Groups Outraged Over Video Released By Autism Speaks

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30 Sep 2009, 1:08 am

Groups Outraged Over Video Released By Autism Speaks

A group of leading disability organizations is calling on Autism Speaks’ benefactors to end their support for the organization. The move comes in response to a video distributed by Autism Speaks which critics say depicts people with autism as less than human and burdens on society.

The video, which aired at Autism Speaks’ World Focus on Autism event earlier this week in New York, features two parts.

The first part shows young people with autism as a voice-over declares, “I am autism.” The man’s voice continues by describing autism as a disorder that works “faster than pediatric AIDS, cancer and diabetes combined,” will ensure that your marriage fails, will bankrupt you, cause you not to sleep and make it “virtually impossible” to go out in public without experiencing embarrassment or pain.

The second portion of the video features more hopeful images. The voice-overs declare that through love for their children, parents and others will work tirelessly to overcome the challenges autism presents.

In response, disability advocates are now coming together to condemn the video, which they say is part of a pattern of behavior by the nation’s largest autism advocacy organization.

In a letter being prepared for open circulation next week, the group of advocates say the video is a “fundraising tool” that relies on “fear, stigma, misinformation and prejudice against autistic people.” The letter will be sent to Autism Speaks donors, sponsors and supporters and it will be posted publicly, organizers say.

Already the American Association of People with Disabilities, ADAPT and TASH are among the organizations that have signed on to the letter organized by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. Other organizations are now reviewing the document.

The letter cites a public service announcement and another film from 2005 called “Autism Everyday” as other examples of fear-based tactics used by Autism Speaks.

The group of advocates go on to ask the public to no longer support Autism Speaks and instead find new ways to support people with autism and other disabilities.

“Autism Speaks believes that its bottom line will be helped by portraying autistic people as less than human,” says Ari Ne’eman, president of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network. “This is really damaging if you’re trying to get your child included in school or if you’re an autistic person trying to find a job or get included in society more broadly.”

When asked about the video, Autism Speaks representatives tried to distance the organization from the short film, which appears on the group’s Web site and includes home videos solicited through the organization.

Representatives said the film was created by Academy Award-nominated director Alfonso Cuarón and Grammy-nominated songwriter and producer Billy Mann, both of whom have children with autism. The film is set to a poem written by Mann.

“It is an intensely personal expression by these two fathers and their hope is that the piece inspires other voices and artists in the autism community,” according to a statement from Autism Speaks. “No one perspective can ever be the definitive voice of autism. We encourage everyone in the autism community to acknowledge the myriad voices and have tolerance for the spectrum of opinions.”


Dear Autism Speaks:

Autism is a part of me. By declaring Autism the enemy, you have declared a part of me to be your enemy, a part of me which is inseparable from the rest. I say to you, tread carefully here. You think Autism is a powerful ememy that is tough to defeat? How about Autism paired with an intelligent mind, inside a person with unstoppable determination and dedication to whatever cause I choose to persue? Do you think you have a snowball's chance in Barbados of defeating that kind of enemy?

I see the above video as a declaration of war, and unless some explanation is offerred soon, I will take it as such, and launch my own pre-emptive measures. I am an Autistic Person. Remember the "Person" part. You cannot destroy the "Autism" part without destroying the person. I will not allow that.

Expect Me,
An Autistic Person


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30 Sep 2009, 1:16 am

I couldn't finish watching that, it's truly horrendous.

Did you notice that this "poem" is all from the point of view of the NT victim of autism? Autism speaks is all about NT's, not autistics. The embarassment, pain, and suffering described were all those of the parents and family of the autistic, and the heroic "battlers" against autism were likewise all NTs. The autistic was simply a lump weighing NTs down.

Hateful, disgusting ad!

I hope the "parents" who put this together realise what this reveals about their attitude to their own children.

That is very upsetting.


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30 Sep 2009, 7:35 pm

first off, look at 2:05 in the video. does anyone else notice how much this kid doesn't want that guy in his face? i'm not the greatest at interpreting body language, but i'm pretty sure most of us understand what pushing someone away means.

"autism, if you are not scared, you should be. when you came for my child, you forgot. you came for me. autism, are you listening?"

there are a lot of autistic individuals who need help communicating. i fail to see how this helps them communicate at all.

in fact, as further research into autism continually advances the idea of autism as a neurological difference, not a disease, it becomes offensive to attack "autism" as your enemy without treading into the dangerous territory of bigotry.

you're not attacking an illness. you're attacking a neurological difference. you might as well start up a sister organization and call it "homosexuality speaks," staff it with exclusively with heterosexuals, and attack "gay" on behalf of homophobic family members that are afflicted by having a homosexual in the family.

you espouse and propagate disproved theories about the supposed causes and cures of and for autism. i am not questioning your emotional intentions. i am attacking your methods and goals.

i am not one of those who cannot speak. i agree that help is needed. i agree that something should be done. i do not, however, agree that autism is the enemy. autism is an integral part of an autistic individual. the autistic community has clearly articulated our position time and time again. success, when it comes to autism, lies in integration. not annihilation. stop trying to figure out a way to get rid of us. either help us communicate or stop calling yourselves Autism Speaks.

autism speaks, when you come for autism, you forget. you'll be coming for me. autism speaks, are you listening?


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06 Oct 2009, 1:32 pm

The whole world is against us, why do we conform to rules in a society that wants us all dead. Don't try to make friends with these people, no matter how nice they are to you (if that even happens) don't trust them; the things they think about you in their minds is completely different. The entire world declares war against us, let us fight this war and destroy these people.

Think about this example situation: suppose you and a NT are in a dangerous situation facing death, if a rescuer came but could only save one, who do you think they would save if they knew what you are?

Open war is upon us, who will fight?


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06 Oct 2009, 5:29 pm

Those "parents" and I shutter to call them that should be ashamed of what they put on that child. I love my kids nt and austic, gay or stright what ever they become who ever they are is fine with me. Yes day to day life can be hard at times with a very austic kid I know I live it daliy but it's by far not the worse thing that a kid can have. My son isn't lost ,he's not dead inside. This whole mess reminds me of how the deaf were treated for years it was assumed they were less then the hearing because they ethier didn't speak or worked harder then the hearing to speak. When someone I haven seen in years finds out Jake has autism and they tell me how sorry they are I can't help but tell them not to be and all the wonderful things he has done and how proud I'm of him. Be sorry for the mothers with dying babies not me Jake is happy, healthy and for the most part a joy.


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06 Oct 2009, 6:33 pm

When Autism Speaks you know what I smell? Brimstone


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08 Oct 2009, 12:16 pm

What's all that 'I am autism' S**t about anyway. I am me. I HAVE autism.. I OWN the autism it doesn't HAVE me. God autism Speaks speak out of their a***s... I want to help out with stopping these mean messages but I don't know how... :cry:

We're human beings not a disability.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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08 Oct 2009, 12:26 pm

Autism Speaks is a propaganda machine.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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08 Oct 2009, 1:00 pm


Ah, the inevitable Video responses.