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14 Sep 2006, 4:36 am

ok, it wasn't a snow shovel, it was a speculum, i'll have to take Doc's word for it.

thing is, i've an "irritation" (as they so blandly put it) and i felt like she was sawing me in two. this was yesterday 1pm my time.. and now it's 5am my time. and i'm not getting over it, and i'm gonna need EMDR (costs a fortune!).

doc gave me a sterilized pad because she "may have cut" me. that of course is my fault, since I "was so eager to get rid of" her.

now, for that kind of exam, shouldn't doc know how to work the stirrups? she culdn't get them up so she left them level with the table and my legs were straight out instead of up. and i asked her, and she said, yes the stirrups should go up but she doesn't know how.

well i she noticed that before i got undressed, why did she ask somebody? this is a clinic.

this doc is stuck with me, doesn't want 'psychiatric' patients.

i don't know why i'm writing this, or what i want you to say to me. i just can't stay alone with it any more.

oh yeah, guess what else - when she strapped the blood pressure cuff on me, the fire alarm went off. was that a fair reading of my bp?

anyway, i'm distraught and i could stand to hear from a friendly face, if there's anybody out ther.

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14 Sep 2006, 4:44 am

VEDDDDY INTERESTING ---- I posted this in Women Only and it turns up on the Home Page!


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14 Sep 2006, 8:01 am


I thought stirrups were for the movies - my docs never use them for doing their inspections.

If the irritation was after the speculum (why didn't she warm it up and use lube????), it might take a few days to go away.

If it is really really itchy - you might try something like yoghurt or a thrush treatment.

I don't know what an EMDR is. :oops:

Ok looked it up but have no idea how

eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

helps relieve pelvic irritation.

If you've got that much pain, have you been checked for endometriosis? Because the pain from that won't go away with relaxation therapy.

And I don't think I'd let that doc like that near me a second time with a speculum.


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14 Sep 2006, 8:47 am

Was she actually a Dr. or a nurse practioner....? Dealt with that a couple of times...had one that actually knew what she was doing... but had a couple that were so clueless I wondered if they needed a roadmap.

I probably wouldn't go back to her...if I had to I would ask if someone else was available.

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14 Sep 2006, 10:36 am

I would switch DR if you can...she doesnt sound competent....I also have problems with the speculum
the DR uses one made for "children?"...its not so long.(I have the same problem with some tampons being to long,not real comfortable to have them hanging is short but messy but Tampax are might for Nordic Giants,not little french women.....if she was doing a pap smear its not unusual to have some pain and bleeding because they are scrapping off cells.I have never used a douche but maybe someone else knows a homemade one that would help sterilize any "cuts"?(maybe viniger and a drop of teetree oil?)If it keeps hurting I would go back in and make sure it isnt infected,may need antibiotics...we have created some pretty nasty staph's lately that only clear up with meds.Sorry to hear this might have been better off with a car mechanic

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14 Sep 2006, 6:12 pm

That doesn't sound right about the stirrups, if a she didn't know how to use them, she should have gotten a nurse or someone to help. I hate those speculums, too. I always complain that they use elephant speculums :lol: . Can you ask to see someone else?


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14 Sep 2006, 7:14 pm

i would have left right when i relized she had no idea how to use the stirrups.... Was this woman a profesional?? It seems odd that someone trained to do this(and who has done it many times before) would not understand how the stirrups work.


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14 Sep 2006, 11:19 pm

She might have CUT you???! !! !

I would complain loudly to her supervisor or whoever else at that place will hear you. If they don't take you seriously, do it in front of the other clientele. Unless you were physcially struggling on the (platform or whatever the hell that torture bed is called), I don't see how she could have cut you if she knew how to do her job. Thsi woman shodl NOT be giving ANYONE a pelvic exam! :evil: COMPLAIN.


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23 Sep 2006, 6:11 pm

Yeah she's right!! :|

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