anything to fire a person for one day, and change the rules the next. for example, say they wanted to can me at Bubba's tire mart (not a real place). But I was a GOOD employee. So they make a rule, no yellow shoes. Well if I wore yellow shoes they could fire me, but they would have to can everyone else in yellow shoes that day too. Then the next day they could change the policy and allow yellow shoes again. Does tat make any sense? Be sure you document every thing in a bound note book. I use a marble compisition book, you know the kind with the pages sewn in. Note and date EVERY THING!! ! Those types of documentation ARE admissible in court. Write in ink, number the pages, and NEVER give up the original with out copies in hand and a court order. Make a notation EVERY day, even if its just "today went well, no issues". Never EVER let the book out of your posession! Take it home every day, or leave it at home to prevent tampering with it at work.
I keep a log book now, My last job I was, not as welcomed as others of other backgrounds, shall we say. I worked with a woman of different ethnic make-up than I and of less education than I and I was the one that was punished for HER not working!! !! I kept a log of EVERYTHING that happened, and I turned in copies to my off-site boss when I was told that I was "not allowing her to do anything. I proved that she wasnt doing what she was asked to do with that documentation. Day after day I had listed the things that went on, and my off-site boss agreed with me, and saw the documentation and wanted to write up the girl wi worked with. The on site people did not. The girl I worked with said I intimidated her with my education and I was the one that got talked to. It didnt matter that that other girl was literally DOING NOTHING and spreading nasty roumors about me, etc. I was the one blaimed for it. So I quit and changed jobs, and at great personal expense, moved back to my mom and dad's house. I was told the day I left by a manager that "diverse backgrounds" were more important than education in that setting. I was shocked! I have never judged a person on their race, and I never expected to be judged on mine! I totally feel for you, and wish you the best. Im telling you, KEEP A LOG BOOK!! ! DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!! ! AND KEEP MEMOS, LETTERS, etc at home. Keep copies of everything where no one can "dissapear" them.

let me know if I can be of any help.... I truly wish you the best.


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09 Jan 2006, 12:36 pm

Ladysmokeater wrote:
forgive me for asking, and please dont take it the wrong way, but how is the rasist attitide at work? Are they Hawaiian and you arent, or is it the other way around? Ot is it different entirely? Im just curious, because I had no idea that there was a race problem in Hawaii.

It's astonishing really, how rampant anti-Caucasian hostility is here. It's kind of weird, too, because the culture here really is that of aloha, and for the most part locals are totally polite and pleasant and much nicer to be around than mainlanders. But there's a subculture of horrible hostility that comes up, and one of the reasons I'm having a hard time is that it's almost accepted. You know, the white people are the ones who came and screwed up the islands so we can treat them like s**t. But, like you, "I have never judged a person on their race, and I never expected to be judged on mine!"

One of the reasons I'm pursuing this case is because I'm shocked at the extent of the hostility and am slightly hopeful that this will make just a small change in the culture. I'm being idealistic, I know, but still. It's just not right to discriminate against anybody because of their race, regardless of whether they're a minority or not.

By the way, on the subject of Hawaiian race relations, I have a friend who's African-American, and he LOVES it here. He says he gets treated better here than on the mainland. And my sister -in-law is of mixed ethnicity but has the look of a local, so she fits in and experiences no hostility. It's frustrating.
Thanks for your support, and sorry to hear about the crap you went through at your job. Sounds familiar.


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09 Jan 2006, 2:52 pm

I truly hope that things get better for ya. I visited Hawaii a couple years ago, and other than the occasional Hawaiian independance signs on the big island, I never knew there was ever any kind of hostilitiy at all. My sister's husband was stationed on Kanoe Bay, so many of my ramblings were with her and her family on and around the base. I truly hope that you are able to resolve the conflict. Being idealistic is alright, after all if someone doesnt take the first step then the journey can never begin.