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02 Oct 2009, 8:21 am

I am one, almost done my bachelors in computer enginerring

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Oct 2009, 8:48 am

Sort of. I have a degree in chemical engineering and worked for two years...then it looked like the path for me was sales/management so i went to law school instead. if only i had known about AS...


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02 Oct 2009, 9:08 am

Yeah, mechanical enginnering degree. Been working in design for the past 3 years.


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02 Oct 2009, 9:18 am

More than competent with electronic and electro mechanical engineering failed to get a degree in Artificial Intelligence (Knowledge Engineering) mostly due to dyslexia (I just cannot read and write fast enough).

Wisdom must be gathered, it cannot be given.


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02 Oct 2009, 2:16 pm

I have a degree in Computer Engineering. :lol:

I am currently employed as an Embedded System Developer. However, it is a tough market out there, at least here in Canada. I can only assume that things are not much better (if not worse) Stateside.

The ket always seems to psi over its own indeterminacy.


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09 Oct 2009, 11:12 pm

cyberfox007 wrote:
I am one, almost done my bachelors in computer enginerring

Drop by to any university :)

I know where I'm from they have acknowledged that many of the lecturers have this wonderful label
-its interesting, although they are looking at it from a outsiders point of view..

architect here.. 8)


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10 Oct 2009, 6:28 pm

I have my Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering, currently working on my Master's of Chemical Engineering, with a specialty in polymers.


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10 Oct 2009, 9:05 pm



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18 Oct 2009, 4:39 pm

Studying first year on a Master of Science in Biotechnology Engineering.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Oct 2009, 4:10 pm

Chemical engineer reporting in.

Still an undergrad and for now I'm planning on going to graduate school in math instead of engineering.

My engineering classes are drudgery. My math classes are my favorite part of college.

In my darkest moment fetal and weeping,
the moon tells me your secret; my confidant:
"As full and bright as I am,this light is not my own.
The source is bright and endless.
She resuscitates the hopeless.
Without her we are lifeless satellites.&a


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28 Oct 2009, 12:44 pm

I'm a structural engineer with my own solo practice

"Yeah, I've always been myself, even when I was ill.
Only now I seem myself. And that's the important thing.
I have remembered how to seem."
-The Madness of King George


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28 Oct 2009, 2:28 pm

gnosislogicemotion wrote:
Chemical engineer reporting in.

Still an undergrad and for now I'm planning on going to graduate school in math instead of engineering.

My engineering classes are drudgery. My math classes are my favorite part of college.

Given your age, I'm assuming you're a Sophomore right now. The ChE classes don't get really interesting until your Junior year (though some of the core classes can be incredibly difficult conceptually) when all of your engineering classes become applied math, and I found the senior level classes fun, since I like logic puzzles and computer programming. I'm currently in a graduate program for ChE, and it's just more advanced applied math (one class I'm taking is solely about solving applied differential equations).

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Oct 2009, 5:49 pm

I am not an engineer, yet. If everything goes as planned, I should be at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor fall of 2010. I am stuck between Electrical Engineering and Physics. Currently, though, I am learning more towards Electrical Engineering. :) I can always go to graduate school for physics with an engineering degree. :)

Sea Gull
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28 Oct 2009, 5:51 pm

Engineering and Applied Physics '74, but I've spent most of my time doing computer stuff.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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28 Oct 2009, 8:01 pm

Given your age, I'm assuming you're a Sophomore right now. The ChE classes don't get really interesting until your Junior year (though some of the core classes can be incredibly difficult conceptually) when all of your engineering classes become applied math, and I found the senior level classes fun, since I like logic puzzles and computer programming. I'm currently in a graduate program for ChE, and it's just more advanced applied math (one class I'm taking is solely about solving applied differential equations).

I'm actually a junior and I can see the appeal to the higher level chem engineering classes but when I'm under stress I inevitably retreat to my math, my piano, and my weights. And ofc college is just the pure physical manifestation of stress for me. I don't have the luxury of branching out into new interests when my brain consantly feels like oatmeal; cooked and blended.

I still have time to decide though and all my friends are in chem engineering (even though the math majors are definitely more my type of people).

In my darkest moment fetal and weeping,
the moon tells me your secret; my confidant:
"As full and bright as I am,this light is not my own.
The source is bright and endless.
She resuscitates the hopeless.
Without her we are lifeless satellites.&a


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19 Dec 2016, 3:40 pm

Civil Engineer, Transportation.
Since 2003 Roadway Engineering Construction.
Office Engineering, and Field Engineering
Recent diagnosis March 2016.
I'd like to go for license again.

I've always been better at operating computers, but work in Civil Engineering.