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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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16 Jan 2006, 9:11 pm

if someone from the opposite sex told you they were deeply or madly in love with you? What would you then exspect from them?


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16 Jan 2006, 10:38 pm

It would depend on the person and how badly they had screwed me over in the past. If I lacked the history with them to form an opinion based on personal experience with the person, then I would look to their behavior in general- are they generally honest, sincere, forthright in their dealings with other people? Or do they screw people over and hurt them or rip them off and try to justify it, and are they full of stories about people who've done them wrong, which sound a little too bad to be true, and which aren't consistent (the same story is told differently, or changes, or when confronted with a fact, they start changing the story, ect) over time?

I have learned that you don't have to sleep with someone to tell what sort of a lover they'll be, and you don't have to get involved to find out if they're a lemon or not. Just sit back and watch them in action with other people, and confront or question them on occasion if there is something that doesn't add up or that you don't understand, and see how they ract. Unfortunately, it is easy to fall into the trap of wishful thinking and longing for acceptance, and overlook all this, but it's there to see in you look for it.


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16 Jan 2006, 10:43 pm

Sorry for double posting, I realized that I hadn't really answered your question. If the person isn't decent in general, it doesn't matter if they really mean it, it will wear off and they will screw you over. They need to be decent, honest, and all that even when they aren't madly, deeply in love, or it won't last. So it'd really depend on the person, but if it were someone worthwhile, I'd expect them to treat me with respect, as an equal, to listen to me (they wouldn't have to agree, just be open to hear my point of view) and to show some degree of willingness to compromise.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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17 Jan 2006, 1:01 am

That all depends on how long i've known the person and how close we have gotten.


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17 Jan 2006, 3:46 pm

The average truth

Jason Larsen
[email protected]


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18 Jan 2006, 8:43 pm

I'd get really suspicious. Falling "deeply or madly in love" takes a lot of time and a great deal of getting to know each other. If someone told me they were in love with me "out of the blue", I'd question the motive behind their words.