So... is it right to feel real anger?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Apr 2009, 1:01 am

I am not on any medication. I am not violent.

So, I was talking with a mate and he asked me if i ever felt angry... And yeah i do. A lot. Most of the time, it is there bubbling away, but I rarely let it out.

Watching the evening news.. I see the Iraq/Afgahn war and i wanna smash the TV

I flick the channel and here is CSI of NCIS of WTF and i get really angry because the technology they use is BS

I have a smoke and get angry because there is a highly addictive substance being supplied to me yet all the good no addictive drugs are illegal

I log into this forum and I see a shedload of anxety teenagers whinging about there little teenger issues which are completely NT not AS, yet they are claiming AS.

It feels like i have an opinion on everything and its either I am strongly for or strongly against.


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20 Apr 2009, 6:58 am

Anger,like any emotion, isn't on the right/wrong scale. It's just there, and you deal with it. trying to say it's right or wrong just gives you more stress or shame for something largely out of your control. We can't help what we get mad at, or what we laugh at any more than we control our favorite food or song. It is what it is.

What concerns me more is what I see with your anger: contempt. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you seem like the type to not only passionately disagree with someone about universal health care or sanctions against China or what have you, but think seriously less of his intelligence and worth because he thinks differently than you. This will REALLY stress you out and quite possibly keep you from ever having meaningful relationships. If I limited myself to only associating with those who shared my political/religious views, I'd literally never speak to anyone. I talk to few enough people as is.

So, I guess I'm just saying a man is more than his job, or his opinion on George Bush, or whatever. He's just a man, and it's OK for you to like him.

Everything would be better if you were in charge.


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20 Apr 2009, 7:06 am

Jol wrote:
I am not on any medication. I am not violent.

It feels like i have an opinion on everything and its either I am strongly for or strongly against.

I'd say you are violent. You are a violent thinker, and I expect you may be emotionally violent too. Physical isn't all that matters in life. Good looks and breast size isn't the only reason to desire and love a woman.

Only feeding your mind extremes will do this. You need to learn that life isn't about the destination, but the journey.


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20 Apr 2009, 8:36 am

Sometimes it is necessary to be angry and it is right, but most of the time it's usually wrong because of selfish reasons.

"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2


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20 Apr 2009, 8:42 am

Everyone gets angry. No emotion is wrong or evil, only actions.

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Snowy Owl
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20 Apr 2009, 8:51 am

As what most people said here, everyone has emotions. We can't stop you from feeling them, and they are not right or wrong.

Androo is an NT, treat him as you would any other human. Kthx.

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20 Apr 2009, 9:02 am

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
Everyone gets angry. No emotion is wrong or evil, only actions.

Agree fully with this. As long as one is in control of oneself, there isnt much of a problem.

androo4salez wrote:
everyone has emotions.

Psychopats rarely feel anything and very few of them have even a slight bit of empaty. Only when their *self* is threatened they react with emotions.

Example: -"*boohoo* the police want to hurt me because i shot 38 people".

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20 Apr 2009, 10:42 am

^^ I believe I previously felt a large amount of anger and I still the little anger fairies there within me. Yet, I may now happily ignore those feelings and often give myself a reason why they are silly. So now, I believe I very rarely feel anger, as I have perhaps almost trained myself to not do so. ^^ I now feel there is no need for anger in any situation. Perhaps if you feel strongly on a situation, you may think calmly as to how you may follow through with your beliefs, and considering any harm you may cause. Rushing in with anger rarely is advantageous for any individual I believe. I believe that just because the emotion is there does not imply that you must follow it blindly. If that was the case then you would be little different to a blob of instinct with no consciousness. ^^ Sorry if this is silly of me however.


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20 Apr 2009, 11:03 am

oddly I've only been angry about twice in my life, my friends say they have never seen me angry. It's not really a good thing, a little anger can help solve a lot of problems. Sure as hell beats indifference :?

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Apr 2009, 6:21 pm

Thanks peoples,

Lots of good info there for me to absorb