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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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27 May 2009, 2:56 am


I am new here, but I have been on several other autism groups including ANI and the old usenet group back in the day. Anyway way way back in the day (before there were graphical internet connections!) I wrote a post to the usenet group about Options. If you don't know, Options is a kind of therapy for autism where they imitate teh kid. A lot like DIR Floor time (Greenspan, if anyone is familiar), but with the cult of personality. Anyway they said that they have cured their child, Raun. There was a book they wrote called "SonRise". So in the post, I said that I thought that he was probably just very high functioning. And Raun, if it was actually Raun, which I doubt. (I wasn't assuming he was reading, but maybe they have Option spies, so "he" could be here too.) Anyway Raun or whoever responded in a nasty way saying I was consigning all autistic kids to lives smearing feces. Yep, I do that myself! LOL!

So today I am reading off neurodiversity dot com and I come across a discussion of Option and there is a section of my ancient post in critiquing Options.

I'm sure if I searched, I might find the whole darn post somewhere. Deja vu, over and over. Hi Raun, if you are reading this! :D

BTW, I am not against everything in Options. Actually think there are good things there. But I don't think it cures autism, and anyway wouldn't want it to.

Anyone interested in this. It is a long post. But I could find it, if asked.



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27 May 2009, 3:28 am

to learn how to cope doesn't mean being cured.

Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.


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27 May 2009, 7:18 am

No. Coping just means being able to get by. Understanding that there may be a difference between "normal" experience and mine takes a lot more than that. Understanding what the difference might be, and mean, takes more again.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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27 May 2009, 5:22 pm

I think it is "coping" as well. But that's not what the Options people tell parents. They say "cure". Though Options has is not like Lovaas, and though they say that parents should accept their child unconditionally, they also don't accept autism unconditionally. I think that's an impossible combination.
