autism propaganda ,anti-NT propaganda ?

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23 Jul 2006, 5:35 am

Do you feel sometimes that there s some of anti-NT propaganda here in WP and other autistic communities , like for example "all NTs are cruel" ..?

or even autistic propaganda for example assuring that Einstein and Newton were autistic for sure even if this was not proved?(in fact many evidences show that Alber Einstein was not aspie , but none mentioned them here)

Don't understand me wrong , i am autistic ....but i hate propagandas and i want this community to be free from any kind of propagandas


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23 Jul 2006, 6:34 am

Yeah, I tend to agree. I've been considering adopting the signature, "Don't let your contempt for NTs show."

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23 Jul 2006, 7:30 am

Yes, I would say that is fair comment.

Many a case has been spoiled by over-statement, or the enthusiastic spouting of exaggerations, distortions, simplificatons...

Something we share with NT's then. (DUCKS)


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23 Jul 2006, 12:09 pm

I think a lot of us are still bothered by how we have been treated by people who didn't understand us and were sometimes cruel. I think most of us probably assume there are some good NTs out there as well.


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23 Jul 2006, 12:30 pm

In my earlier days I was more 'AS-Elitist' than I am now. A LOT more.

Though, I still silently hold to some of my old ideals.


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23 Jul 2006, 1:24 pm

There is some anti-NT feeling in this forums, I think that was what led me to write in my signature "NTs aren't evil". I have found lately that I have more things in common with NTs than with aspies, and all aspies are so different to each other, that I'm beggining to relate more to NTs than to aspies (not that I doubt of my condition, mind you).

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23 Jul 2006, 1:41 pm

i think Autistic people see all NT's as bad because they are basing their opinion of NT's on what a few have done...
One might hate all NT's because they were bullied or teased by a few of them.


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23 Jul 2006, 1:56 pm

Raph522 wrote:
One might hate all NT's because they were bullied or teased by a few of them.

Humans are prone to generalizing. (See, I just did). History tells us that painting the many based on acts of a few doesn't solve the original problem - it usually just creates another, bigger one.

Taking each person at their individual face value is the only way to know someone for sure, but it can be difficult, time-consuming, and at times, painful, so it's easier to generalize.

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23 Jul 2006, 1:59 pm

I agree ,to a point, that there can be a tendency to generilize about NT's and NT "as the enemy"...and however "illogical" or "reactionary" this seems...I believe there is a logical reason for it, for me....and for some others?

I believe my illogical disdain is an over reaction to protect my sense of self...It is a psychological method to sustain my sense of self in a NT dominate society that I feel wants to put all round pegs in square holes...I do not fit,I do not want to fit and it takes alot of energy and some "reactionary methods" to protect against such constant bombardment by the dominate society for all individuals to conform to very limited ideals of "normal"...

I do not believe I am deffective but perceptually different from the "majority"...I do not like my perceptions to be ignored ,denied,disdained,or tried to be changed just because they do not fit neatly into a majority mind set.I realize that there is alot of diversity even in NT perceptions but even those are often to restictive to include me....I feel I must fight to retain my sense of self or start seeing myself as a "defective NT" because there are to many things I cant change ,even with much I fight against being changed into NT borders of normal...and sometimes this is done in an illogical and "reactionary" seeing most NT as a "threat" to my individuality....I am always on guard....So is it any wonder, that sometimes, I resent NT's perceptions of "normal" being used against me?To try and change me?To try and conveince me that I am less then them?To be used aas an excuse to mock my "reality",refuse me employment,drug me,counsil me to be...more like them?

All NT's are not evil....there is a "spectrum" for NT and some are more tolerent and even incouraging of individuality...I do not agree or like all AS,also a spectrum..but at least I feel many have perspectives I share and I can relax my defensiveness and be excepted more easily...

My bias may not be fair or is simple the best I can do to retain my sense of self... :oops:

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23 Jul 2006, 2:04 pm

I've noticed strangely that it's 50/50 - a lot of people, as I'd figure, just mad talk at the moment but they understand that they're just mad at the people who were involved and know everyone's not like that. However I have noticed that there's a lot more people than I thought there would be who really have spread it out to all corners and feel NT's in general are this way or that way. IMO I don't really see how we're that different - a lot of people here do a lot of the same things they try to put off on NT's and I think they just have to admit that human nature's inherently jacked and that everyone's in that together in a sense.


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23 Jul 2006, 3:21 pm

I've seen that particular attitude before around here and in other fora, and honestly it baffles me. I've met a few spectacular jackasses that had AS, and I know quite a lot of great people who are NT. (And yes, it works the other way too.) While my AS is a big part of my personality and, I suspect, the personalities of others with AS or autism, it's not the whole of it, and there's nothing in it that makes me better than any NT--or worse.

I think the attitude's a combination of lingering bitterness--not all of us have been treated well by NTs, especially during the school years (hell, I'm usually not accepted by my peers!)--and that annoying human tendancy to generalize that others have brought up.

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23 Jul 2006, 5:36 pm

I used to see NTs as the Enemy. I was treated poorly by NTs when I was growing up. I still am today, on occasion the odd time. I keep my Attitude in check and I remind myself that people are people and that there's good and bad, in everyone. Now I see both NTs and us people as ordinary people who deal with daily stresses.


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23 Jul 2006, 9:18 pm

Eh...aspie, NT, whatever. People are people, and you get as*holes in every sort.


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23 Jul 2006, 9:19 pm

I think that a lot of AS types tend to think rigid and with a black-and-white thought process. Therefore, there may be a tendency to place people into good and bad categories. I think that most of us in some way or another do it to some degree, but are more or less not entirely open about it. I imagine it sort of makes a chaotic world much less chaotic, as if specific qualities can be attributed to a group of people. We're always looking to find structure in areas where it doesn't seem to exist. What better way than to attribute people as all good or all bad?

If most of us are trusting people and are said to trust anyone we come into contact with, although I really think it is an overstatement ... then, how come we don't seem to trust NTs? If we are as trusting as that, there would be no anti-NT sentiment.

I think some aspies tend to exaggerate their own abilities and their own beliefs in a way to make some sense of themselves in the larger scheme of things. Let's face it ... Most of what we generalize about ourselves and about the world just isn't entirely true. We only think it is, because that provides us with some sort of structure. As long as we can find structure, then we can find peace.

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23 Jul 2006, 11:06 pm

I have not been here long only a month and I have seen several post bashing NTs and I am probably guilty as well.Two points :
1. This forum is a safe place to blow off frustration that we face every day
2. Due to the number of NTs vs Aspies chances are that that person that you are having difficulty with is an NT.

So a littlle bashing is ok in my book but I hope that someone will call me on it if I ever become universaly down on all NTs on general principle.

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24 Jul 2006, 12:25 pm
