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06 Jan 2009, 2:02 pm

all wiccans believe in evolution-as its seen as the pinnacle of the world's doing-eg the God and Goddess-which I believe are the world-the sun-the moon-I don't really think they are this perfect being-but more of a thing that keeps me alive-and lets me live-and I thank it, ya know

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06 Jan 2009, 4:18 pm

Agnostic, how can you possibly know whats up there, or if its there at all?

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06 Jan 2009, 11:32 pm

Pre-Catholic Christianity.

The ket always seems to psi over its own indeterminacy.


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06 Jan 2009, 11:35 pm

Lutheran here. Became one in 2002.

I just drew out of the spiritual hat, and it was mainly the ambience at the church I was attending that prompted me to adopt the faith.


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07 Jan 2009, 2:32 am

QuantumCowboy wrote:
Pre-Catholic Christianity.

That's the first time I've heard that...

One question tho... how do you know?

I don't mean "how do you know god exists", but rather, "how do you know your beliefs conform to those held by pre-catholics?"

Are you a HooLiGaN?


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07 Jan 2009, 2:40 am

QuantumCowboy wrote:
Pre-Catholic Christianity.

Coptic Orthodox? Is about as close to the original religion as you can get.


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07 Jan 2009, 11:33 am

twoshots wrote:

:) That guy's stare creeps me out a little.

Anyhow, I am not a member of any Christian church, but believe some things involved in it, as well as a couple things not involved in it. I refuse to believe that the human body resembles God. 'sigh' A soul maybe, but not this. :? I also think the English version of the bible is not perfect and flawless like church preachers keep saying. Never read the original. I also refuse to believe that God's action is based on planet earth and only planet earth. (Boy does our species have ego.)

However, I do believe a Jesus existed. That there was water all over this planet, and that most of it's inhabitance back then are in our gas tanks today. I believe demons and haities exists to, of course.

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07 Jan 2009, 11:50 am

I've been of the Southern Baptist faith for years but I no longer agree with anything they say or do, it's way too forceful. I believe that God or some kind of higher power exists but I don't believe in Christianity's version of God so much anymore. I feel that the way I believe in God is more plausible than religion although I have a few theories that are a bit out there. But my "crackpot" theories make it easier for me to believe rather than something that humans wrote to their liking centuries ago and still is being changed today.

So I guess I'm unaffiliated now.

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07 Jan 2009, 1:28 pm

I am a Christian, and I've attended a Foursquare church ever since I was a little kid. I decided on my own to follow Christ (or "getting saved") when I was 12. Now that I'm in college, I've been attending Lutheran services, and I've liked them thus far. Many of my friends are Lutheran. Even if it's not what I'm used to, I like going to church there. I don't think it really matters what congregation people attend that makes them a Christian. I'm a Christian because I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and he died and rose again for the sins of Man, and that he wants to establish a relationship with us. I like being able to have hope and praying to God when I'm lonely, or anytime. I'm not perfect, and I'll never profess to be perfect. I try being respectful to non-Christians. I don't enjoy bashing people very much at all, but if it ever comes to standing up for myself I will.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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07 Jan 2009, 1:29 pm

People would probably call me Jewish but that only means 'one who is of the tribe of Judah' and I do not know if this is true so I cannot say that I am Jewish, but for the purposes of this I shall say I am.

I am not connected to any church or synagogue. I believe in the Bible although there is a lot I do not understand. My dad guides me with this. I was brought up Jewish, disbelieved a cuple of years ago and then started believing again. I believe God may have helped me partially overcome a big problem in my life. Praise the Lord.

I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept

Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)


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08 Jan 2009, 12:35 am

Christian, non-denominational.

To explain why is hard for me to put into words.


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08 Jan 2009, 2:55 pm

aspiegirl2 wrote:
I am a Christian, and I've attended a Foursquare church ever since I was a little kid. I decided on my own to follow Christ (or "getting saved") when I was 12. Now that I'm in college, I've been attending Lutheran services, and I've liked them thus far. Many of my friends are Lutheran. Even if it's not what I'm used to, I like going to church there. I don't think it really matters what congregation people attend that makes them a Christian. I'm a Christian because I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and he died and rose again for the sins of Man, and that he wants to establish a relationship with us. I like being able to have hope and praying to God when I'm lonely, or anytime. I'm not perfect, and I'll never profess to be perfect. I try being respectful to non-Christians. I don't enjoy bashing people very much at all, but if it ever comes to standing up for myself I will.

Great to see another Lutheran here!


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08 Jan 2009, 3:54 pm

I would have to say pagan, however I am also a skeptic. The main aspect of paganism I follow is respect for the earth and the enviroment.

Humans are intelligent, but that doesn't make them smart.


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08 Jan 2009, 4:38 pm

Pagan Satanist or Satanist Pagan - choose what you like more :wink:

in case i do not feel like showin' up...